Want to remove kwallet

>want to remove kwallet
>removes whole DE

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So just disable it?



kde was the tipping point that got me to switch to a tiling wm, you can do it too user

>want to remove bitmap font
>removes whole operating system
I love this meme.

What do you suggest?

>still can't remove cashew

why is free software such SHIT

I liked i3 but it needed a bit of work (lacks an authentication agent and some other stuff)

honestly I said it in jest, I got sick of all the shitty full fledged DEs on linux and a little more sick of floating WMs, I wouldn't recommend a tiling WM unless you were interested in them anyway

s/free software/distro maintainers/

Really? You still can't remove that shit?
Are KDE devs seriously this autistic?

you are either trolling or too retarded to even use KDE


Funny story:
apt-get purge kde*
removes your ethernet and everything that has anything to do with it.
Did this 3 times just to be sure (in a VM you fucknuts, that just took like 10 minutes) and was really surprised.

It can't be! You're using apt wrong!

kde-frameworks/kio -kwallet
emerge -DNa @world

I just always end up back in xmonad. Basically the same config I set up in 2012. I like novelty so I try lots of DEs out but they either just don't hit the mark or they're unstable as fuck, or both.

It's faster to reinstall Debian than to compile KDE.

Not if you have a 8-10 core :)

Autism much? Nobody needs 8 cores

Another retarded is using Neon.

This is true. on an i7 it takes no time.

what are you a corelet?

You CANNOT remove the cashew. It's there on the desktop no matter what. You CAN hide it using 3rd party hacks but doing so is not condoned by the KDE devs.

They're just as bad as the GNOME devs imo. KDE is bloated beyond belief. I can't believe people here seriously use that headache.

kys you fucking underage moron fuck

I hate KDE as much or more than everyone else, but to be fair this also happens on Gnome.


Unless it removes systemd along with it, then no, it doesn't. You just have to enable manually

unironically this

>be on xfce
>reading solutions to compositing issues
>just install kwin man it just works :^)
>sudo apt install kwin
>500mb will be downloaded and will occupy 768mb when unpacked. do you want to continue
>fuck it why not
>autostart kwin
>nothing works
welp that was when i realized KDE was fucking retarded. and then I actually bothered to try to use the whole thing. Jesus Christ

hey i installed kwin on xfce few days ago, it worked for me but in your autostart script rename kwin to kwin_x11 , hope it helps

my story is about 3 years old anyway

when I do use Linux I use GNOME 3. That's just the way it's going to be forever now.

why are you posting then? are you fucking retarded?

>i installed kwin on xfce few days ago

What's wrong with kwallet? Is is backdoored or something?

You are probably a oldish guy, young people are used to wait some little time to boot their machines. You have to wait 10s at least to boot macOS or Windows and Android, the most used OS is fucking slow (25s+) but people don't care.

It hasn't been cashew for years now and you can easily remove it.

Blame your distribution's packaging.

Yes, because KDE's window manager can't tile. Oh wait, it can, but you don't know that because you're a pretentious retard.

Because Kwin offers different features.

Shit like this is why I settled on a WM
No DE was enticing enough

>Not using best DE Unity

Why would you use a dead DE?

Then show me it's body

I'm getting sick of the tiling meme but don't want a full DE, is there a good minimalist floating WM?

rm /usr/bin/kwallet*


>want to remove gnome video player
>removes whole DE
know the feel

Stop using debian

It's almost a right of passage

it cant tile without extra plugins that break anyway and look shitty

>Yes, because KDE's window manager can't tile. Oh wait, it can, but you don't know that because you're a pretentious retard.

>rm -rf
>removed whole system

install gnome-flashback


Fucking right click it you mongoloid