What's the cheapest way to get a legit Windows 10 key?

What's the cheapest way to get a legit Windows 10 key?

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resold key

But what if I get scammed?

blow someone for it


My buddy got scammed and he called Microsoft and they basically said "eh, shit happens. Here's a code since the one you bought didn't work" and he got his code for like $28 even though the website he used scammed him.

You can still upgrade to 10 from a bootlegged version of 7, and that hardware will be licensed for 10 for ever.

Does windows 10 even have physical keys any more? No right? Not with new PC's, it's all eufi right?

Use the accessibility program or buy from an OEM manufacturer

By necking yourself you tech illiterate weebshitter

How? The offering ended ages ago

If you buy installation media (ex. dvd) it comes with a physical key

sorry but your gnu thing can't run my video games

Maybe for you it did


Install gentoo



If you are affiliated with a university, ask there.

>Windows 10
But user.... why?

Attend university course and gain access to e.g. dreamspark and gain student license
If you live in a whitr first world country it is free

What the fuck is an assistive technology?

Just turn on sticky keys... Then it works fine last time I checked.

Google"free windows 10 key."

Asking a student for key he/she wont be using, since universities grant their students free keys for most of MS software.

In case of 10 its even better since students are getting "Education" version, aka tweaked Enterprise (with permanently disabled Cortana and third party ads).

came to say this
