Why do Romance-speaking countries inject location names with cults of personality...

Why do Romance-speaking countries inject location names with cults of personality? Every state of Mexico probably has at least one town named Miguel Hidalgo and Emiliano Zapata etc. Who the fuck came up with this?

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You mean like how probably every state in the US has a town name Columbus or Washington?

lol //thread

Yeah but holy shit, look at Latin America.


We don't go that far



>Alaska doesn't have one
>Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr doesn't exist

Your entire set of founding fathers is made of anarchist rebels


I don't know, French is a Germanic language.

Fells good being Germanic.

Hell, Clovis would be proud.

Your language is technically classed as Romance, actually. And oh look:

>Rue de President Wilson
>Rue Jean Moulin
>Avenue Aristide Briand

that was the joke, americanon

>George Washington
>not insurgent
>not revolutionary

Do we name every other street Insurgent Ave and Revolution Blvd? No.

we have a `president kennedy street` here, not even joking

Look for a town named Cuautla in the state of Morelos
>Calle Revolución
>Calle Revolución
>Calle Revolución
>Calle Revolución
>Calle Reforma
>Calle Reforma
>Calle Reforma
>Calle Reforma
>Calle Morelos
>Calle Morelos
>Calle Morelos
>Calle Morelos
Seriusly wtf

What is wrong with using our historical figures to name our towns/streets/etc.
Do you want to usenumbers or what?

Maybe you just don´t emphasize the revolutionary sentiments as much, in Mexico we've had like 3 or 4 revolutions.

>The independece war
>When we overthrew the habsburg emperor.
>1920 revolution

Maybe 4 if you consider the fact that habsburgs came to power because France overthrew the republic

Calle reforma is the cringiest street name out there.


Because you have the same exact street names in every single town and name all of your towns after them.

It sure is

I can relate to that; here, almost every fucking park, hospital, school, street and shop is called Nestor Kirchner, I think it's in order to commemorate the person in question, although there is nothing wrong with this, people often complain about this because they don't feel represented by that person.

Kind of like all the shit here called John F Kennedy
