Just got a GTX 1080 MSI armor for $410 new on eBay. how did i do

just got a GTX 1080 MSI armor for $410 new on eBay. how did i do.

a little less than 1 year ago I paid about $600 for that shit after waiting until 4am so I can order it online...

so... pretty good senpai, hope it works

it works fine, i waited to get it before making this thread.

You fucked up.

MSI 1070 and 1080 are very cheap
there must be something behind it, who knows

>I just bought a new GTX xxxx
>how did i do
at least be subtle and wait for one thread to die before you make the next one.

seeing that thread made me want to make this one.

that is not a MSI armor, the Armor has no back-plate.

That's the point. Armor is even worse.

for proof

I paid 855 dollarydoos for mine ;-; STRIX tho

>Buying a non-Ti GTX x80 series
It's like you want to overpay for a card that's going to be gimped to hell and back or replaced by the real deal in a few months.

without comparisons this is meaningless

yeah the 980 sure is getting btfo
oh wait no
its still faster than the rx 480

>own 1080 sli
>still faster than 1080 ti/ titan xp
I don't see a problem, sli worked in all games I've played except doom, which runs 4k 60 fps with 1 card anyway.

>b-but you overpaid
That's fine by me.


why arent all the 10 series cards at 100%? I mean that's 1080p so the game should be CPU bottlenecked, not GPU.

If that's on Furmark or some bullshit 96C on the VRMs isn't too bad

Few games are really CPU bottlenecked, that's a myth

>Space Engineers
>Planetside 2
>Battlefield 1
Just off the top of my head.

Yes same with EVGA, if you don't plan to run a custom BIOS (What would be retarded without a fullcover watercooler) in the Sahara it won't blow. Mine runs at 62-66°, it won't reach 70 even under permanent load.

I just bought this card a couple of weeks back, its pretty good. Quite a bit better than my previous card (GT 630M).