Non-gamers of Sup Forums, why do you still use a Windows desktop? I seriously can't stand mine anymore. The rot...

Non-gamers of Sup Forums, why do you still use a Windows desktop? I seriously can't stand mine anymore. The rot, the startup time, and the updates drive me nuts.

I run Windows 7 full time and I suffer none of this

Maybe I'll switch once 7 is no longer supported. For now, it's the best current OS.

I left windows 3 years ago, took a while to get used to Linux. But nowadays I can't think of using windows anymore. Not even my job requires me to use windows.

Feels good

I still play games occasionally and have been using Linux exclusively at home for over 3 years now.


I use 7 in a VM with virt-manager, when I need to. Otherwise, 7 is stable, but quirky sometimes.

Unless you're running a low-end PC from over a decade ago, performance impact of windows rot is pretty much non-existant.

NTFS file rot

I'm sure it exists, but that's something I don't think I have ever suffered with.

My win10 pc starts just as fast when I boot into Ubuntu

You can't even run real games anymore so what the fuck is the point in staying on 7?

liar. It's like 5 and was 1500 CAD. i7, still has rot. 500 CAD custom Linux box has no rot.

You're not Linux exclusive so you don't boot the same way.

MS Office.
I'm getting pretty sick of Microsoft's shit as well, but I'm not willing to give up Office nor to have to run it in a VM.

Office is trash. Just use Google Docs. I only use Office because it's bundled with 1 TB of Cloud porn storage.

>falling for the Googlejew's schemes

Dude, if you were stupid you should have just said so.

Anti-semitic Ahmeds get Tomohawk'd.

Because I have a real job and because I have a second laptop with Mint

I use the term mostly jokingly, still don't like Google.

Enjoy your dead battery faggot.

Ur dumb as fuck man. Office 365 is botnet anyway. Kys.

I use 2014 though, shitstain

So you're just counting down the days until Microsoft drops support for your deprecated shit?

Linux is slow as shit, unresponsive garbage. Why the fuck is it so slow and laggy, also why does it use so much cpu compared to Windows? Just wanna browse with chromium why does Linux user 25% of 4 cores whilst chrome on windows uses 5% of four cores? No good reason for this bullshit.

>The rot
This is only true if you constantly install malware and viruses.

>the startup time
It takes my machine less than 10 seconds to boot, me get past the login and have a browser open.

>and the updates drive me nuts.
I don't even notice them.

I'm never installing Linux ever agai on a desktop system, I'd rather not use a fucking computer than a crippled one.

1)I like using the surface pen and krita to draw, there arent good surface tablet linux drivers
2)My whole life has been organized in onenote notebooks since it came out in 2003, so I'm pretty much married to it now
3)Nothing compares to MS excel, only idiots with no excel familiarity believe otherwise
4)Managing large fleets of windows pc's is vastly simpler than linux stations

500 Rupees have been deposited into your account Poojeet. Thank you for spreading FUD. Don't forget to recycle your poo by putting it in the curry!

This is another thing, why is the Linux community literally all beta white males who seem to insecure as fuck over black/brown men? The fuck is wrong with you people. Seek help.



Nvm. Linux isn't for you. Linux is for patricians who can contribute patches, not welfare leeches.

Using Firefox with 10+ tabs open + Chrome with 5 tabs open + Terminator with multiple terminals.

You have to try harder, Pajeet.

Aren't we all?

You've never used linux or someone pulled a cruel joke on you.

>the startup time
20 seconds on a samsung hdd


Just curious: How many times a day do your computer on?

2 or 3. I change computers and leave the house. I know leaving the house is a novel concept to a Windows scrub like yourself.

I work in IT and businesses will never switch off of Windows, it's too commonplace at this point but I dual boot with Fedora and win10 on my thinkpad

Everyone is. Office 2010, windows 7 both expire within 3 years. The best you can get is a win10 LTSB install (the ones before creators update, but after aniversary so 2016 version) then spend a day getting rid of telemetry and you're good for the next 10 years.

If office 2010 expires use 2013 it has a bit more botnet but not nearly like 2016/365

Windows 10 LTSB with some services deleted less than 5 seconds on SSD

I tend to keep 4 Linux VMs on my Win10 Desktop, on my laptop I run a native Ubuntu build with 5 other linux VMs on top of several Pi boards on my person. no such thing as too much linux.

I'd still like to see a gamer on a Gentoo box.

>Linux in windows VM
So much why

because I can only play so much tuxracer

I've tried Xubuntu on three different computers now, along with Manjaro, and in every instance, they've been buggy, unstable pieces of shit. I end up spending half of my time on researching how to fix small, retarded problems. I have a Xubuntu partition on my desktop PC that I haven't touched in months, because it's just so ridden with issues (don't get me wrong, my Windows install is full of dumb problems too, but they're more tolerable and don't seem to crop up as often). Regular Ubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, and Mint were all significantly more stable in my experience, but I really do prefer the general feel of XFCE. Truth be told, I'm not really sure what to blame here, since the common link between all of my woes seems to be XFCE (which everyone here seems to like and use just fine), and many of my problems probably aren't directly linked to it, but nonetheless, it's just my observation.

That being said, I do think Linux is a better operating system than Windows, and command-line Linux is comfy. I'd like to do a minimalist Arch install one day. For the time being, though, I don't have the time, so I stick to Windows 7 for general computing.

Not the person you replied to, but I only use Google docs. However, in what world would Office 2014 being deprecated matter? They all do the same shit.

Honestly your problems might be ubuntu specific as ubuntu has been pretty shit lately. You could try fedora and run xfce on that and it might work better.

Thanks, I'll give it a try. I've been meaning to reinstall at some point in the near future anyway.

i run hackintosh, got winshit on 2nd ssd, reboot play BF1, reboot back to macos.



>not knowing about peerblock


>Office is trash.
spotted the non professional.


Using ubuntu since 2012. It's a tough love although it's 'for noobs' distro because it is founded on unstable branch of Debian but ubuntu LTSes are fairly stable.


>having to block shit on your PC to avoid the botnet

Spotted the excel warrior. Some people work in IT and don't give a shit about excel.

If you're dependent on Microsoft Office what do you do? Run it in virtual box?

I just like to play old games every now and then, like Abe's Oddysee,NFS2 and GTA San Andreas.

I'm a gamer and I use Linux.

I don't.

>The best you can get is a win10 LTSB install (the ones before creators update, but after aniversary so 2016 version) then spend a day getting rid of telemetry and you're good for the next 10 years.

newfag here, how does one do this? What are the downsides of it?

I have a Macbook Pro for work and a PC for gaymes.
Best of both worlds.

I have a separate windows hdd strictly for playing games

point me to distro that uses the very last linux kernel available (hardware compatibility) but doesnt require me to tweak stupid things like gentoo or arch and i will.
>kernel patches are easy
>just upgrade it yourself

>implying the mini PC inside your processor with a dedicated networking stack gives a fuck about peerblocj

We should just agree that Linux is just good for college system programming exercises. Or for servers.
Anything else you need to do can be done better on Windows.

> Ubuntu


Tried to install Arch, couldn't figure out partition->mount scheme.

Gave up and installed Ubuntu. Couldn't figure out how to get past GRUB boot.

Gave up and successfully installed Arch.

Now I can't access either, because Ushit2 fucked up my bootloader.


Just go for debian.
Ubuntu is for niggers and Arch is for cucks

Ya'll niggas gay, ya can't even use Kali

Kali yourself

Actually I still use backtracck

Backtrack yourself then

the irc bot i've been running for 16 years is mirc based
