Waht's Sup Forums opinion on the Woman interrupted app?



is it this easy for the botnet to take all of stacy's private conversations for an entire day?

It's an app so it belongs on Sup Forums too.

We realize we do it. Women talk too fucking much, that's why we need to make them shut the fuck up once in a while.

Is it FOSS? How am I supposed to have an opinion without access to the code?

GTFO retard

It's not just women that talk too fucking much, everyone should fucking learn to synthetize and get to the fucking goddamn motherfucking point already.



>vagina software
>also a botnet recording everything you say

This happens to everybody, I don't get it.

yes but women like to be victims

it's not that women talk too much, it's that it seems so when they talk about stuff we don't care about. we talk too much about our shit nobody else cares too.

>video examples are debates and award show speeches where time actually matters

this is fucking sexist

as if men that interrupt don't interrupt other men too

as if women don't interrupt men too

people are shitty and they interrupt others cuz they only care about their opinion, gender is irrelevant here

NSA botnet,

Fuck off Sup Forums


Even if they discover they are being (((((manterrupted))))) what are they going to do about it?

inb4 autists screech that reverse sexism isn't real despite nobody saying anything about reverse sexism prior to me doing so.

what the hell is reverse sexism?

Hope this app takes off

It's fucking annoying when I get interrupted by men assuming they know more than me because I'm a girl

It's like reverse racism. IE, it doesn't exist.
It's basically a popular strawman used by feminists who wish to say men shouldn't have any attention to them.

>women speak 16,215 words per day
>men speak 15,669 words per day

They need an app to learn how to shut up.

>women-interrupted app
sounds like when sjws and feminazis sneak into dev team, kick out any competent devs, then project dies

Wait, on a second thought these numbers don't seem right. Study published by (((American))) scientists, they probably forged the results to make it look even.

I was expecting an "app" that let you press a button, which activates a full-volume "WOMAN INTERRUPTED" to quiet the men.

>volunteer your privacy for the sake of """social justice"""
The botnet is getting audacious.