I used to think that it was a privilege to serve people who also loved the idea of service...

> I used to think that it was a privilege to serve people who also loved the idea of service, but now I think many members of the free software community are just deeply antisocial types who love to hate on whatever is mainstream,
> When Windows was mainstream they hated on it. Rationally, Windows does many things well and deserves respect for those. And when Canonical went mainstream, it became the focus of irrational hatred too.
> The very same muppets would write about how terrible it was that IOS/Android had no competition and then how terrible it was that Canonical was investing in (free software!) compositing and convergence. Fuck that shit.

Do you agree, Sup Forums?


He has a terminal case of not-invented-here syndrome. He, his company, and the distro as a whole made bad technical choices. The free-software world, unlike a lot of other communities, was willing to straight up tell him he was making bad technical choices, instead of being all polite and buddy-buddy. He took it personally and kept doing it. As a result the free-software world reciprocated and now also dislikes him, his company, and his distro, personally.

He made his own bed and now he's shocked and appalled to find himself lying in it.

sorry but attaching an anime girl next to your opinion automatically makes it invalid

He has a stupid oppinion regardless of an image attached though anyway.


>The free-software world, unlike a lot of other communities, was willing to straight up tell him he was making bad technical choices, instead of being all polite and buddy-buddy.
This is not actually what happens, though. The way these arguments usually shake out is that there are a few people who are actually capable of making valid technical criticisms, and everybody else just picks a side for emotional or nit-picky reasons and doesn't add anything constructive, but sure knows how to be an annoying asshole.

Hell, even the technical arguments are a double-edged sword, because the nincompoops will just regurgitate those arguments to support their biases without any sort of comprehension or original thought.

>not-invented-here syndrome

Not using garbage like GNOME in your product and realizing that Linux doesn't have a decent desktop environment is not a case of NIH syndrome, it is called being sane.

Of course for Red Hat shills like you Unity was a nuisance because it represent competition to your shitty DE.

The reason Unity failed is because the Desktop (specially on Linux) is very unprofitable. So in the end he had to close the project and fire the employees working on Unity 8. Sad news for those who wanted a Linux distro aimed at the user. GNOME is a minimal enterprise DE that is meant to fit the needs of a company. Unity was trying to be aimed at the users, something that your grandma could use and feel right at home with.

fuck off Mark, no one gives a fuck what you think, no one cares that youre butthurt because your attempt to corporatize your Linux ecosystem failed. Thats not how open source works, you will be destined to fail until you openly admit you are corporate and fully go corporate like Red Hat.

The heros of open source are people like Linus Torvalds, Larry Wall, DHH, these are people who are humble, sharing, and just hand over control to the community and not try to exercise any control.

The trolls of the open source community are Richard Stallman and Mark Shuttleworth. rms is trying to turn open source into a communist political system and be the figurehead of that system. Shuttleworth as already mentioned is trying to be the corporate Steve Jobs of Linux.

There is nothing worse than a troll who doesnt know he is a troll and just constantly harasses people with his bullshit, thats what Mark is.

>Linux doesn't have a decent desktop environment
GNOME, KDE, Xfce, Lxde, MATE, Cinnamon, take your pick. We have lots of DEs and they're all pretty good. They're certainly different and good for different things and philosophies, but you can just switch to another one that fits better.

>The reason Unity failed is because the Desktop (specially on Linux) is very unprofitable
>Sad news for those who wanted a Linux distro aimed at the user
Well if users didn't want it then it deserved to die, didn't it? If users do want it, well, I hear there's already a fork getting underway, so they'll still be able to have it. Everybody wins in either case. Except for Shuttleworth's ego.

>We have lots of DEs and they're all pretty good.

Please don't start with the "we have 9999 shitty WM to choose from!". I personally tried all those. Unity was the only one that was modern and had sane defaults. Both KDE and specially GNOME are noticeably inferior.

>Well if users didn't want it then it deserved to die

Not the case here. Unless you think the vocal minority of Sup Forums who likes to trash popular things is proof of anything.

> If users do want it, well, I hear there's already a fork getting underway

99% chances of failure like all Linux forks.

>Everybody wins in either case.

No for those of us who wanted a reliable and modern Linux DE aimed at the desktop user (RIP Unity 8).

>The reason Unity failed is because the Desktop (specially on Linux) is very unprofitable. So in the end he had to close the project and fire the employees working on Unity 8. Sad news for those who wanted a Linux distro aimed at the user. GNOME is a minimal enterprise DE that is meant to fit the needs of a company. Unity was trying to be aimed at the users, something that your grandma could use and feel right at home with.
Unity and Gnome3 are exactly the same thing, they are trying to replace toolbar/dropdown menu desktop and emulate OSX UI-centric usability. No one likes either Unity or Gnome3 because it feels like a fisher price toy UI just like win8/win10

>boooo hoooo, why wont everyone except my UI as 'modern' and kiss my ass like they did Steve Jobs??!!
this is why Mark Shuttleworth is a complete asshole and waste of space in open source

>Unity and Gnome3 are exactly...

This is your shitty opinion

>No one likes either Unity or Gnome3 because...

This is your shitty opinion

>feels like a fisher price toy UI

So original man, I bet you learned that one from Sup Forums

Please shows us your riced Arch Linux with that minimalis DE and your pedophile wallpaper

No, we have legitimate gripes with something that should be kept simple. Unity was objectionably fucked. It was something people had to learn to like. People did not hate Windows because it went mainstream. They hated the decisions to fuck up user experience. Mark doesn't know what he's talking about and this is probably why he failed. He's just sour because his projects failed.

>So original man, I bet you learned that one from Sup Forums
ha ha, I love your corporate shill mentality Mark, sorry I dont fall into line with the corporate elitism that pervades silicon valley and that you are trying to push onto the Linux community

>Arch Linux
Nothing wrong with the distribution. It's mainly a different package manager and repository management. Everything else is Linux.

>I personally tried all of those
>Both KDE and specially GNOME are noticeably inferior

Glad to see you have nothing to say for MATE or Xfce.

>I have all these choices, but I hate all of them! I hate having choices! I want one DE that looks and works like a Mac! And what I wanted died because it wasn't making some corporation a lot of money!
Go put your money where your mouth is and buy a mac then.

He is right that free tards hate on anything that is popular.

He is an retard for thinking convergence was a good idea or that people would support it. The only people it benefits are lazy ass companies.

>ha ha, I love your corporate shill mentality Mark, sorry I dont fall into line with the corporate elitism that pervades silicon valley and that you are trying to push onto the Linux community
This was a meme to me until I spent two years coding and managing at a real live Silicon Valley shithole. Keep up the good fight, people like that are fake

I actually did.

Except that I went back to Windows. I have never been an Apple person. You seem to be confused. I liked Unity, not because it resembles a Mac (never used one), but because it is the only modern Linux DE that is not absolute garbage.

When I mentioned modern, I intermediacy discarded those, read my post again I think it was pretty obvious.

In what way are they not modern? And what is your definition of "modern"?

>99% chances of failure like all Linux forks.
that also applies to the shitty debian fork called ubuntu

Things like GTK2, screen tearing, useless title-bar in my browser, etc etc.

Yeah, don't give any reasons or anything.

>screen tearing
What are compositors? I use Xfce for OpenSUSE on a daily basis with no compositing tweaks since the installation, and I haven't had any screen tearing. Sounds like you're just uttering trash from several years ago.

>useless title-bar in my browser

>Yeah, don't give any reasons or anything.

Explain what? Is old/legacy stuff, what is there to explain. If I told you KDE 3 is not modern to me, would you also demand me to explain? what is wrong with you?

I even remember (in my days of ricing linux) reading about GTK2 limitation that wouldn't allow me to do stuff that I wanted.

>Sounds like you're just uttering trash from several years ago.

I already told you that I have used all of them. it's your problem if you don't believe I am not here to convince you. I currently use Ubuntu Mate on my HTPC (soon to be replace by Windows) and I still got screen tearing on Firefox after having set-up compton (just linux things eh buddy?)

Do you also want me to explain to you why Windows 95 feels old to me?

In the end it is kind of subjective, but at least in MY EXPERIENCE the line between a modern and a not modern DE is pretty clear.

Unity was malicious, glad it's dead. Amazon shills defending unity can lick my asshole.

>I did it for free and expected nothing in return
>I got nothing in return


>When Windows was mainstream
>was mainstream
Are you retarded?
Do you not realize the vast majority of operating systems are Windows operating systems, split between Windows 7 and Windows 10 primarily?

Nevermind, everyone is an idiot.

I like Ubuntu and I'm an Archfag. Any Linux distro is better than a Windows OS. Windows does a lot of things badly. The only thing it is good for is gaming.

Said no one ever.

GTK2 is a toolkit, so simply saying "hurr if I said KDE3 is not modern to me" is retarded. Comparing a toolkit to a DE based on another toolkit is pretty retarded.

>reading about GTK2 limitation that wouldn't allow me to do stuff that I wanted
This is why I asked you to explain. This actually says nothing.

>I told you I already used all of them
Yeah, so you're saying you used them several years ago, as opposed to how they are now? I was also specifically talking Xfce, which around here is a huge meme about "hurr muh screen tearing". Also, you set up Compton? In MATE? Why didn't you just use Compiz, you tard?

>Do you also want me to explain to you why Windows 95 feels old to me?
No, I want you to explain the useless title bar you're talking about, dipshit. Do you even read?

Where did he get this from? He had a large active and caring community around him. Is he just going to shit on it?

Fuck him.