Why are generals allowed here when we're supposed to be discussing international culture and not circle jerking in our...

Why are generals allowed here when we're supposed to be discussing international culture and not circle jerking in our own countries general?

>when we're supposed to be discussing international culture
Hah, why would that happen here?

Because Sup Forums is s _ _ _


I'm still waiting for someone who isn't a complete fucking retard to answer my question...

We aren't mods.

Try posting in /qa/ and asking there.

Also ask why people are allowed to post using tripcodes on an anonymous imageboard

Asking more questions doesn't answer anything so please refer back to

Natural human behavior.

It's why countries exist in the first place

I just told you we're not mods.

What kind of answer are you expecting?

Because we can.


/brit/ is protected by moot.

Additionally, when you want to learn about the French do you go to Japan or to France? That is the answer to your question.

Because bringing the world together would be multiculturalism. That's why it's perfectly reasonable for people to stick to their own kind in generals

Just filter every general you can find.

That wasn't referring to a general at all, just british posters

No, it was Riley, I was in the thread that this all came from.

He started sperging out, dropping his pastas and then went crying to moot starting that thread, we all started spamming his thread and linking his whining for moot to see and then he told Riley No.

Ever since I have suspected that one of our New Yorkers has been moot.

shut your mouth perfidious albion, moot is a regular in /v4/. he posts with a Polish VPN so people will not suspect him of being a faggot.

Scrubbing toilets and carrying luggage are very similar things so it makes sense

I assure you that as a foreigner, your opinion means very little to me.

Why do good intentions backfire?

That's just life.

generals are cancer that stifke other discussions

We are all filthy gaijin in the eyes of Hiroshima Nagasaki's new Sup Forums.

I often times visit other countries generals as a way to take in the culture. Plus it's an acceptable place to use a language other than english.

Because Aussies and Britbongs are generally retarded and Germans need thier safe space for quality discussion

i can teach you Spanish.

Donde esta el taco truck?

fuck you I actually had to hover over the flag because I was so confused

puta madre.

eh, I just come to otehrs generals and circle jerk with them

because generals are a representation of the local internet/imageboard culture of it's participants and often involve cultural exchange between the countries in it, whether it's memes or discussion of current events from their national point of view. even single country generals involve talking to people of other parts of your country and provide insight into their local culture and point of view, the anonymous posting and commonality of being a Sup Forums user means you can be much more candid in your interaction. there is nothing wrong with having a general for a country or a collection of countries because it represents a section of the imageboard that is dedicated to people who share the commonality of both interest in the participating nations and posting on Sup Forums, I can discuss food or music with you in a specific thread but I probably can't discuss an internationally uninteresting piece of news specific to chile or a non-sensical /lat/ meme with you, because more than being uninformed you probably don't give a shit, and you shouldn't. if I were to make a thread about a chilean issue I would most likely only receive replies from people to whom it concerns which are probably people who post in the chilean general, completely beating the point of making a separate thread.
furthermore you are free to browse and post in said generals regardless of your nationality, even when met with hostility there is no rule that forbids you from participating, even the language barrier can be solved with a few clicks, if had interest in a particular bulgarian issue for example I can just drop by /balk/ and ask them how they feel about it, I can even go there just for the fuck of it.
we live in an age where most questions regarding foreign cultures can be solved by a google search, if your intent is to have meaningful cultural exchange and conversation into the normality of other countries then there are plenty of other sites to do so.


well then i can see why didn't email the mods/hiro

Because people on Sup Forums don't actually want to know anything about other cultures, they're much happier sticking to their own le ebin maymays and trolling with the same tired stereotypes.

>be American
>get shot

lel so clever