Are we born in the worst period to be men Sup Forums?

Think about this Sup Forums. What sort of man would we have been 200 years ago in your cunt. Soldier, explorer, sailor, engineer, farmer, builder. How great do those professions sound, compared to today, hellish existence of masturbation and shitposting

What went wrong with civilization?

>200 years ago
Statistically probably half dead

Sounds good to live half the life of a SHITPOSTING MASTURBATOR if its filled with excitement, adventure and glory.

Yeah you are right and at the time you also could rape any women you wanted with no consequences at all..

Good old times, now you can't rape anyone.

>e worst period to be men /
The best period. You don't have to go to war, women are liberated, so they have sex without being married, you can tell poeple who want you to man up to fuck off.

come to sweden, you can rape anyone here, hell if you're brown you don't have to.

Not the worst period. Tommorow will be worse again.

thirty year war north germany was the worst time to be a man, immediately after it was the best

So true, kill me in my sleep.

>200 years ago
>The Napoleonic wars have ended
>Congress of Vienna have finished
>Europe is prospering
>Industrial revolution is spreading like wildfire fire
>Europe will be colonising the world
>You could move to a comfy villa in South Africa and tell dindus to fuck off

Truly a great time

Probably would have died starving or died on a boat going to america. Sounds great.

I'd be born into a 3rd world shithole, would probably never leave my village.

Right now I have a good education, good state of fitness, good looks, have successfully bedded numerous girls and enjoy a high standard of living. So yeah, unless you were born as an aristocrat life would be shit compared to now.

This. Being a troll or not I agree

A hundred years ago, working class men spent almost all of their waking hours working with no free time or luxuries until their body or mind broke and they died at 50. I'd rather put up with feminism and degeneracy than that.

this aussie scum probably right

Are you kidding me? We will experience the Nationalistic Revolution of Europa. It's already happening. Look at the history. We are going from one extreme into the other extreme. Nobody can prevent it.

Lets face it, if you've somehow ended up posting on a burmese knitting board in this age then chances are you'd be village idiot or shit shoveler or similar person everyone would be disgusted at.

People who just want a comfortable life will never understand.

Why do you think so?

You can still be all those things you fucking moron. You'd be a starving farmer and die at 32 if you wete born 300 years ago. Fuck off faggot, this is the best period to live in, period.

Technology has improved our lives in more ways than is comprehandable, the fact that you're still a miserable loser despite that is a testament to your own utter incompetence.
In other words if you're not pleased with existence at these light conditions, you would not be compatible with those of the past.
Not even close.

>Are we born in the worst period to be men Sup Forums?

are you fucking daft m8 ?

few hundred years ago the child mortality was about 50%, coupled with laughably low life expectation and the majority of people, at least in europe were serfs - landless illiterate slaves

war was a constant thread and social mobility pretty much impossible safe for rare few exceptions

food was inadequate for most, medicine - horrible and living standards mortifying

yes there was more sense of "adventure" sure but it was more along the lines of - will I survive the winter ? will I survive the war ? will I survive this minor cough ? etc.

If you want fucking adventure today, you can have it. If you want sense of fulfillment, start doing things you believe in.

Instead you are blaming the time for your inadequacy. We are living in the best time of human history with regards to personal choices.

>200 years ago
>being born when Spain was in war 24/7 against every other country in the world without a proper army
Well, I would have probably been dead.

i would have been cannon fodder

>Soldier, explorer, sailor, engineer, farmer, builder
but you can be all those in this time, now easier than ever

first post best post

Probably a farmer like my grandparents and I'd be happily doing that.

>200 years ago

peasant farmer, combined with my shit health it would suck

But I am an engineer