How can a desktop be so fucking slow and bugged? So many performance issues

How can a desktop be so fucking slow and bugged? So many performance issues.

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GNOME is so disgusting

B-but is modern and minimalist, not like KDE

I know gnome has it's problems, mostly vanilla gnome has absolutely atrocious defaults with a few things missing, but GNOME in my experience, after a bit of setup/customization, has been one of the smoothest and best linux desktop experiences

It's a desktop made by retards for retards.

You're a retard made for retards by retards.

>red hat
guess why...
look at the default configuration and theming of gnome on the latest fedora version. are they seriously mentally disabled?

looks fast a fluid to me

>cinnamon for fast ez de
>openbox for rice de
anything else is a shit meme

Holy shit that's fucking beautiful

When you lose half the frame rate of a game but it's ok because it is minimalistic.

Kill yourself.

Looks sluggish

>using a shitty desktop
>having a shitty wallpaper
>using shitty fonts
>using shitty icons
>16 colors
>faking a GUI with text elements and ANSI escape codes
>recording the desktop with shitty software
>recording the desktop in low fps

Much faster than anything anyone else has posted.

Looks amazing too.

Thanks, I'm installing GNOME now.


okay, this has convinced me. What distro has the best GNOME experience?

Arch (or Antergos if you want preconfigured stuff)

PLEASE tell me how to make my desktop look like this

Canonical has 1 year to make this steaming pile of shit work


I've come across more than a few bugs in Plasma. 4 days ago was my 7th or 8 attempt to switch from Gnome to KDE. Gnome isn't perfect but imo it's(or one of its GTK based cousins like Budgie or Pantheon) the best Linux has to offer especially for people who are new to Linux. From what I can tell even the experienced users prefer Gnome over MADE if they decide they want a fully functioning GUI.

>encountered bugs in plasma

Same here. I've been on Unity now since Ubuntu 14.04 and I love it. What's your take on the Unity vs Gnome debate? I've had a few friends running modern Gnome and I've seen a lot of stuff looks similar to Unity... Is Gnome as good as Unity?

That's because it is fast and fluid. OP just wants to start a DE FW

ubuntu gnome is pretty nice, just make sure to install tweak tool first, it's kind of essential for gnome

>in order to make GNOME usable, you have to install a third-party tweak tool
>then you have to use that tweak tool to install extensions from even more third parties

Why can't it just be usable out of the box, like KDE?

Gnome is literally shit

hmmm this is actually a lot sleeker than my windows 10 set up.

What distro?

no him but it's pixel saver and tilix

Holy shit gnome 3 is disgusting

KDE Plasma is pretty A E S T H E T I C but kinda slow as well, then again I'm running it on a Celeron shitbox.

Not sure if it's just heavy and not meant for crappy hardware or if it's badly optimized.

Gnome is fast and beautiful

nobody cares what you think about it KDE shills

I use GNOME and never have any issues with it.

It's not as cluttered as most other DEs.

If you spend a lot of time in a terminal GNOME is great because of how much it stays out of your way.

I tried gnome once - never again. It's unwieldy and slow and just insulting. You want your desktop to look like a tablet, be my guest. But the grownups want a better desktop than this pile of pants.

>What is the most Windows like DE?
>What is the most Mac OS like DE?

asking for a friend

Holy shit gnome shell is retarded.

KDE and Pantheon.


wow that's really fast a fluid.

It's gnome!

What are you doing in Kathmandu?

>tfw one chance in life
>born in Kathmandu

KDE or Cinnamon


Nooo Ubuntu is worst, install Fedora

they're hipsters, they're interested mainly in """UX""" and redesigning shit to be unusable, they don't have time to actually fix bugs and improve performance

Are we twelve years old?

Just use i3 and fuck off. If you're going to use a DE and not a WM then you deserve to be at the mercy of some UI team. Read a few minutes about the WM instead of expressing all your time-wasting complaints. You could've already learned how to use i3 in the amount of time it took you to express yourself.

P.S. Reminder that gamers are losers who care a lot about their hardware. Get off the fucking board.

Ah yes.

Inconvenience: The DE

not him but I like unity a lot. used it for a bit, then gnome for a bit, then a lot of xfce. now using gnome again, but if I were to choose 1 DE to install and use out of the box with minimal tweaking it would definitely be unity, much more fluid than it used to be

GNOME is perfect and anybody who hates it is a stupid retard who can't learn change

Daily reminder GNOME is literally javascript and css. Enjoy your slug freetards.

>in any way shape or form "good"

Just use gnome 3.22.3, it laggs less

It's even better when you turn off animations.

>What is the most Mac OS like DE?
GNOME is literally a Mac OS clone.

Gnome is an HP WebOS clone.

Fucking kill yourself with your "I don't play any sort of video game because I'm a faggot who only uses his computer to edit high quality videos (aka gay porn.)" bullshit.

GNOME with Dash to Panel installed.

>Mac OS

>being a GTK cuck

I hate gnome shell,

You might have some good points, but you're literally insane, and not in a good way.

>bad at vidya
>wont also be bad at other things


But pc is not for gayming...

gnome is totally shit. no more words.

MATE is the patrician choice.

GNOMEMEsters should leave.

i have never had a problem with gnome as a fedora user

mate is basically gnome with application menu turned on. what's the difference?

I installed mate on arch today and it's glorious why gnome ever went the direction it did I'll never figure out

basically mate

Ya nah not even close to mate

the bars are a different color but other than it's the same thing.

with the gnome tweak tool, you can make gnome look like mate


>Look like
>Not function like

Stop lying fag Lord

gnome looks better and probably functions better

Gnome fucntions like touch screen garbage

>I just realized GNOME3 is shit
-The Thread

They have nothing to work on. Fedora dropped codenames in 2013 or so.

why are you even gaming on linux?

Don't know about him, but personally I wouldn't ever buy a copy of Windows, so everything I do is on Linux and other free kernels.

Because I can.

Gnome is utter shit. The Gnome Foundation is worse than ISIS.

ISIS did nothing wrong

Because if you don't, that's even less incentive for developers to create games for Linux.

The Gnome Foundation is without a doubt the worst thing in the Linux desktop world, they represent the worst of the worst, ignoring fixes, breaking everything always. Their idiots spend their money in SJW actions instead of actually hiring decent developers, or invensting in good designers.
Gnome3 has only recently began to be more usable because of Trovals criticism, that in itself reveals a lot, even tho Trovalds criticism was nothing new.

GNOME is how you take over something that's free as in freedom. Red Hat employs most, if not all of, GNOME developers and have tight control of GTK and the desktop.

the fact that it's exists as a separate program and isn't at least shoved into the control panel, that it doesn't always come preinstalled, and that some, if not the most of the settings it features are not "advanced" by any measure, is pretty retarded
but you are an even bigger one