/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (try to use a search engine that respects your benis such as searx, ixquick or startpage).

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


gentoo gay

how can I access my email using TempleOS?

install Void

Hey guys, I'm new to GNU/Linux and have a few questions.

I have read a lot about ubuntu containing telemetry and being the 'Windows' of the GNU/Linux world, yet a good friend of mine who works in netsec and regularly attends Defcon tells me that they all use ubuntu. I'm interested to see what you're take on the matter is.

Is there a reason it is so widely used compared to distributions such as Fedora and OpenSUSE?

That's a Windows buzzphrase, stop using it.
Ubuntu is a normal distribution, like any else.

Just use it. The whole 'ubuntu is spyware' is just a meme. At one point they did have a thing that sent your search results to Amazon, but they haven't done that since 16.04.

I'm sure some user will sperg out to you about that.

Just stick with Ubuntu, Antergos, Mint ,etc if you're a new user. Then you can branch out and learn other stuff.

You use the same programs and can "learn" them on any distribution.
Only idiots use different distributions to "learn" things. Knowing how to use a package manager, which is the only distribution specific software, is non-specific, almost useless knowledge.

Would it be possible to run linux on top of windows (vm or other method) with relatively good performance? Dualbooting is a hassle and this would make sense imo.

Doesn't Windows have Ubuntu on Bash or something.

Anyways the better route is to use Linux, Install QEMU and then set up GPU passthrough (It's not hard to set up don't listen to people saying it's hard) so the VM uses your main 'gaming' GPU.

That way you get full performance in a VM

Hello guys. I decided to give linux a shot after all the shit bothering me was windows specific. So I went for Debian, dunno if it was a good or bad decision, I'm not complaining tho; got everything to work properly so far. I've got a question about the drivers tho, sorry if it's retarded. When it comes to AMD drivers, on their site they provide distro specific drivers for new cards. How does that work? I tought that drivers should work on all distros the same like nvidia ones.

Does that mean the new cards wont work on debian at all? I'm curious because I wanted to switch to Vega when it comes out (wanted it for rendering)

I am aware of this method, unfortunately, my processor doesn't support VT-d.

Of course the AMD drivers work fine on Debian.
this should help:

Yeah, but anything I do on my linux partition is strictly browsing, media, etc. So I was wondering maybe a VM wouldn't throttle the performance too much if I set it up right.. Well that's the problem, I don't know what method to even try and was wondering if anyone knew.
(and no, I don't want to run ubuntu through the windows 10 bash thing)

What happened to HTML5 media controls on Firefox?

If you're just browsing stuff on the web and listening to music, then it should be perfectly fine in a VM. but gaming, rendering, etc is a no-go.

Thanks, it's strange there are no official drivers for these

Get the drivers from your distro, not amd.
Checking that the distro supports your hardware generally is a good idea before choosing it.

Holy shit.
I just installed debian in a vm, becaust I wanted to test something. Why is it running an ancient kernel? What the fuck?!


Enable the unstable repository if you want the newest kernel.

/sqt/ is dead, what is LVM? Should I use it for my partition?

Ooh. A friendly GNU/Linux thread. What a nice initiative.

Running Ubuntu 16.04/Mate on server. Accessing with X2Go.

Trying to upload files from my Nextcloud Webdav accessed folder. (number 1 in pic).

Would like this Webdav folder to always be accessible at bookmarks in file upload window (see digit 2 in pic).

I am confused as to why this network location is not there as a link already. TL;DR How do I add link to 1 at location 2?

Tried navigating to the var/www/nextcloud/data folder from inside the GUI, but can't due to some permissions issue. Thought I'd try mapping this webdav location first.

Lame question, I know. I use Ubuntu every couple of years. Stop using it, then I have to relearn it all over again.

Thank you in advance, Gentlemen/scholars.

Logical Volume Manager of the Linux kernel.

You don't need it for everyday, normal home use.

>unstable repo in stable


Use backports, the kernel used in sid is usually backported.

How hard is it to do day to day tasks on Linux without GNU or any of the GNU coreutils?


I don't use gnu. I do everything with emacs in virtual console.

Only two features are useful for everyday home use:
The ability to encrypt many partitions in one disk at once. So you only have to type the password once.
Snapshots for system recovery.

>How hard is it to do day to day tasks on NT without Windows or any of the Windows programs?

>I don't use gnu
>I use gnu emacs

No. The old emacs. Before it was a gnu app.


I think she means with equivalent software but not from the GNU project.

Richard Stallman is a crook! He wants all software to be free so he can modify and redistribute it for a profit!

Why do you care about usage of equivalent words? I would have used the word soft you would be happy? Are you retarded?

>Activate Maccy D's WiFi

Friendly reminder.


someone in the last thread told me to use this python script to enable "aero style window snapping to Openbox":
but i don't know what to do with it, i can't find a guide on the github page. i'm pretty noob pls

chmod x bl-aerosnap
then move it somewhere in your $PATH
then you can start it like any other command

they are fucked in 53, stay on 52esr


Ok you're an idiot.

Use busybox

Right, so for some reason my system's UTC time is one hour ahead.

My timezone is in DST, which makes me think there's something up with ntpd which makes it adjust the UTC time according to DST, and then my system's locale re-adds one hour for DST, resulting in the wrong time being displayed.

How can I try to debug that? Ntpd is running using ntp.ubuntu.com, and it seems to keep the minutes and seconds synced so it's kinds working. I know it's not a problem with my locale because date --utc returns the wrong time.

I'm relatively new to the Linux world
I tried many different distros and desktop environments
they share some core problems

the default font on LITERALLY EVERY disto and DE I tried looked awful
why is the default font walmart tier?
why not include the font that os x uses?
and don't give me that legal crap, there should be a free version of it

I come mainly use windows
productivity is important to me
I need to switch between multiple programs regularly
the lack of window list taskbar on most of the DEs is disturbing
and if there is a window list then most of the time the windows can't be ordered by drag and drop
a basic feature present since windows 95 missing in 90% of DEs

I use a 4k monitor
no DE scaled well, no matter how I fiddled with the settings
why do I need to scale the text, window, panels, etc separetaly?
why not a common dpi setting?
why must be the scale factor a whole number?
even windows 7 could do fraction number scaling

need a program that's not in the repository?
just download this project from github and COMPILE IT YOURSELF
compiling it gives you 20 warnings and 10 errors? HAHA GOOD LUCK WITH THAT
why is there no unified [click here to compile/install this program] solution?


So are there supposed to be Network Shares links in that Firefox file upload window sidebar?

Tempted to try out Sabayon Linux. Is it a decent babbys first Gentoo based distro?
I like the idea of Gentoo but I really don't have the time to set it up, so Sabayon seemed like a decent choice.

Alright I set it up on a wm, runs smoothly. Only small issue is that inside the vm, the output is detected as "vga", instead of what i'm physically using, (dvi). Meaning no matter what options with xrandr I use, it's still stuck at 60hz since it's running vga.
Is there a way I can get virtualbox to run at 120hz?

probably in gconf or dconf, gtk3

create /etc/adjtime with the following content:

then set your time using ntpdate and after that sync then hwclock --systohc

OK. Will try that. Thanks

sorry i'm more noob than that. i have bunsenlab installed, do i need to place that script somewhere in my filesystem or it's already included? i tried that command and it gave me "chmod: invalid mode: 'x'"


How can I change the look of these on Linux? I don't have an example of them since I forgot to take a screenshot before going back into Windows to take this but they look like complete shit.

Theme? If you're using FF, it handles your system's theme poorly. It's recommended to use a userstyle or a theme addon

stop ntpd
and after that
ntpd -gq && hwclock -w

You maybe want to create your own ~/bin directory where you can place your scripts in the future and add this directory to your $PATH. Your $PATH holds locations where the shell searches for executable programs. You can see the default locations by executing:
echo "$PATH"

To do this, you add a line like this into your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc:
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"

Any script you want to run must be executable. To do this run:
chmod u+x myscript

This makes your script executable for your (u)ser.
Once a script is executable, place it somewhere in your $PATH so the system can find it. If you don't want to create a ~/bin directory, you can just place it into /usr/local/bin/.
sudo mv myscript /usr/local/bin/
But that's not good practic, I suggest creating a bin directory in your home directory instead.


It should be already included. Just run bl-aerosnap from a terminal.

>if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
> export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"
if there is a bin in "$HOME" it must be before everything.

>chmod u+x myscript
no just chmod +x myscript

>But that's not good practic, I suggest creating a bin directory in your home directory instead.
I agree.

>MUST be before everything
No, it doesn't. It can be the last one in *unless* you have a script or some shit like modifying how a default binary from your distro is run

When I compile a software, I don't want to use the OS but mine. Putting ~/bin after everything is useless.

What are some cool terminal commands?

What if you use $HOME/bin just for random personal scripts? No son, it's not useless, and definitely not a MUST. Quit being autistic

How do I copy files with spaces read from a list?
List looks like this:
./image 1.png
./im age 2.png
./i m a ge 3.png
./ima ge 4.png
./imag e n.png

I tried
xargs -a list cp -t ~/images

for i in `cat list`; do cp "$i" ~/images; done

and both didn't work for files with spaces.

He has a point. When you create a program called "convert", you except your system to run your program instead of imagemagicks' convert.

SO you made two different bin in your home? Or you never compile a soft yourself?

I know, but it doesn't apply to all cases. They give you a *choice* to prepend aor append it for a reason

>for i in `cat list`; do cp "$i" ~/images; done

why not just call the list directly?

while read -r line; do cp "$line" ~/images/; done < fonts

I've compiled shit and I let my pkg manager track it, what shitty distro are you using


you really package your compiled software? good on you then...

Thanks guys, it's working now!

I think I installed ntpd while braindead tired and didn't actually register it as a service. One reboot later and I'm sitting here expecting it to sync stuff while it's not even running. Should be fixed now.

Good luck uninstalling your program without an uninstall routine.

thanks, this worked
is there not a simpler/shorter solution though?

what do you mean?

It's not that hard? Are you this fucking /new/? Your PACKAGE MANAGER is there for a reason

cd "$HOME/local" && rm -Rf bin etc include lib libexec man opt share var
fucking easy


telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

neat, I would use it too, but I'm not smart enough ;_;

telnet nyancat.dakko.us

hey guys, I'd like to switch to linux but there are a few things that are stopping me
1) I love to have desktop widgets such as rainmeter and I can't find a linux equivalent
2) can't get used to linux, keep going back to
3) arch linux or gentoo?

install checkinstall
CheckInstall keeps track of all the files created or modified by your
installation script ("make install" "make install_modules", "setup", etc),
builds a standard binary package and installs it in your system giving you
the ability to uninstall it with your distribution's standard package
management utilities.

Install Source Mage GNU/Linux.

Wipe Windows. Overwrite everything with Ubuntu GNU/Linux. Install conky.

telnet freechess.org

1) Conky
2) Learn English
3) Ubuntu is made for niggers like you

uuh i've done everything but i still don't have it working. i placed it inside /home/*mynale*/bin (it was already in my $PATH) then used the chmod command (it became green so i think it's executable) then i right clicked on it and selected "Execute", but nothing

so i was trying to figure out why I couldn't switch between two analog audio outputs (headphones/speakers) and after unplugging the cords, kubuntu no longer wants to send any sound to anything that gets plugged in.

i've tried:
1) changing the device config in audio & video settings (pic related)
>killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.config/pulse/* ; rm -r ~/.pulse*
>pulseaudio -k
3) (after losing all audio settings)
>sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

i also thought it might be an issue with my HDMI connection taking the output, so i pulled the plug on that. i've tried only using 1 output device (just to get sound confirmation), ive tried switching the connection port. nothing is working.

most ubuntu wikis have outdated info

>but nothing
create 2 new hotkeys
one for bl-aerosnap --left
one for bl-aerosnap --right

oh and i tried using the feature to make a "dummy" device that handles simultaneous output to all devices and i still get nothing.

telnet telehack.com

I usually just symlink binaries

to be honest I haven't written many rpmbuild scripts

for i in "$list"; do

Theres also a BOFH excuse service on port 666
telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl 666 | tail -2

sorry, if sh:

for i in "${list[@]}"; do

Are these MUDs? I'm too much of a pussy to try

try pavucontrol, it's a quite good memeaudio config tool