So i'm a computer science student and i want a cool distro to use that isn't a lot of hassle to use and looks good...

So i'm a computer science student and i want a cool distro to use that isn't a lot of hassle to use and looks good. Any recommendation? Love you all.

Install Gentoo.


Well Meme'd

Peppermint OS 7


You'll look very good.

Nah thanks

Mint cinnamon or some *buntu


ElementaryOS is a good babby's first Linux

correct answer - mint cinnamon is the top of distrowatch for a reason

thank you

what the fuck is aptricity meme - never heard of it

It doesn't matter. I'll still have no sound after installation.

>what the fuck is aptricity meme - never heard of it
It’s a user-friendly Arch with graphical installer and package manager. Also looks great right from the start.
I’ve been using it for over a year now and absolutely love it.

pic-related is how it currently looks on my computer with some customization.

Mint Cinnamon

use whatever distro your uni use.

Debian or Ubuntu LTS

>user friendly
>GUI installer/package manager
>actually enjoying using arch

fucking neo Sup Forums, go back to plebbit

OP, get solus, its the hottest meme these days ever since manjaro kept fucking up for all the other freetards on the board

Try out Qubes. You can run Windows (and potentially osx) software and it uses yum as a package manager

Any of the main ones. Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, or Arch/Gentoo if you're capable. Everything else is just based off of these and much buggier.

The GNOME 3 desktop is stable as hell and just werks

>community not ran by SJWs an old fucking packages

pick one

Fedora is pretty good then

Arch too, if you're capable of following instructions so you don't end up with a broken install, and checking daily before upgrading to make sure there's no update that requires direct intervention to avoid system breakage

My personal recommendation would be KDE neon user edition, use the LTS version that only uses LTS versions of plasma (5.8 right now) if you need as much stability as possible. It's basically a tweaked version of kubuntu with added repositories to keep the kde components updated, the rest is just ubuntu LTS (16.04 right now).

If you are new to GNU/Linux: Fedora or Ubuntu.
If you already have some experience: Debian.
If you feel like a hacker: Arch.
If you a lot of free time: Gentoo.