



I hate how Americans hail these guys as heroes like they were fighting for a purpose or for their freedom do soldiers actually believe they're some kind of heroes I hate soldiers they act so cocky.


Don't play this game with us, you won't like where it ends.


Bruce you're just upset your grandpa got cucked by an American GI. Congratulations, you are 1/4 burger.

Go damn you guys
God damn

Kek, triggers subhuman Jap butthurt


Japs dead.

>almost ra(khan'd)ped by mongorians

>25 kill streaked by america


number of times they defeated USA in war : 0

number of times they defeated USA in war : 1

lmao get rekt jap

I honestly don't give a fuck about U.S. soldiers dying. Anybody who willingly signs up for these modern bullshit wars deserve death.

Because you're contributing so much more to society, right?

Maybe he doesn't, but he will have the last laugh (literally) when he's still alive and they aren't.

I say fuck whitey


rest in peace, guys

Proxy fag.
I can't even take you guys seriously anymore.

>Japs would've win with burgs if not Poland
Get reeeeeeekt Japs and Burgs


thanks for bringing mcdonalds

I'm not doing anything good for society, but I'm not doing anything bad to it either. These guys are actively doing horrible things that don't benefit society at all. By doing nothing I am contributing more to society than they are.
>an American doesn't worship soldiers so he must be a foreigner using a proxy
lived here my whole life senpai

dog bless


>be American
>be dead


>Doing horrible things
Opinion disgarded.

>die bringing 'freedom' to a bunch of sandniggers who clearly don't even want it

darwinism in action imo

>be american
>get shot

name one good thing U.S. troops did in the 21st century. killing Bin Laden is the only thing I can think of, everything else they did was objectively terrible for both the U.S.A. and the middle east

>actively doing horrible things that don't benefit society at all

like working for an education then after a certain number of years transferring over to the civilian sector? Those kind of horrible things? I thinks it your bed time you have summer school tomorrow.


like invading a country that never asked for salvation and massacring the local population over WMDs that never existed and leaving the entire region a smoking crater with thousands of lives lost and absolutely nothing achieved

>I am edgy because I am above other Americans for not worshipping soldiers
>By doing this I seem smart, and makes me feel better about my life
>I am unable to differentiate the government from soldiers send to do it.
>I feel I am smart enough to understand all geo-political actions the US has taken even though I am not able to have access to information that could change this.
>I am so sure that it is not possible to find one good thing that the US has done for over a decade.

Amed we both know your cousin deserved to get taken out by that drone.


He actually sounds smarter than you and most Americans. And calling someone edgy because he is against war is pretty retarded

It's called collateral damage and it happens in every war especially one where you're trying to hunt down terrorists that look and act like normal people but intend and follow through with killing innocents, as well as Americans.
And that same military also lends aid and support to starving/collapsed nations around the globe, saving lives as well.
Amusing that you care more about people across the planet than your own country men, progressive liberalism in action I suppose.


Who isn't against war? You seem to have some stereotype of every soldier wanting to destroy a whole village.

It's funny that you say this because you think you're being smart by pointing this out, but every time I get into this argument this exact same thing is pointed out so you're not exactly making an astute observation. Anyways no I don't think I'm super smart or anything like that.

Your argument is pure bullshit though, seriously read what you just posted. You say that I should be mad at the government and not the soldiers? The soldiers signed up for it dude. That was a voluntary war, nobody was drafted. This isn't Vietnam where most soldiers didn't even want to fight, these fuckers signed up to slaughter some towelheads. I have absolutely no sympathy for them, they consciously made the decision to go die as cannon fodder in a pointless conflict.
Collateral damage in a war that never needed to take place. That's like me walking into your house with the intention of shooting your dog, but my aim is off and I accidentally kill your parents in the crossfire. Guess that's just collateral damage, nevermind that I shouldn't have been shooting at your dog in the first place. Also I'm not a liberal and I do care about my country, which is what makes the whole middle eastern conflict worse. It didn't help the U.S.A. out at all, it just got a bunch of our guys killed for no reason and made our global reputation even worse.


Now I know you're trolling since that whole Iraqi sniper never had any proof of existing.


All of these people actually got shot. However Juba was probably not an individual.

>killing 500 000 civilians
>"collateral damage"
Americans never cease to amaze me.

Here us your whole response in a much shorter way.

>I disagree with you, but I need to repeat it to make it seem like my opinion is worth more.

why don't they give "hero status" to people that did shit, and to the soldiers who got a bullet to the head the moment they got out of the car they just give them participation prizes?

Good argument dude. You really showed him.

Well yea these are all basically propaganda films since no proof was given of all these being done by an indivdiul and most likely that a lot of these guys got killed later on on since the 08' surge targetted snipers and training of them as part of it.

The other guy is being retarded, yes, but assuming your flag is accurate...

You live in Germany. Ger-ma-ny. Germany is the country where you live.



When did I repeat myself? First I said U.S.A. didn't accomplish anything, then you called me an edgelord and said I should be mad at the government and not the troops. Then I have a right to be mad at the troops because they voluntarily joined the war and are as much responsible for the bloodshed as the government is.

I can't even sum up your response in a shorter way because you just posted a meme and had no substance in your post.

They should have killed more. Grind the entire country into dust. Bomb them into perpetual submission. The Middle East, and most of the world, is shit nowadays because we're not here to herd them like cattle. The West has not fought a single war seriously since WW2. We let them win.

2/3 of all soldiers in vietnam were volunteers you nigger
.execpt they did you fagget in 1991 when we didn't invade and there was an internatonal shit storm and the new york times wrote about how we betrayed all of Iraq, and the Afghani
government did ask and allow for our intervention into Afghanistan so they did ask for salvation in every way.

Why would I need to get into a serious argument with a guy on a Hungarian scented firewould lumberjack imageboard?

we have never killed 100,000 civilians and in Afghanistan nearly all the civilians killed are killed directly by the Taliban and you fail to mention the billions of dollars we spend to build schools, hospitals, dig wells, improve infrastructure and give out food and vaccines .

That shit doesn't work though, look at how useless the effort was in Iraq and Afghanistan
>Spend a fucking decade wasting thousands of troops and billions of dollars of equipment killing sand niggers
>Oh boy we killed half a million of them and assassinated their leader, that will surely quiet them down for a bit!
>Finish the war and return everything back home to America
>Within 6 fucking months the terrorists are back and stronger than ever before
>Now the entire region and all the locals hate America for destroying their homes and killing their loved ones
>The locals who were once neutral or on America's side are now 100% on the terrorists's side
>Middle East has access to actual real WMDs now, not fake ones

If you want to truly wipe them out you have to legit just nuke the shit out of the entire middle east. If you go in trying to gun them all down you're just going to make everything worse.


You post the same things which I broke down, into its basic form. The things you claimed where so extreme like "the US did nothing good since 04" was enough to know how ridicoilus your argument is.

>They joined willing
That being the basis of your argument is ridicoulus in itself since you can't prove that every soldier joined and wanted to go to the ME. By doing so you ignore facts like only a small amount of actual personal have combat roles, that they have a choice on where to be deployed to, that you can be deployed to other places, and of course that once in combat your gonna shoot back at people shooting at you.

You assume that all those people killed were actually innocent what proof do you have if your combatant doesn't have a uniform. You assume that soldiers there don't take any steps to avoid civilian deaths, actual research it and see how wrong you are on that. Lastly if you look up that 500k killed you'll see that only a very small amount of them were killed by the US with the rest being done by terrorist.

Your argument isn't new.

your over simpilifing the Kurds still love america, shias are the majority so when they elected a Iranian proxy who wanted to boot american soldiers who was also letting shia millitias abuse and oppress the minority sunnis who they all hate because they have been fighting since medieval times and the Iran iraq war formed ISIS made of mostly former Baathist party thugs.

You destroyed the whole country and caused chaos in the Millde East. For no reason. Please don't tell me that Americans unironically think the war helped to build a better infrastructure in Iraq,

>chaos for no reason
saddam was good boy he dindu nuffin, never mind the Iran-Iraq war that killed 1.5 million people or the invasion of kuwait or trying to manufacture WMD or killing 300,000 of his own people.


But that's because you never went all in. You played nice, tried to win hearts and minds, let them keep an army and their institutions, and then you pulled out.

That kind of thing would work with civilised people. But we're talking about subhumans. They never learn. They cannot learn.

Of course you should never have invaded and let them wallow in their own filth. But once you were there, you shouldn't even have let them have the illusion of being equals. How do you think Europeans reigned over the world for so long ?

Isn't there a maoist takeover in your country right now ? Do something about it.


>we have never killed 100,000 civilians and in Afghanistan nearly all the civilians killed are killed directly by the Taliban


>You destroyed the whole country and caused chaos in the Millde East. For no reason.

Not really. PFANAC delusionaries started in Iraq because they believed we would be welcomed as liberators. Saddam would be toppled quickly and democracy would succeed quickly. This would have a domino effect all throughout the middle east.