ITT Worthless Keys

Which keys on your current keyboard are completely worthless to you? Which keys you never use? Which keys you don't even know what they do?

I'll start.

The backslash key. I've never ever used the Backslash, I only use it for the pipe sign. It sucks how most keyboards are really designed for use with DOS.

capslock, fuck that key
the only time I ever use it is when I accidently press it while typing and have to turn it back off again
I just take the key off my keyboards now, whoever thought it should exist needs to be castrated

>Not using Tenkeyless or 60%


why this key is still around is beyond me.

>capslock, fuck that key
I remapped it to Esc. it's great if you use vim.

I'd remap it to Ctrl if I used Emacs.

Colemak has an extra backspace instead of it.

Some keyboards don't have that.

\ is used for escape characters in loads of languages though

Windows Key = useless
Ins = useless
Pause = hahahaha... wtf is that shit??? USELSS
Prt Sc = useless
Scr Lk = useless
Caps Lk = useless

Also, why does pipe, |, require a shift key yet backslash \ doesn't??? Who the fuck was that genius? I think reverse would be a better choice since backslash is perhaps less often used.

>Who the fuck was that genius?
Likely because the common modern keyboard layout standard was made for a computer that primarily ran versions of DOS, which used the backslash as a directory separator.

>Windows Key = useless
>Ins = useless
what fucking operating system do you run

its pic related

pause, scroll lock and that context menu shit next to the right ctrl are the only switches I never use

I use Prt Scr daily to take screenshots
I use windows+Pause to get to system info quickly on client's computers, but other than that i don't think it has a use

>Not using the menu key
Don't tell me you use a mouse

i'm used to quickly switching caps lock on even when i type one uppercase letter and i hate that lincuccks has a stupid delay after switching it on so whenever i install lincuccks my profile password containing uppercase letters is fucked. windows doesn't have this problem.

You've never had to type a \n?

>he doesnt use a mouse

What do you need a mouse for?

Good question. Especially considering that most people have no idea what it's used for, and seeing how there are perhaps 5 or 10 programs nowadays that could use it. And even if you're working constantly with Excel or some of the other few programs that use it, there are other ways to do what it does.

I feel oddly sad when I think of all these once-useful things being retired.

Arrow Keys killed Scroll Lock
There isn't really a point to a NumPad at all anymore tbqh famalam

>Arrow Keys killed Scroll Lock
True dat.
>There isn't really a point to a NumPad at all anymore
Naw man, the numpad is an awesome thing. It lets you type in numbers way faster and easier than using the line.

Quick, convenient, non-retarded navigation.

Like 60% of them

>Not having Function Keys

Are you saying after typing with two hands taking a hand off to move the mouse isn't inconveinent?
Pressing Tab is much quicker

Get a keyboard without it, you will never look back

If you press insert in vim you cycle back and forth between Insert and Replace.

i was just going to say this

uncomfortable as fuck

I use it to switch languages.

Modifier key for i3
Can be used for shortcuts in shit loads of things (on Windows, Win+1 will open the first program in your task bar for example)

Switch between insert and edit mode?
Some terminal use Shift + Insert for pasting

For... Screenshot? It's made for this

that kb is pure cancer. ortho keys are garbage

I use pause to pause x264.

I've never understood this. What if you want to type MORE THAN ONE CAPITAL LETTER IN A ROW? Do you just switch shift keys after every letter like a spastic?

Windows = common modifier
Insert = typing over other shit
Print screen = Screenshots
Scroll lock = Auto scroll in FL studio
Caps lock = typing in caps

None of these keys are useless to me

No, just hold down the same shift key and type the rest of the sentence. It isn't that hard.

>what is holding down a key?

>60% board
>literally use all keys frequently


>desired menu deeply nested
>pressing tab 200+ times
>accidently pressing one too many forces you to wrap around or have some prior configuration to backtrack
>faster than dragging over and clicking

Go stick your dick in your T440 and stop shit posting

they're all useless. and who the fuck types in caps??!?!

Fuck that chink shit. My T60 will live on forever.

What is shift tab

>What is arrow keys
Does your mommy know you are on a scandinavian woodcutting site?

Lawyers. Only lawyers. Fucking cunts make EULAs, ToSes and everything else look like letter vomit.

Also, the only key I legitimately hate is Insert key.
I have NEVER EVER in my entire life required to overwrite text.
It is such a fucking awful feature.
That's why I remapped Insert to various other functions. If I want Ins, I use the Win+Ins combo.
But I never have.

Pause I use to pause script execution of an AHK script I always have running idle.
Whenever I have it active and need to pause it, he's my man for the job.
I wrote various scripts for the numpad, accessible by numlock+/.
One I use most is numpad mouse, but I also have other things like a Thumbscript implementation, macro drawer. Rarely use them.
Scrolllock enables or disables the feature, the numlock switches between the feature and the settings for that feature. (like changing mouse move speed, acceleration, rotation)

Even this faggot key `, I use that.
Admittedly I only use shift+` to access various key macros.
I press that key combo then another key after it within 1.5 seconds or it "lets it go".
So no holding key after pressing it.
I did this mainly for use over VNC from devices lacking ctrl keys and other easily accessible and useful keys.
I have the usual keys hooked to it, like undo redo cut copy paste, s(ave), d(uplicate), home, end, back, forward, even left, right and middle click. (to get over imprecision in some devices / stylus when clicking)
I used to have a passive gesture system to do some of this, but it was more hassle than it was worth. Fun implementing it though.

Nice shitpost

I use SHIFT+INSERT to paste stuff into command line and bash windows because I don't like fiddling with right click and not knowing where stuff ends up

Some Logitech keyboards have a key for opening the calculator. Can't find a decent pic though.

Are you retarded?

insert to enter insert mode in vim.
shift insert to paste.

Numlock, just keep it on, why would you ever want to disable other keys

Pause break
Just what the fuck this thing does

>insert to enter insert mode in vim.
NO ONE fucking does that. Only retards do. I key is so much easier to press and your hand doesnt even move off the home row

Shit I haven't seen a scroll lock key since last century

>Just what the fuck this thing does
Nothing anymore. All these keys right of the return key are fucking worthless.

>tfw you are not a native English speaker and you have to choose between being able to type your language's shitty extra characters easily or being able to program without needing shift and AltGr for every relevant character

just get an ANSI keyboard. fuck your local one.

Yeah, and then When I need to type anything matching [äöüÄÖÜßẞ] I'm fucked.

And If I ever have to use anyone else's computer I'll have to go back anyway.

Dealing with files and directories made for Windows users.

cd ./I\ Am\ An\ A\*\*hole\/\ Loser

But how am I going to switch my KVM. That fucker is like 4ft from me

learn how to insert those by performing few keystrokes.

on OSX, that shit's dead simple and involves hitting Opt and some letters and takes few min to memorize. you can probably accomplish something similar on your OS.

My laptop has fn keys which are just windows shortcuts like win+p, alt+f4 (on the fucking f4 key) and some other

but no media keys

fucking geniuses


>Arrow Keys killed Scroll Lock

Excel is pretty much the only widely used program that makes productive use of that key. Might as well map it to launch Calculator or play an audio file of a fart.

The pizza key. Pic is not a shop. There was an early "Internet Appliance" device that came with a keyboard that had a dedicated key for ordering pizza.

>tfw you use every key on your keyboard

Sounds pretty useful to me.

...the ANY key, as in "Press any key"

That key with that muslim symbol.


i had to search for it on keyboard

you have to go back, Pablo.

>press to detonate computer

>Windows key
>not calling it the super key



I remapped that shit to play/pause

Scroll lock, right alt, right super, that weird option key, and occasionally right control. I've had those mapped to various functions over time such as mute, play/pause media, next track, and such.

I use insert only for the shitty windows programs that use it for copy and paste with ctrl and shift. The two biggest gripes I have with the layout I use aside from lack of Alt Gr are that semicolon/colon are on my pinky and that + requires a space.

>Might as well map it to launch Calculator
Been doing this for about a decade now, incredibly useful especially for calculating webm bitrates.

>needing to move your hands a kilometer to access arrow keys or a number block

>I just take the key off my keyboards now, whoever thought it should exist needs to be castrated
> not using Billy Mays Caps Lock to disable caps and have the sweet voice of billy speak to you

I can't even guess what some of those keys mean.

This, remapping it to Ctrl was a good decision. Using screen or tmux is a far better experience now

the ones surrounding the arrow keys are page up/down, page begin/end, escape, insert, backspace, delete, enter

It seems you don't use vi.


What do you use the insert key for in vi?

>from f9 onwards the function keys
>scroll lock
seriously, what is sroll lock even?

But how would you type '\n'?

>not remapping unused keys to useful macros

came here to say this
shift+insert for pasting
which I hate, its total bs
all keyboards, programs, browsers, shortcuts, hotkeys should comply with vi
p for pasting, y for yanking... normal, visual, insert mode, all that and a dime sack
I'm fucking sick and tired of booting back into wangblows to play some far cry blood dragon and be forced into ctrl+c and v and shit, fuck that unconventional cancer
vi keys is the only way to compute

I\ don't\ think\ so

Just use mouse 3 and 4


And you missed all the uppercase letters in your text.
Caps lock is fucking useless to even you.

unironically the most useful hotkey for linux/bsd


Scroll lock is how half of the most common shader suites toggle