People who think javascript, python, or lua are programming languages instead of just scripting languages

>people who think javascript, python, or lua are programming languages instead of just scripting languages

When did this happen? I remember ten years ago, you would've been laugh out of the building for conflating programming and scripting languages together. But now, I swear, it's common usage. Especially with millennials.

lol Python is more robust than LISP, Go, Rust, and D combined

It's marketing. If you call it programming, you can charge people to "teach them how to program."

Scripting languages are a subset of programming languages you retard

You are like a little baby, watch this.
>i program in HTML and CSS

You can argue the same about HTML and CSS. You're still not actually programming anything.

A scripting language is a programming language that happens to be good for scripting, you fucking retard.

Python is a fractal of bad design almost at the level of PHP.

>being this pedantic



>births spanning from 1980 - mid 90's

everybody here is a millennial, idiot. If you're not you should probably leave.

>You can argue the same about HTML and CSS
No, you can't. A markup language is not a scripting language or a programming language.
>but HTML and CSS together are turing complete
Yeah but neither of them are alone, meaning neither of them is a programming language.

HTML is Turing complete? Really? Source?

Learn to read

Most people mean "young millennials" when they say millennials.

>A mark-up language is not a programming language
>A scripting is not a programming language

If CSS+HTML is Turign complete, the union is a programming language. Si STFU. Facts are facts.

>Especially with millennials
Why make a question if you know the answer

just quit using the term. it's played out as fuck.

I bet nobody likes you

No True Scotsman: The Thread

>No, you can't. A markup language is not a scripting language or a programming language.
A HTML page is still instructions that are interpreted by a computer, so in a sense a HTML page is a program, which makes HTML a programming language.

People talked about washing machine programs back when they were still entirely cam-driven with just a timed sequence of valve actuations and closing and opening of switches, with no branching logic. Of course the prevailing usage is for languages that are Turing complete, but let's face it, it's a completely arbitrary distinction.

I use Javascript, of course I'm an unlikeable git.

>>A scripting is not a programming language
I never said that you dumbass

>A HTML page is still instructions
No, it isn't. It's a way of denoting structure, but does not instruct. HTML is not interpreted or executed. None of its tokens correspond to actions, only structures.
The fact that your web browser does things when fed an HTML file does not make it a programming language in any more sense than making numbers appear in cells when loaded into Excel make CSV a programming language.

If it really buttflusters this much, then yes, for your sake, scripting and programming are not the same.

But you still implied it.

No, you can't. A language has to be Turing complete.

>But you still implied it.
No I didn't. Learn how to read

HTML and CSS together are Turing complete.

Proof of this?

Scripting languages are processing languages by definition, dumbass.

You were replying to a post claiming that scripting languages were not programming languages, and your rebuttal was that it was the opposite. That's implication. Learn how to write.

If compilation is your definition of programming, I guess scripting != programming. But even languages like JavaScript compile to byte code.

Some scripting languages can do programming (ex.: Python). Others cannot.

>op's face when i'm pulling down 90k a year in the midwest slinging python shit

Good for you (in all seriousness). Just curious, what industry?

Teach us your ways, master.

>as in what exactly you do with python, and how to get jobs doing it

i'm doing some hybrid "meme learning" and webdev

learn how to glue the sklearn library onto django

In that case ASM and direct x86 aren't programming languages. That would be a very very weak case to defend.

If that indeed is OP's definition, then yes he has a weak case.

That's probably that granddaddy of all modern programming language. So to claim it as anything but is a huge stretch, even if you're trying to make a straw man otherwise.

Can't give any further input on direct x86, however.

>ASM isn't a programming language.
Lol, no. Maybe by today's standards. But there's nothing about assembly that isn't direct programming.

>ASM = mnemonics that represent instructions for the CPU
>program = the combined instructions
>ASM is not a programming language
k, whatever