Why is it that wherever the white man goes he takes nothing but death and suffering?

Why is it that wherever the white man goes he takes nothing but death and suffering?

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>100 million

Faggots can't take a little disease

I'm not talking about North America specifically.

Australia, Africa, Asia, South America all feature the white man showing his barbarism.

Ask the Mongols about it, they should know.

Whites commit the biggest crimes in the world. Niggers shooting each other is nowhere near as bad as the stuff whites have done

everything that exists without our knowledge exists without our consent.


The Mongols killed 40 Million people in their time. Nothing compared to white pigskins

Isn't that called winning?

>100 million
>Highest estimates for the total population in the Americas was 60 million

North american natives are the worst native americans

He didn't say only white man

I'm surprised it was that high.

I know it's a huge continent, but still.

But the Mongols purpose was not to genocide entire groups of people, they made them pay for their lives to be spared something the Native Americans weren't offered.

what genocide?
o-oh sorry wrong thread :DDDDDDDD

Nah it was literally just Anglos and Spaniards.

The French blanda upp with the natives and assimilated them to the catholic way of life. For example the micmac mixed with the french and became acadians until the eternal brit expelled them.

What they were dealing with was a race of degenerates. A mongrel race, little better than niggers. Maybe no better.

>kills millions of innocent men, women and children
>calls others degenerates

Why is it that wherever the yellow man goes he takes nothing but death and suffering?


I never understood why I should feel bad about Hitler and the fucking Jews when Manifest destiny has had a much more negative impact on my life.


Lets be honest fire water ruined them

once we are done with k*rds, we should genocide wh*tes next.

>he hasnt read blood meridian
Not suprising considering the rhetoric

Snow beasts take and give nothing back and then pretend they're all innocent. never trust em

>if you read this novel, killing millions of innocent people is different
>except if it happened to my people

I wonder how great Mexico would be if the spanishits didn't killed all the aztecs and their society, civilization and technology

Just a prank bro.

It's true that Europeans for much of history has used superiority as a justification for a lot of immoral behavior, I don't see why anyone is trying to deny it.

Most of the natives died due to disease tho

>thinking Aztec civilization was a positive force for the Mexican people

Yeah, the constant ritualized tribal warfare, human sacrifices and quasi prehistoric understanding of the cosmos was awesome

>fire water
That's how they call alcohol? Awesome. The Mesoamericans used it as a metafor for war.

>replace a social system with indentured servitude
>get colonialist mindset and corruption

latin america is a shithole because of this lol. they still haven't recovered from spain's model of colonization where basically the rich do not give a fuck about everyone else.

I never said the Spanish conquest was a good thing for the Mexican people either.
But thinking that an undisturbed Aztec Civilization would amount to anything is just deluded.

They didn't even have a proper writing system: Something, their ancestors managed 1000 years earlier.

Fuck the Spaniards, they destroyed ancient Aryan societies(not even meming)



You do realize that the first pyramid in Tenochtitlan was finished being constructed around the same time the first crusades were happening? If Aztecs weren't disturbed we'd be living in the fucking godamn moon by now by such rapid development.

nope it could have developed in parallel or influenced by it. koreans and japs didn't get colonized and as a result don't have a colonialist mindset of fuck everyone else who isn't rich.

nationalism is good for countries, but hasn't developed in latin america because of this.

anyways aztecs and mayans did have writing, they were just destroyed by the eternal spaniard.

I frequently wonder how a modernized Tenochtitlan would have looked like.


>a fucking pyramid
yeah, the Gothic architects would've asked "HOW DID THEY DO IT?"

>pic related, a European stone hut from around the same time

Frankly, I think they would lose some of their mystical theories according with the evolution of the society and the globalization. We can clearly see the radical changes in the christian culture over time. Why this wouldn't happen in the aztec culture?

The aztecs were so developed and smart. In 1400, their capital Tenochtitlán had a hydraulic system so much better and evolved than any city in Europe. Plus, they already had an organized society and real cities (I mean, not some villages or tribes), just like any empire/monarchy in Europe or Asia at this time.

>japs didn't get colonized and as a result don't have a colonialist mindset
>had a colonial empire that existed from 1895-1945

>the eternal spaniard

lol what the fuck is this Ching Chong?

White man is the devil.

White man destroyed civilisations and cultures to get ahead.

Finland is finally free from 700 years of White man oppression.

Me too. I mean, I don't truly give a shit about muh country's past sins, as that's something I have nothing to do about and we can't measure 15th morals with current ones.

BUT, I would love to see how an evolved pure Native Latin America would look like. I really like the art and architecture, they're pretty fucking alien.

Or hell, just seeing their culture more preserved by the Spanish conquerors.

another one

I'm trying to make you realize that for as long as the German tribes have been settled in Europe BC. Tenochtitlan was only founded and settled in 1325 and only took one century to found our first city and pyramid with proper aqueducts n sheet?

>our first city and pyramid with proper aqueducts n sheet?

and you realize that they didnt just started existing but have a few thousand years of civilization behind them?

Aztecs were just as oppressive as the spaniards

Japanese were the colonizers, and not the colonized. This is what he's saying.

Incans had a higher population density than europe in a harder to settle region of the world, and had enough gold to build entire cities with.

its all until spain literally melted them all down and used it to become europe's super-power.

>South America

Whites didn't do shit there unless you mean the american intervention.

nice goalpost-moving, bro

Spot the quebecuck

...and then they gave the Pope all their money and pissed it away fighting (and losing) religious wars.

The white races have imposed their will by force, and the influence they have had on the native inhabitants has been negligible; the Hindus have remained Hindus, the Chinese have remained Chinese, and the Moslems are still Moslems. There have been no profound transformations, and such changes as have occurred are less marked in the religious field, notwithstanding the tremendous efforts of the Christian missionaries, than in any other. There have been a few odd conversions the sincerity of which are open to considerable doubt-except, perhaps in the case of a few simpletons and mentally deficients. The white races did, of course, give some things to the natives, and they were the worst gifts that they could possibly have made, those plagues of our own modern world-materialism, fanaticism, alcoholism and syphilis. For the rest, since these peoples possessed qualities of their own which were superior to anything we could offer them, they have remained essentially unchanged.

>implying portugueses and spanishs didn't killed the natives
Brazil literally had 95% of the natives slaughtered

Aztecs were shit but I could never forgive the Spaniards for ruining the Inca empire. It makes me happy seeing them self hating and worthless today. Karma's a bitch

yeah past is past mate.

btw conquistadors were recruited from castilian reconquistadors, jesuits were against the whole burning of temples thing.

The problem was that they only developed the capital. They looted population and riches from the neighboring city states in order to enrich Tenochtitlan.

The fact that they didn't use advanced construction techniques makes me appreciate more their buildings.
Nevertheless, certainly not many can compare with the complex beauty of Gothic architecture.

between 2-10 million Indians lived in the us prior to1500 By 1800 there were about 500,000 left
Not quite 100 million is it skippy


Maybe meant emcompass in all of americas, or projecting how many lifes were prevented to exist because of how many were killed, possibly both

They pissed away an entire continent's worth of gold and lost out economic dominance to german and dutch merchants.

same thing is happening now lel, spain is eternally cucked by le german merchant.jpeg


It's kind of a shame, but at the same time I acknowledge how hard is to understand their culture, especially during inquisition times.

>implying things like the British Raj would be listed when Anglos are a majority on the internet
oy vey

>may be underestimated

oh you :DDDDDdddddddddddd

>implying we are white
>implying we wanted to genocide the people that collected our gold
>implying back then anyone had any idea about what smallpox exactly was

>half your kids dying to various diseases and injuries
>slightest misfortune means agonizing death
>always one natural disaster away from extinction of your culture

what a fantastic life there buddy


>muh 100 gorillion
Natives can get fucked
They should have been born white

Too many Europeans felling sorry for Native Americans.

So let's make a deal. You go to any Latin American country and give me your schengen visa.

Native American are one of the ugliest races. I wish they look at least like arabs.

>citation needed

how's the eighth grade going?

>by the end of the 20th century most scholars gravitate to a middle estimate of around 30 million, with some historians arguing for 60 million or more.

>Be Native american
>Your homeland was raveged by brits and franches
>Do not fight like in Vietnam
>Do not ask for help of Russian empire of other super powers like Germany
>Sell your own lands for a bijetery
What is wrong with this guys?

>Do not fight like in Vietnam
They did, they were just really shit at it

>Tenochtitlan was only founded and settled in 1325
>the first pyramid in Tenochtitlan was finished being constructed around the same time the first crusades were happening?
Which is it?

As I know Vietnam don't sell their lands for a bijetery and take supplies from enemy, and they fight like a real warriors and patriots.

Native Americans are all Russian and Mongolian.

The previous one

What can you expect
From filthy little heathens?
Their whole disgusting race is like a curse
Their skin's a hellish red
They're only good when dead
They're vermin, as I said
And worse
They're savages! Savages!

But we crashed are all invaders.

This is what we feared
The paleface is a demon
The only thing they feel at all is greed
Beneath that milky hide
There's emptiness inside
I wonder if they even bleed
They're savages! Savages!
Barely even human!
Killers at the core!

Concerning United States, the """genocide""" is actually just this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trail_of_Tears

Most of their population actually died of smallpox epidemics.

concerning Latin America, same thing, various disease epidemics but most of them are actually still alive, they are just mixed.

what's the matter? you still considering that a genocide? so the current events in europe and political propaganda are attemps of genocide to the europeans? multiculturalism is not a good thing when it's about indians?

>slaughtered and lost their homeland
Well, the second part doesn't really matter to them once they're dead. The first one too tbqh.

