Can americans really not tell the difference between a normal Australian accent and a british accent?

Can americans really not tell the difference between a normal Australian accent and a british accent?

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No we can hear the difference easily, it's fairly distinct

Australians sound like rednecks and Brits sound more sophisticated.

Australians have more of a drawl or twang whereas British can't go a minute without saying the word quite.

Austrailians air that shit out

Well, I know the difference to be this:
Australians sound like cunts
Brits are cunts

Australians sound more like ducks

I literally went to the effort of using the word "normal", which obviously means Melbourne.

they sound similar but distinct at the same time

Australians sound like drunk brits to me.
Really, that's what they are.

But melbourne is mutt central, you can get wogs with aussie mong accents and the other way around..I wouldn't call that normal

>be me
>playing FFXIII
>'why this two girls have a british accent?'
Found out later there accent was australian actually
Same thing happened first time I watched the Meet the Sniper video

english say blimey and australians say crikey

In one of my classes last semester there was a girl who talked really weird, I just thought she was mentally handicapped because she just sounded brain damaged. Weeks later she mentioned she was from Australia.

betteridge's law of ameridumbs=

whenever you question american capabilities or intellec,t the answer wil always be that which represents american stupidity

so no

I can always figure out a Brit but I can only tell Aussies when they're being stereotypical.

What's a mong?

>British accent
>as if there's only one

Can you tell the difference between Cockney, Scouse, Mancunian, Glaswegian, Irish, Scottish, Northern Irish, Brummie, Yorkshire, Geordie, Posh, Upper class, Upper-middle class, Middle class, Working class, Chav, Ned, Inner City, Welsh, Devon, Norfolk, Cumbria, Chelsea, Oxbridge, and a whole bunch of others?

I could distinguish cockney, scouse, irish, scottish, yorkshire, geordie, posh, chav, welsh and oxbridge tyvm


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Protip: If you're going to call someone dumb, don't type like a retard.

Well tbf we can't tell there accents, I only know southern, New york, Cali and the rest and the rest

does it really matter to an american

sometimes, but New Zealand sounds and Identical to Australia

and Ireland and Scotland sound the same

people in la/nyc yes, as we are used to hearing different anglo accents.