What did nazis mean by that? Was it some kind of joke?

What did nazis mean by that? Was it some kind of joke?



It's meant to be ironic because most people are wage slaves. Even more irony, lots of people in big companies serve the Jews

funnyjunk pls go

yeah it was a sarcastic joke and actually not really a funny one

>german humor

>daddy howard is considered funnyjunk now

The 'holocaust' didn't actually happen. They were just internment camps, no different from what we had for Japanese. If the Axis won we'd probably be told that the US tried to 'holocaust' the Japanese.


that work is good for your soul.
funny enough there are studies that confirm this.

polfags out

>see retarded post
>american flag
like clockwork

you see the little arc? good, this represents power, power by the germans. right is freedom, left is work, where the jews were. the jews were bound to work with no way to freedom again.


The only Jews in auschwitz were the camp guards.

Isn't this from the start of X-men?I think they meant that Magneto had the power to control metal when he was young? What joke? Didn't seem to me like a funny scene?


A reference to a medieval law. If a serf spends a year and a day in the city, he becomes free. Stadtluft macht frei.


Ya know, Jimbo, the ovens at Treblinka would have had to burn 8000 bodies every day to make purported death figures accurate, even though no ash or bone fragments were ever discovered at the site! Now ain't that just quacking crazy?

I love this meme

wrong image

Hmm, I wonder why they called it the "Black Road"

What kind of substance produced at an extermination camp would be black...?