Croatia = best country

This is why Croatia is one of the best countries in Europe if not in the world:

>money and high purchasing power
>birthplace of famous inventor
>was a solid empire in middle ages
>gay rights
>already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology to more easily compete with Western Europe
>some people ride bikes to work
>praised by Nietzsche for its peoples musical achievements in Ecce Homos
>hs produkt vhs 2
>strong and predictable economy
>importing cars from Portugal
>white & European
>invented the necktie so you can look like a gentleman and not like a chino faggot
>almost every family has a car and a PC with internet
>low unemployment
>strategical partnership with Argentina until 2050
>implementing unemployment plan from Greece
>exporting to Serbia and Bosnia
>army uses homemade tanks
>industry based on exports and not on imports
>people wear modern clothes
>most people have smartphones

>no black angels
>best country

>importing cars from Portugal


>this pasta again

I must admit that you make a compelling case with the VHS2, meanest son of a bitch I ever seen, AND it's a dead ringer for the StA52, please import, BUT! Australia almost won eurovision. And they made the F90, which to newcomers is an AUG from space, and the Helghast got owned by the ISA, aka, idiots, thus, a gun that looks like the Sta52, probably won't do much good if Croatia is the beginning of helghan corporation, and they didn't help make the Koral, and instead made the Commodore VF. Thus, Australia is the best country ever. Though I would place Croatia second... A close second.

>money and high purchasing power

Stopped reading here, too much stomach pain from this pasta

>birthplace of famous inventor

Too bad he's Serbian.

top wew fäm

so sad


>gay rights

yeah you can fuck off, m8


This is why Bosnia is one of the best countries in Europe if not in the world:

>Most mosques per capita in the world
>We wash our hands
>Tallest people in the world
>Anthem has no lyrics so you don't have to bother singing it
>have 3 presidents you you can pick which one you like the most
>High end trash containers
>100% white and no gays
>diaspora send us money so very few people die of hunger

You cannot compete with us croatia

It is still debated though. His parents are Orthodox Christians, and Serbia claims that all Orthodox People in the Yugoslavia area are Serbians. But, Tesla was born in the Croatian part of the map, not in Serbia. I guess that is the storyline. Correct me if I am wrong

greatest ally


If he is born in balkan and he is an Orthodox, he is a Serb. If he is born in Balkan and he is a Catholic, he is a Croat. If he is born in Balkan and he is a Muslim, he is a Bosniak. This is the rule of thumb.

best thread ever

How about Kosovo then? Just pointing out some mistakes here. Also, don't just say Balkans. Balkans are like the whole peninsula, including Bulgar and Greece. Just say ex-Yugoslavia

>>Most mosques per capita in the world
>>We wash our hands
>>Tallest people in the world
>>Anthem has no lyrics so you don't have to bother singing it
>>have 3 presidents you you can pick which one you like the most
>>High end trash containers
% white and no gays
>>diaspora send us money so very few people die of hunger

change her clothes and she'll be a 10/10 desu

>talking "facts" about Balkan
Google Medo Pucić, first one coming to my mind. He was a self proclaimed catholic Serb from Dubrovnik.
There are numerous examples of Croatians of orthodox (Nikola Tesla) and escpecially muslim (Džafer Kulenović, vice president of Croatian fascist state in ww2) faith and Serbs of catholic faith.
It was and still is very common in todays Bosnia and Croatia and 18-20 century when Yugoslav nationalities were beginning to play a major role in our history.

Faggots stay in the closet forever, unless they run away, mostly go to croatia to impregnate the bowels of young croatian gays.

I am fucking confused. Guess I'll trust the Balkan then

someone post her getting BLACKED video

since when dress can change the face bone structure and the hair?

You're gay user

There is no rule that Croats have to be catholic and Serbs orthodox. But religion is huge part of our national identities since there is a really small difference between us then, without religion.
Especially Bosniaks. In first Yugoslavia they were Croats or Serbs when there was census, depending of what they chose (mostly Croatian, who would want to be a Serb? kek).
In ww2 most of them sided with fasist Croats if they were not in the partisans - "muslims are the flowers of Croatian nation" - Ante Starcevic. and they were self-proclaimed muslim Croats.
In second Yugoslavia their "nationality" was literally: "Muslim". Until the late 20 century where they were finally "Bosniaks".

so without muslim faith? what is a "Bosniak"?
Its similar with Croats and Serbs.. but we do have more national culture, history and identity to be Croats and Serbs without our main religion.


>but we do have more national culture, history and identity to be Croats and Serbs without our main religion.

Što mrzim ovu jebenu memu

>not america

INaravno da imate svoju povijest. Pocevsi od crkve bosanske i bosanskog katolickog kraljevstva. Zatim jedan od najstarijih rječnika s ovih prostora je "bosansko-turski" itd. itd.
Ali ne znam, po meni sve to slabo drži vodu za neko čvrsto stvaranje nacionalnog identiteta. Pogotovo s obzirom na povijesne okolnosti.
Ali to je samo moje nebitno mišljenje.. tko sam ja da branim Bosnjačima da se izašnjavaju kao Bošnjaci? Stvarno nisam htio zvučat ko srbin..jbg

He was serb orthodox though i've heard that his origin is morlach vlach from istria(hence vlach tool "tesla")

He was serb /thread

His parents moved to Croatia because orthodox people were persecuted at that time in his area.

Why do you crave so much on niggers? Italian disease?

>hence vlach tool "tesla"

? pic pls


Very doubtful the world.


death to diaspora

Hahaha kakve veze talibani i srednjovjekovna bosna imaju

Teslo is the tool used by tesarji - woodcarvers. If the word appears in Slovenian, then it can't be Romanian.

Also, Serbocroatian is fucking ugly for a Slavic language, I don't know why my parents' generation were all over it, damn.

first post best post

>Niggerus Tesliniqua
>Not Black

Vulcan nations are always killing each other...
south Slavic peolple are totally cruel...

I'm not diaspora you filthy Cr*at

>gay rights

you're supposed to be strong catholic country. y u do dis, you heretic?

>gay rights

I stopped reading here

>A country

Try again