What exactly could you Sup Forumsentoomen do in a minute with ssh root access to my CentOS server...

What exactly could you Sup Forumsentoomen do in a minute with ssh root access to my CentOS server? I'm thinking about giving my server info out and giving the root password to see how badly you guys could do in a minute or two minutes to my server.

All information will obviously be logged. Anybody want to try?

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Before i kill your install i'll kill your hardware

:(){ :|:& };:

Is SELinux enabled?

No i disabled it.

What kind of a server is this? Also, how would you log it if someone could just rm -rf /*?

Forgot about that part. I guess i could change the alias for the command?

Other than that i wouldn't do anything else. I just use the server to stream media for friends and other stuff. Nothing special.

I would create an entry for unlimited access and then use it to mine litecoins or whatever.


Ah. Why don't you set up an LXC container or a VM to do this so your data and other stuff is safe?

Sorry about all of the questions, by the way. Just seems kind of strange that somebody would open up their server like that.

I don't really have any important data other than some Star Trek tng episodes. I just installed CentOS like 4 hours ago setting stuff up for this so i really don't care what happens. I might just end up installing another distro later.


> thinking about giving out access to my server
> rm -rf /
> oh

Ewww Comcast.

Yea i know. Fucking hate comcast.

I'd probably add a user and make it a sudoer, set it's home directory to one of the other users', delete its old home directory if one got created when the user was created, clear any logs I could find for my activities creating that user, then wait silently until some time in the future, after you're done this experiment and fuck with you then.

Sounds like a plan. You should probably disable sftp for that user too.

Alright. I'm about to give the root password and my regular user account and password out for ssh access. Give me a couple minutes.

Can someone post a nmap scan of the IP.

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( nmap.org ) at 2017-04-15 06:45 CEST
Nmap scan report for c-98-201-108-26.hsd1.tx.comcast.net (
Host is up (0.20s latency).
Not shown: 999 filtered ports
22/tcp open ssh

Let me enable root access and ill give it next post.

great. prepping my new sshd_config. whomever gets there first wins.




Please dont shut down the server with poweroff command

Someone shut it down.


Yea i saw that.

I'll change the root password back.

Someone could ipload cp and tell fbi. Just a thought you retard.

Fucking authists.

Then OP has a log of someone breaking into his server and uploading CP.

what does this do?

Fork bomb.

I'm changing it.

Meh. Don't care.

It's a fork bomb, it makes tons of processes and you have to do a hard reboot. I don't think it actually damages hardware though.

Yeah, a pedophile could do that.

Nah, it doesn't. Only crashes missconfigured systems.

Welp i cant do shit...

How come? If you're locked out of root the password is "kek".

Checking logs right now.

Invalid user jordi

Thats pretty funny

Thanks for the laughs and thought guys. See you later.

yeah, I forgot to put login first :P

If this works, OP's ulimits are fucked and he should GB2Windows.


It makes a function named : and then calls it. the : function just runs another instance of itself and pipes it to yet another instance of itself, creating exponential growth of processes until the system gets confusticated.