Goddamit . we're living next to a time ticking bomb

Goddamit . we're living next to a time ticking bomb.

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don't worry we will deport the kurds to greece when the time comes

>wanting to divide the ummah
I hope you mean only the non-muslim kurds

how did you fuck all this up? this area was used to be the one of the best areas in Europe before you came and fucked it all up.
fucking Christ, is there something you can't fuck up?

which area? anatolia?

Lol I don't even like Greeks, but this guy is right. Asia Minor was the envy of the world before you Dothraki fucks came riding on in

>what is survival of the fittest

>exercise a high degree of caution on the West coast of Turkey

kek what

how can you manage to shit up the area that once was one of the rulers of Europe so bad that it's now considered a dangerous safe to visit, because of all the boom booms and civil unrest. Turk you're indeed the worst.

Who in the name of fuck actually wants to travel to cockroach-land oitside the anzu fucktards?

fat tourists who cant afford to go to the canaries

The west coast has nice beaches and some cozy towns desu

Also lots of architecture you won't get anywhere else in a summer holiday type area

t. 42 degrees in the summer

Cockroaches are fit enough to survive millions of years of change and upheaval, but goddamn are they ugly and reviled

we didn't shit it up desu, try having 15 million kurds in your country with a jihadi uprising on your doorstep for 15 years
i blame the americans desu. they destroyed iraq and they were the ones who backed erdogan up to the prime minister position as well for their """"moderate""""" muslim project

soon you will be part of it. again :^)

Everything that you people lay your hands on seems to collapse, like the Parthenon did. It's like you guys are the human incarnation of the plague or something.

>joke about Greece being an even bigger economic time bomb
get fucked

>Greece talks about another cunt gambling away dominance in Europe

o i am laffin

this greek doesn't seem to think so :3

Tfw i went to turkey last summer and actually had a really great time. Turks are incredibly friendly and hospitable, and the country is absolutely beautiful. I felt safer in Turkish cities than i would in my home city. Izmir, Çanakkale, and Istanbul were fucking awesome and every girl i saw in Izmir was at least 7/10.

Why does everyone hate turkey? I would honestly live there if I could.

really? you fled your shithole so you can come here and defend it of how good it is? are you shitting me dumb fucks?
come back and live there if you got the balls, lol

Whole country is a mess of different people.

What goes on in Diyarbakir that makes it so bad?

The turkposters on here are cunts that's for sure
Also it's like a literal bridge to the Muslim world

What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't flee anywhere. I'm perfectly fine being in a place where I don't have to pull a loan just to eat cheeseburgers


Kurds kek dad served there

>no arguments
>y-you're Diaspora

I love talking to Greeks

>What goes on in Diyarbakir that makes it so bad?

PKK terrorists and soldiers are fighting, literally a civil war is going on there.

All the """""Turks""""" in that picture are descended from raped Greeks. No them, no you

ongoing operations against kurdish separatist terrorists

the way turks see kurds is how everybody else sees turks

>anime reaction pics of little girls
what the fuck is wrong with you ?

why would an actual German even be interested in this thread?

Are you?

Forgot to add: We were driving around the country and stopped in a village in the Taurus mountains to check it out. There were some old ladies selling pine nuts and crafts around a the big tree in the center of the village. They all knew we were foreigners (except my friend who is turkish) and they showed us around the village and mentioned they don't get a lot of tourists because their village is pretty out of the way. These two brothers invited us to have dinner at their home and they made us an awesome meal with this wheat soup (forget exactly what it was.) It was a 10/10 experience desu. I really don't understand all the hate foe turks here.

It's sad. Napoleon said that if the world were 1 nation Istanbul would be the capital city.

He wouldn't say that now.

>why would an actual German even be interested in this thread?
Because they've cucked themselves out of a future.

Have you even been there? It's still an amazing city. I didn't want to leave. It has a magic to it.

>Izmir, Çanakkale, and Istanbul were fucking awesome and every girl i saw in Izmir was at least 7/10
Greek cities populated by Turkicized Greeks

Turkish cuisine is the second best (after Mexican) cuisine.

franken fran isn't a little girl though
also why are greeks so butthurt about us all the time? we should be friends

If you see a German flag defending Turkey I can guarantee you 100% it's Turk diaspora.

back to Sup Forums retard

>Turkish cuisine
Stolen and repackaged Byzantine cuisine

>I really don't understand all the hate foe turks here.
Its all because of shitty the degenerate youth and people are friendly but they have a low IQ. Why do you think Balkans Anatolia and Caucasus are so shit?

Those weren't the only places I visited senpai. We went out east and it was pretty great out there too, but those cities were the best.

Have you even been there or do you get your information through Sup Forums memes?

>Denying the truth
Don't you have """rebels""" to bomb

No I haven't but I have seen like when Anthony Bourdain goes there and other docs about it and it truly does look amazing. Like a bigger Algiers with more people.

I probably just have a bad opinion because of Sup Forums. I would visit it.

P.s. I have been to Algiers and it was paradise.

Nice meme Jamal

Because I'm shitposting before work and Greeks and their Holier Than Thou attitude need to be taken down a notch

Also, the West Coast of Turkey as well as Istanbul are extremely safe and pretty first World. Not European mind you, but enjoyable places

t. parasite that roleplays as germ all the time

we need to send the easterners back from it desu

greeks were sent away on the population exchange desu, most western turks today are descendants of muslim balkanites

Yeah yeah sure, bro. top kek piece of comment. ur right

Fucking Turk

>Sup Forums memes
I've been to Constantinople and Smyrna. You can see remnants of the past beauty beneath the modern layers of grime and degeneration

No, I'm ethnic German m8. Family been here for 5 centuries and the blood of pure Celts flows through my veins by virtue of my Oirish nan


trying living next to a bigass muslim shithole ready to explode and see how you'd react then.

>most western turks today are descendants
Ege türkler yunan gibi benziyorlar. Slavshits only around marmara sea

Dude you don't even know how much I miss it. I ended every day with a belly full of Turkish wine, Raki, lamb, and fresh local olives. God it was so good. Going back to shit tier American food made me actually depressed. It really opened by eyes to how awfully we eat here. I wish we had food like that here, and I wish our cities were like the ones there. I just miss it all senpai.

Internet is the only place where you can say that without running away you subhuman.

Don't worry, you share borders with Edirne, which is a liberal city unlike eastern Turkey.

Greeks were the original genocidal bad guys. When they manage to create Greece they exterminated all the jews and muslims (not just turks) that lived there. See: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Tripolitsa#Massacre_of_civilians

The Turks never use it as an example though. Most don't even know about it since Turkish education focuses on having friendly relations with their neighbors. Unlike in Greece for example where people are educated to hate Turks.

Bost proofs :DDDD

If you think centuries of Ottoman rule (yeah Ottomans were Greek right?! KEK) haven't had a lasting impact on West Turkey, think again

Hübsches Miehm, zurück nach Sup Forums


so you're an actual turk? what the fuck is the point even roleplaying as a German? you think we're gonna take your opinion on turkey more seriously because of your ethnicity, well probably, but still, it's pretty pathetic

Yeah, I love our food too, but Erdoroach's ruining everything. We're bad at science and education. Also, have you tried "Kokoreç"?

>can't even speak turkish properly
>tries to teach me about the history of my own country
alamancilar OUT

Implying anyone is scared of Turks. Hurensohn.

>Nice meme Jamal
I'm white, Kemal

>Greeks and their Holier Than Thou attitude
Rich coming from a place that sucked a big dick called "the Marshall Plan" for the longest time

>greeks were sent away on the population exchange
The ones that were left, who didn't submit to 4 centuries of rape and subjugation

No denials? Excellent

Turks confirmed for retarded

I'm not a Turk
Keep ignoring me if it helps you sleep at night

σkατά Γερμανία

Sene sonra trde bir sey görsederim

i am sorry for your ancestors that paid us jizzya for 5 centuries. my condolences.

because you're obviously gonna drag us into this one way or another, every time there's civil unrest in turkey Greece gets dragged into this.

I'm actually white though Juan

Also what does the Marshall Plan have to do with any thing? It was but a kickstart
If you wanna go all the way back, I could take crédit for our Diaspora's help in building your country.

Your people are in Turkey subhumans like kurds. Most Caucasians are subhumans. Only Azeris are good.

That... That's actually all I wanted to hear.

I can die in peace now

>Alamanci internet defence force

reminder that there is an estimated 4 million total population of armenian+greek diaspora in america, in threads like this there is a large chance that you are speaking to one of them butthurt diasporas

>Only Azeris are good.

You know what.. I don't even care if it's true what you say about us as long as I'm not a Turk. I would rather be a cock roach than a Turk. Oh wait...

When are we going to remove the t*rks from Constantinople?


Turan suprt ISsy

>tfw Greek who has some ancestors from Smyrna (Izmir)

fuck off alamanci, you are the real subhuman here. circassians are fine, your ancestors were poor crypto-armenians from eastern turkey though

Cockroaches are more useful than you subhumans. Nothing good came from this shitty region.

>greeks burned down west anatolia as they run away but they didn't burn down smyrna :^)

>Nothing good came from this shitty region
I never claimed otherwise.

>fuck off alamanci
>go to turkey
>half of the village waits for you and your money
like a king

because your village is where the poor folk live you halfwit

Wew the hate is real

And nothing good will come from there in the future. I know many Caucasians here. You are like pale Gypsies, only slightly better.

Its not only internet memes. In real they say nothing and think people here are rich.

>You are like pale Gypsies
I'm absolutely fine with that just as long I'm not a Turk.

*as long as

of course the hate is real, we are about to go to fullblown civil war because of the uneducated armenian+arab mix faggots living in medieval villages where this faggot descends from

>as long I'm not a Turk
>a nation of people literally saved by the turks
>hates them

>think that people here are rich
that is why "alamanci" is a curse word..

At least Turks have better manners and kurds here probably too. Your people think like animals. I bet most of your family is retarded. Kek some of your people here shit outside even when they have gurban.