Yo waddup Sup Forums I just bought this laptop, is this thing any good or what?

Yo waddup Sup Forums I just bought this laptop, is this thing any good or what?


give it back, jamal

Fruity Loops will work fine on it. You can create as much Rap trash as you want.

whats wrong with lenovo? why dont they make their charging port round?

Give it back!

>6 usb slots
what the fuck is that

that's a vent user...

oh tyrone, you crack me up


covert shilling

This is too obvious anyone with an IQ over 60 can see that

So, you be sayin... we all niggas?

You all is.


yes, user, those are totally 6 usb ports


Windows 10 is the most supported and secure OS right now.

Pretty sure that's false.

kill yourself

give it back, jaquan

dis nigga srs?

Tyrone please put it back

Friendly reminder that racism is banned on all boards besides Sup Forums. Please reread the global rules for this site, paying close attention to global rule #3.

Reddit is that way you fucking nigger faggot---->

give it back laqueefa

give it back, shitavious

give it be duquan

please kill yourself


back where you found it, TyQuillius deMarquison

I love the Ideapads but they have absolutely shit wireless cards.