ITT: Technology that were too good for this world

ITT: Technology that were too good for this world

I'll start.

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Phone keyboards.

>have to buy their shitty brand name discs at 3 times the price of normal discs to use it
It was DOA

i fucking miss the real button phones i wish they will make a comeback soon

Shit was dope

>Mixtapes with legit labels shit was fire as fuck

Ill go with HD DVD

>muh tactile feedback

People are statistically more likely to type faster on capacitive keyboards

Just because you have finger autism doesn't mean ever other normie does

Stop projecting your autism onto everybody who doesn't want it

>trivializing tactile feedback

Also another one: 4:3 screens and scissor switch laptop keyboards.

>more likely to type faster on capacitive keyboards

new ones are kill now.

>Japanese keyboard on a thinkpad
I never knew I wanted this until now

Landscape keyboard phones.




VAIO's looked nice but they were more bloated than HP and some models were impossible to do a clean install on because of the recovery management faggotry. It literally took control of the entire BIOS


Getting a little niggerish with this one.

These were kind of fun back then but ultimately impractical. I'm not saying I don't like them though.

How can I cop the Japanese keyboard??

Was probably due to some Jew shilling DVD-RW harder.

So, what's the difference?

Should be pretty obvious, it's in a cartridge that prevents the disc from getting scratched to shit.


the priv is nice famalam :3

Was this supposed to be used as ram or as an autistic case for your DVD?

So a two sided RW? That's dumb

stop projecting your autism. if there is a demand for physical keyboards there will be available products

hence the priv which is comfy famalam :3

It was a part of the DVD-RAM standard that never got implemented.

No, you fucking retard. It's an optical disc in a cartridge that prevents it from being scratched. I'm not talking about the DVD-RAM format, I'm talking about the cartridge on the goddamned disc.

>autism autism blah blah...
ask me why I know your opinion is worthless

You can just buy keyboard sticker decals ya nig

Thanks God it wasn't implemented. Shit looks awful

Yeah, thank god DVDs are aesthetic and scratch if you look at them funny

Blu Rays my man

Would still be better with a cartridge.

Your case is not "aesthetic" and if you buy quality DVDs and take proper care of them they will not get scratched easily.

It would be bordering on excessive

>Your case is not "aesthetic"
I never said it was, dumbass.
>if you buy quality DVDs and take proper care of them they will not get scratched easily
But if they had cartridges I could buy cheap ones, not give a shit about them, and still not scratch them.



I really liked the look of MDs, blurays with a cartridge like that would allow for flashy art. I don't care for physical media anyway, but it would have a cool retro look in my opinion.

What a shitty design


t. underage

A bigger issue is that the keyboard takes up 40% of the screen, dumb faggot.



I was honestly expecting a naked jap to jump over the couch, start violently stripping them both and bang them dry.

That male masturbatory aide looks a bit uncomfortable.
Would not put dick in.


I found the original xbox controller comfortable. to use, and the onl n64 controller comfortable to use like a normal controller, gripping the edges and thumb in the middle for the stick, and this is when I was a little kid for some perspective on how bit my hands are. phone touch screen keyboards are unuseable, so i use a normal phone to make calls because at least it has a tactile pad and I know what im pressing.


this desu, swype typing is way faster

I still have some unused ones right next to me, 25 for $25 from compUSA back when they still existed.

can you still buy the discs for these? i still have a lightscribe drive

Last time I checked was about 5-6 years ago and they were about $2-3 per disc so a stack of 20 was about $40-60

seriously, fuck vcrs, that shit couldn't die fast enough

While they were pretty fucking shit they still live on pure nostalgia
The distortion that audio on VHS tapes had will always be super /comfy/ to me

Never had this shit happened to me and I used that shit to watch tons of anime and movies.

If we could have the vcr experience without the vcr, yeah I'd agree

I have a complex towards this shit.
My sense of time has basically been stalled by all the technology i expected to be "the future" falling over and dying.

I'm still waiting for the UMPCs, GTA San Andreas on the PSP2, and an upgrade to something that looks like Vista Aero. The future will never come.

I'll take a 20% hit in WPM to be able to touch type any day, plus I prefer the tactile feedback

>tfw no San Andreas for the Vita

>if there is a demand for physical keyboards there will be available products

I liked when apple products were white instead of aluminium and black.

Especially since nearly everyone else has now copied the aluminium and black style, even when their product is actually made of pure plastic.

Normies drive the industry, one day apple will ditch the keyboard and everything will be done on gestures and with touch. MS will follow suit and I'll keep using windows xp.

you were too pure for this world

What a shitty design

I could honestly see this or something like it make a return if they make a rewritable version that takes advantage of the protection the cover has to make really high density storage


We cloud now nigga.

t. faggot

I remember I broke the cover on my GTA Liberty City Stories UMD, so I cracked open the side of some UMD demo disc thing and swapped the little discs. Fun times.
Well, until it wound up that most of my library was being swapped like that because the moving cover affected readability, so you had to perfectly balance it before use.

>I can use the cloud to boot an OS
>I use the cloud for hard backups
leave this place