Question to the Chinese posters. Have you experienced any racism from black people ever since this video went viral?

Question to the Chinese posters. Have you experienced any racism from black people ever since this video went viral?

Italians cucks did the same with a white guy who became a black guy and nobody said anything.
Nuke this cuck western society, son of a whore bitch shit.
I will live in Asia.

So did you get any side-eye from any nignogs?


>Chinese posters

I bet only white cucks with Macbooks are upset about this.

Even the Chinese flags aren't Chinese.

We've only had two confirmed Chinese on /eastasia/. That's where they go on Sup Forums since most lurk.

One is Shanxii (he's nice but depressed). One is Shanghai (he's a an ass).

mailand posters cant even access youtube.

>Chinese posters

non chinese asian here.

only white people literally fucking care and it doesn't even involve them. sjw shit isn't big in most black and asian communities since a feminine way of thinking is really dominant.

they mostly bring it up here to troll the sjw's on the other hand arr assblasted for me i do not care about the commercial i do not live there i do not pay taxes there so thats it T black guy

Thanks Jérôme, I see you kept the french cajun wiseness in you.

your welcome pierre :3

Goddammit America
1.) There are no Chinese posters
2.) YouTube is blocked in China

>was on Buzzfeeds snapchat story (don't judge it's to pass time)
>Was saying how racist this is
>said that the black guy became so clean and so "white" even though he was fucking chinese
>buzzfeed found a racist chinese ad and found a way to make white people look bad
>showed a clip from the italian commercial mentioned
>said "While this is ad wasn't racist it is still a big concern"
>the italian commercial literally said "Coloured is better" as its slogan

Word of advice, never use Cajun. Use Creole.
Washing the black off in advertising is very, very old. It's implies dirtiness and white is better.

The opposite when it came out upset people as well, honestly using race like that is cringy regardless the kind of add. Like why?

>Youtube is blocked in China

Not really. It is blocked on most ISP's. Not all of them.

>Chinese posters

>race like that is cringy regardless the kind of add

only liberals and white guilted cucks think so, idgaf

You live Ian Trudeau government and have no room to insult or insinuate liberals are the minority.

>Chinese posters

what did you mean by this

>I'm American!!!! Hahahahaahahhahahahahahahaha who saw the newest Call of Duty 18? It was like soooooooooooooo funnn haha seriouslyy guysss I am gonna go back to Sup Forums and post about it hehehe