What's with the annoying trend of languages being *almost* good, but then including some crippling flaw?

What's with the annoying trend of languages being *almost* good, but then including some crippling flaw?

>fast as hell, runs everywhere, compiled apps
>if err := , more boilerplate than Java

>awesome expressive language
>slow like a molasses dipped snail in january

>mostly sane design, excellent libraries
>forced indenting, PEP8

Use lisp, it's perfect.


>The most expressive language, anywhere, ever
>Shitty tooling, only IDE is emacs, a bazillion mutually incompatible dialects

>fast, easy to learn, not a real programmer if you don't know it
>no flaws

>forced indenting
So what, anyone who doesn't indent their code is a retard.

>the 5000 page handbook provided by the manufacturer contains hundreds of inaccuracies, errors, and omissions
>its up to you to find out where

wait, what?

>mostly sane design

>exceptions as flow control

C# is the closest I have found to perfect.

Use Apple Swift

Go back to /r/programming, Pajeet. Microsoft isn't paying you to shitpost here.

>Everything is perfect

>what is performance

>function inside a function inside a function inside a...

how about you learn how to not be a faggot?

Performs well on my machine :^)

Or you could just use an if statement

It's not the '80s anymore, stop gimping yourself for virtue nobody worth mentioning in the historical record has ever given a fuck about.

we heard you like callbacks

> >forced indenting, PEP8
spotted a faggot. identing makes it perfect and what's your problem with pep?

Let me fix the Python one for you

>sane design, doesn't try to prevent you from doing clever things unlike literally every other language, excellent libraries
>horrible code completion and documentation support caused by the abuse of kwargs and various other dynamic features in the standard library

I hope typeshed will fix that one day.

>>sane design, doesn't try to prevent you from doing clever things unlike literally every other language, excellent libraries
the fuck are you talking about python only has one horrible way of doing things, the pythonic way

>for loops

>>forced indenting
This is good. You shitters need to learn how to write readable code and python teaches by force

Google any random data structure transformation question and click on a result from stackoverflow.
You'll see a bunch of different solutions and people arguing about which is better/faster/more pythonic.

There's definitely more than one way to do things in python specifically because it isn't trying to be smarter than you.

I quite like try/except/else/finally.

List/dict comprehensions and generator expressions feel really natural to use in place of for loops.

exceptions are an awful flow control mechanism, and GC-mandated try/whatever/finally is their worst incarnation.