Your portfolio is impressive, user

>Your portfolio is impressive, user.
>Now we just want you to do some simple-ish demos
>Do the primes 2 million 6 feet under the whiteboard.
>Fizzbuzz on the whiteboard
>Sieve of erasthothenes on the whiteboard
>Facade pattern on the whiteboard
>Oh before I forgot... here's the pen. You may now proceed

Other urls found in this thread:

um, actually, it's sieve of eraTOSthenes.

Sorry, I don't think I'm a good culture fit if you don't know how to pronounce toy algorithms for producing lists of primes under n.

> on the whiteboard

In English please.

ew what the fuck is that nonsense

>Note: If you cannot do these, the position will go to Pajeet. Why waste money on some stupid white guy when Pajeet will do it for $5 an hour?

>Facade pattern
Haven't met this one before

Only poo in the loos know all the object-oriented bullshit patterns.


>implement Dijkstra's algorithm
Apparently this is the new FizzBuzz to weed out Pajeets who never took a class on algorithms.

I study on my own, is that shortest path algorithm? Is it using BFS/DFS?

Nightmare mode: pronounce Dijkstra correctly.



>He isn't Dutch
You ain't much.

that pen looks satisfying to use on that whiteboard
where can i get this product i am a consumerist whore who needs to sate his appetite

It's basically a modified BFS, using a priority queue to keep track of path lengths.

sorry but i can only do a fucked up fizzbuzz and a bubblesort. can i have the job sir?

t. Jobless bitter virgin

They use wordpress and asked for reverse a binary tree on a frontend job.

You forgot traverse binary tree on the whiteboard.

The algorithm guy knows the same stuff though so it doesn't make sense to hire an object specialist or whatever that is.


They teach Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra's algorithm in networking 101. You don't need to take an algorithms class for that -- most EEs are familiar with them too.

>Fecade pattern