ITT: stone age technology

ITT: stone age technology

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And we used this shit for about 10,000 years, into the early Egyptian dynasties. That's how slow technology used to move, it took 10,000 years to get from a stone axe to agricultural tools


Backwards incompatibility

hand over you irock, kiddo


This is really rock bottom

Yet we got more work done back then than we do today...

real mens' soccer

Africans today still use rocks

>Yet our slaves got more work done back then than we do today...


>stone age

No we didn't, you're a fucking retard.

Nice, source?

Depends on how you view work. In terms of sheer amount of data, of course we get more "done" in the modern age. But actual physical work like building important structures that weren't superfluous and were necessary only for survival, I think the stone age wins on that one.

Probably nothing, maybe used to explain the mythology when teaching lore. Basically just art for the culture.

>we get less done than stone age people
If anything we get too much done

>no one posted pic related
really Sup Forums?



Is this a meme? We've been using rocks for over 2 million. We've only been farming for ~12,000.

Really impressed by that bow drill desu

>maybe used to explain the mythology when teaching lore
"religious purposes" is archaeologist for "I haven't got the slightest clue"


What mineral do you guys use for your tools? Most of my tools are currently basalt but I'm trying to get my hands on some obsidian for a knife i've been wanting to make. Can't get any in this area though and my tribe said they don't want to migrate for now.


It's a pump drill, RREEEEEEEEEEE
It's been invented but the problem is it's not convienent to make on the spot. Personally I'm really impressed with how his ceramics turned out.

Have you tried amazon?

No, I heard from a friend from another tribe that the last people to mess with the amazons got butchered, so I'm trying to stay away from their territory.

I heard that they have lots of grills. I would stay away if I were you.

artificially whitened ice cream is technology.

C programming language

Simply because people were busy dying young from diseases/malnutrition/war/natural disasters

People weren't dumb per se, there just wasn't enough time to worry about improving what already works because all the time was spent trying to scrape by.

>over 100 years later
>people still can't into grammar

Vanilla is not black, you shit brained fucktard.

Do you even technology?

Stuff used today is vanillin, its basicly a concentrated vanilla flavour produced artificially, its found in vanilla plant but in small quatitues. Vanillin is a pure form and free of any impurities hence its not black like the plant itself

why the waffle is black is a mystery

It's dyed black to induce slave labor in the form of dumb black people shitposting on facebook and twitter.

It white from milk though, you only add a small quantity of vanilla to get the flavor

>artificially whitened

>posts pictures of artificially blackened ice cream and waffles

natural vanilla extract varies in colour but it's usually a slightly translucent brown to a slightly darker but still translucent brown, not jet black, add it to cream in a normal quantity to flavour the ice cream and it basically does nothing to change the colour of the cream which is going to be... off-white to slightly yellow

artificially produced vanillin has almost no colour to it in comparison and is basically a clear liquid with a subtle off-white yellow tint

that's very clearly brown and not black

> But actual physical work like building important structures
Nowadays one skyscraper can be built in a year. Imagine people doing it back then (Tower of Babel, anyone?).

Don't tell them that they add caramel color to vanillin either.

>hurr durrr he's not black, he's brown.

Get the fuck out of here

>free of any impurities hence its not black

das racist

kek, one of the least stupid things you've said all week clown

if you're going to post pictures of black people try doing it without posting one from a country that has had generations of race mixing

regarding the ground vanilla extract, it looks extremely similar to ground coffee which already has a well established name: coffee brown

Dam that look like jamal after a few years of smoking crack and windex.

I still use it to call my saman.

>Oh no! You got ancient tools in my box of dildos!
>And you got dildos in my box of ancient tools!

Neolithic master race reporting in.

>How work on space station coming Mugmug?
>Mugmug think space too far up!

>inb4 "b-buht the human eye can't see past 1 mouse button because I said so!!!111"

fwiw this is a great channel but he doesn't pretend to be historically accurate - he uses more modern inventions where available

an example of this would be the 'fans'/blowers he used for kilns, they weren't invented until fairly recently (relatively) and kind of paved the way for iron smelting in the form of bellows - before then you don't see many examples of iron tools outside of ones fashioned from meteors and the like

(there's also some modern liberties probably taken with the design of fire pits but there's no real evidence either way)

>not recognizing apple as a fashion company

I appreciated that, here's a (you)

Probably just to confuse future civilizations like its doing now

if i was in a powerful position, id have some random shit made and make it seem important and worshiped just to confuse future historians



>tripfag calling another tripfag a clown
Actually kill yourself

Oh look, its the eternally butthurt Apple guy. Do you ever post about anything else? Jesus Christ, give it a rest mate.

I was hurt by apple (touchgate), I'm not satisfied yet. Don't worry I and everyone else will forget apple ever existed in a few years anyway.

>t. was literally there

Get over it you fucking loser.

>I and everyone else will forget apple ever existed in a few years anyway
>$740 Billion dollar tech juggernaut ever going out of people's minds in a few years

You silly tripcunt.

keep telling yourself that iPoojeet paid shill


You are literally an Indian though. You're a retarded fuck even for this board. Almost all of your posts are something dumb, misinformed or just butthurt. You constantly get called out for being a spastic. I don't know why you bother coming here and using your faggot tripcode.

u-uhhh thanks?

He got the potatoes to start his potato farm from the fucking supermarket as if GMO and highly cultivated crops are the same as wild potatoes
The bellows though are just so he can smelt iron (He said his end goal was iron tools)

This staff can be really sharp, even more than steel

Just stop fucking posting you poor and retarded loser. You're not even aware of how dumb all your posts are. Go make some money, stop jerking around on Sup Forums.

>His ancient tools aren't the same thing as his dildos

>not tessellation settings low medium extreme.png

>Go make some money, stop jerking around on Sup Forums.
B-but I'm already a mason ;_;

Dam user, you're legit making me feel down right now. I'm not THAT much of a loser.


You deserve to die

Even with today tool making rock seem hard

>I'm already a mason

Oh boy what the fuck? How do you keep on just getting more intolerable?

Monolithic kernels

Monolithic kernels are objectively superior to microgarbage.
Deal with it.

>not using iBronze
Fucking stone poorfags.

>white man singlehandedly bypasses all of Africa technologically.webm

>Monolithic kernels
>trusting monolithic bloatware in TEE
enjoy your putin

This. It's not comprised entirely of the bean, homemade or not



>>white man singlehandedly bypasses all of Africa technologically.webm
Exactly what was it that you personally contributed to the sum of human knowledge?

Fucking moron, learn to read.

no stealing Tyrungong

What is that?

fucking applel fagz amiryt guiz XDDDDD

how do you people know all this shit fuck.

Hey.... aren't these the balls used in that ancient Aztec game?
I think it was mentioned in El Dorado. You had to hit the balls into two holes on opposite sides of a field with only your elbows.

pic related.

That just speaks about quality of their tools.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Save icons in a car

lets hope bcachefs takes off
i've already started playing around with it
% sudo bcachefs show-super /dev/sdh1
External UUID: 56d604d6-4f5f-4c69-b7c3-26f763304ead
Internal UUID: 0531c73e-55f3-4bbc-afe8-9b528dfc4d49
Label: bcachefs
Version: 7
Block_size: 512
Btree node size: 128.0K
Error action: remount-ro
Clean: 0
Metadata replicas: have 1, want 1
Data replicas: have 1, want 1
Metadata checksum type: crc32c
Data checksum type: crc32c
Compression type: lz4
String hash type: siphash
32 bit inodes: 0
GC reserve percentage: 8%
Root reserve percentage: 0%
Devices: 1

Device 0:
UUID: 6b161b00-a0f3-4c43-83a0-a7f058b8caaf
Size: 2.0G
Bucket size: 128.0K
First bucket: 0
Buckets: 16080
Last mount: Fri Jan 2 21:06:54 1970

State: readwrite
Tier: 0
Has metadata: 1
Has data: 1
Replacement policy: lru
Discard: 0

kys stonefags


why would you put that song in my head
remove it at once


put em in a big drum (probably wooden so it's long gone) spin it around, huzzah polishing device!

it'd explain why 2 look more worn than the other