Mfw an american thanks an american soldier for his """service"""

>mfw an american thanks an american soldier for his """service"""

Why is american culture so cucked towards soldiers?
They literally kneel and kiss the feet of people who have """served""" in the military, and it's so fucking funny that those people walk around in their army outfits even when off duty just for free respect.

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well their military actually held off the british

Propaganda. There was a spotify ad the other day "the music you love brought to you by those who fought for your freedom"
It's literally everywhere you can't escape it.

What an unexpected ally!


So what's the social punishment for saying that soldiers are welfare queens? What wouldvthe average american say to that?

>why don't you go to argentina and see how well THEIR military defends you, aye?

But we don't need defence since we don't have any enemies

>we're here to honor those who served to protect us
>in Afghanistan
I don't understand it either. So fucking what you took a bullet from hafez ali the goat farmer turned mercenary spamming a 30 year old rpk at your position, the large majority of "insurgents" or "terrorists" are more interested in local conquest than flying halfway across the planet to bomb us.

Most people will just get upset and shun you for a while. Mostly you'll just get the "they fought so you could say that" speech.
I mean nobody gets lynched or anything if that's what you mean. Just a lot of butthurt and defensiveness.

That's true, it went down with the pride of your navy.


All of my friends in the military would laugh and agree, they hate dumbshit soldier worshipping civvies

You can't trust chileans though, they are like the jews of South America.

What went down?

Isn't Singapore a british colony?

They'd never start a war against us

Their self-steem is too inferior compared to Argentina. We could laugh at them into submission. They exist because we recognize them.

Yeah, just like the Falkland Islands.

>tfw Singapore is one city with 1/8th of Argentinas population but has half of their GDP

Indeed, but I am not the one arguing about the lack of appreciation for a country's military here.

>What went down?
previously your military, now your economy

lets not be too harsh here, maybe if argentina was just buenos aires they'd have 1/3rd of detriots gdp

Sounds like a little question got a lot of folks riled up

too bad your democracys arnt

but they lost against canada

It's extremely shameful criticizing people that serve in the military here. You'll be seen as an anti american commie

Canada was founded 50 years after that war

We held off the British empire

Because the military consists primarily of Southerners who hate lefty politicians and love freedom. You'll notice democrats and the lib media shit on the military regularly.

It consists primarily of absolute fucking idiots who were too stupid for college or even a skilled trade and signing their life away to the government was literally the best option in their life

So yeah, in other words, southerners and people who hate leftists

As usual what they lack in brains they make up with brute force. Because we have a shitton of those we were a military superpower.