Why can't two computers with the same specs and hardware play certain games because of the OS?

Why can't two computers with the same specs and hardware play certain games because of the OS?

Whats the real difference?


How the game is compiled, what OS function hooks it uses.

>Whats the real difference?
the OS

>mountain dew
>HP all in one and prebuilt mini tower
>virgin masters
jesus christ these people actually exist what the fuck

Fuck you really don't belong on this board you are too fucking stupid

>a kid
wow ikr such a loser lol!!

well I know you're being "ironic" but the reality is those kids are gonna have a tough time growing up.


>maing fun of kids who are at least socializing in person unlike you who hasn't left the basement in two weeks

Why? The whole society is like that, they will be just fine.

what the fuck does that have to do with making fun of one of them in particular because they're fat and have a certain type of pc

heh try two years

OH the poor schmuck with the HP all-in-one. God bless his soul.
> Why can't two computers with the same specs and hardware play certain games because of the OS?
With the exact same specs?
with the same OS? Drivers or certain .net frameworks missing
with diffetent OS? Both windows? probably different versions of DirectX supported.

Software does not talk directly to system hardware. The purpose of an OS is to operate the system hardware. Software asks the OS to write to the harddrive, send a TCP packet, etc and needs to do it in the way the OS programmer set up.

Yes, I'm sure when you were 13-17 you were the most alpha chad in town.

Why cant two twins with diffirent instructions complete the same task the same way

>that autism spinner on the desk


Game uses directx apis for gamepad input. Directx is windows only. There's just one example, although not a good one since most games these days are being built on cross platform engines like unity.

You got that form the csgo reddit? That game got shitty faster than I thought since skins were introduced.

>mountain dew
>literally crackers


Primarily different executable formats. Also yeah, Sup Forums is that way.