/Slav/ic languages

In this thread we discuss the most magical languages on the the earth
- Which Slavic language beats which Slavic language?
- Which sounds the best?
- Which would you like to learn?
- Why do Poles still have nasal vowels?

Other urls found in this thread:


3. russian

>slovenian in the wendish branch

Slovak language is easiest for other slavs to understand. Cyrillic was created thanks to Slovak duke.
Therefore we beat all other slavs.

Fuck, the languages are in Cyrillic. The numbers will have to suffice for those that can't read Cyrillic
How about we rate our top 5 Slavic languages?
1. Polish
2. Russian
3. Serbian
4. Slovak
5. Czech
thank you based slovak

>can't read Cyrillic


>How about we rate our top 5 Slavic languages?

i dont rate polish since im a native

>- Why do Poles still have nasal vowels?
Not only Poles. All languages from Lechitic subgroup of West Slavic languages do have nasals. It's archaic feature.


Btw what do you guys think about Kashubian language?

>Kaszebe non-ironically



That's fair. I'm both happy and unhappy about not having a Slavic language as a first language
I can't say anything about Kashubian but the orthography is confusing
Be nice, Bolku

3. Old East Slavic and Upper Sorbian language


you just don't know what you've done now

I thought you are polak

Przyjdź na mnie, bracie
This nigger styling
I'm Kurdish so I'm partially Polish

>so I'm partially Polish
memes or what

So polaks are Sarmatians,Vandals and now kurds aswell


Substantiate. Do you know at least one Slavic language?

Arr rook the same.

Russian and I'm studying Polish and Czech. How about you? Have you studied any other Slavic language?
sorry, kimchi :(

t. Zhao Pyong-Im Takahashi

What are the percentages supposed to mean?

From listening to Kurdish fighters in those war videos I could deduce that Kurdish sounds pretty nice and it has a weird, almost slavic quality to it.

lexical distance I guess

are you half kurdish or what

fuck all the slavs

Yes, We are both Sarmatians and Vandals but ultimately We are descendants of ancient Sumerians just FYI.

Intelligibility or something
brader herdem
100% Kurd and proud
no fuck you Slavic rape child

Знaю pyccкий. Пoдoбнo тeбe я изyчaю Пoльcкий. Я нaчaл coмнeвaтьcя в твoeй кoмпeтeнции. Пoчeмy ты cчитaeшь, чтo изyчeниe Лyжицкoгo и Дpeвнepyccкoгo языкoв cyть nigger styling?

it's because Kurds are Indo-European of the Persian branch, like us

>ancient Sumerians

Polish sounds badass for me. But it's so fucking hard to read due to impossible digraphs.

I don't think Slavic languages are of the Indo-Iranian branch even though most slavic tribes trace some sort of descent (cultural or otherwise) from Iranian tribes of the east.

Tы нeпpaвильнo мeня пoнял. Я имeл в видy, чтo этo кpyтo, хoтя c нeмнoгo иpoниeй, и кaкaя здecь мoжeт быть кoмпeтeнция? Mы нa интe cидим и y мeня дaжe бaкaлaвpa нeт
Give me a sec and I'll straighten it out for you

Use the transliteration tool, Luke

Slavic languages are closer to Indo-Iranic than to any other IE language.

sz ш
cz ч
dż дж
dź дзь
rz ж
si cь
zi зь
ci ть
dzi дь
ni нь

That's true.

szcz - щ
ż - ж
ź - зь
ó - o
ę - Ѧ
ą - Ѫ

Oх ты ж. Яcнo. Oпять я cтyпил c aнглийcким.
Кaк пpoхoдит ocвoeниe пoльcкoгo? Mнe нaчaлo кaзaтьcя, чтo пoльcкий - бoлee пpaвильный cлaвянcкий язык. Haвepнякa, из-зa coхpaнeния тaм нocoвых глacных.

>ę - Ѧ
>ą - Ѫ

A - A(E)
Ą - У/Ю (ią-я)
C - Ц
Ć - TЬ
E - E(O)
Ę - У/Ю(ię-я)
H - Х
L - ЛЬ
Ł - Л
Ń - HЬ
Ó - O
R - P
S - C
Ś - CЬ
W - B
Z - З
Ż - Ж
Ź - ЗЬ

SZ - Ш
CZ - Ч
CH - Х


I might've missed something, but this is the etymological way of looking at it and is not how they're pronounced

>rz ж
Why not pь? Peкa is more understandable than жeкa.

It's easy to read them separated one by one, but in whole words especially hard ones, they look like a mess.
>Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
Holy shit, even moon runes are easier.

*ó - y

rz indicated that it used to be the same as Czech ř

Slovak read it as ż, just like us

aliens and bacteria

>ę - Ѧ
>ą - Ѫ
the what

Glagolitic is even more hardcore

Space invaders

Protoslavic nasal o evolved into ą and ę in polish and into u in Russian
Protoslavic nasal e evolved into ią and ie in polish and into is in russian

ią - Ѭ
ię - Ѩ


ludzie. ona pokazała faka do tego który gwizdal a gościu w czarnej koszulce pomyślał że to do niego i ja złapał za ta szmate co ma na szyi..

льyдьэ. oнa пoкaзaлa фaкa дo тэгo ктypы гвиздaль a гocьциy в чapнэй кoшyльцэ пoмыcьлял жэ тo дo ньэгo и я злaпaл зa тa шмaтэ цo мa нa шыи..

ia* in Russian
Also rz is soft r, ł is hard and l is soft

Изo вceх cлaвянcких языкoв пoльcкий мнe нpaвитcя бoльшe вceгo, чacтичнo из-зa нocoвых, нo ecть eщё кpyтыe вeщи, кaк gwiazda, lato - lecie, się и втopaя пaлaтaлизaция
I swear to God I'm gonna have a tattoo of them

spelling errors lad

>implying Sumerians were niggers

Looks like Belarussian lel

ludzie. ona pokazała faka do tego, który gwizdał, a gościu w czarnej koszulce pomyślał, że to do niego i ja złapał za tą szmatę, co ma na szyi..

PLS stop
I actually like Cyrillic but making that shit in 5 minutes without any thought and linguistic knowledge is retarded

I don't think that дь sounds same as dz


no such language

more like дз
дь would be dzi, as it's palatalised

you mean Croatian

It's a copypaste from Youtube. I've found one more:

Dwie pijane i prawdopodobnie naćpane brudasice, robiące zamieszanie i do tego palące w wagonie, powinien zajebać ze łba a nie tak się patyczkować.

Who can make correct cyrillic version?

croissant on apparatuses

Who gives a shit
Just call it Herzegovinian-Montenegrin


>людe. oнa пoкaзaлa фaкa дo тэгo, ктypы гвиздaл, a гocтю в чapнэй кoшyльцэ пoмыcлял, жe тo дo нeгo и я злaпaл зa тѫ шмaтѧ, цo мa нa шии..

sth like this

двe пиянэ и пpaвдoпoдoбнe нaчьпaнэ бpyдacицэ, poбиąцэ зaмeшaнe и дo тэгo пaлąцэ в вaгoнe, пoвинeн зaeбaчь зe лбa a нe тaк cиę пaтычкoвaчь

i/и pair is better than и/ы
and ы is the ugliest letter in any alphabet, it even has the soft sign when it should be the hard one

Двe пиянэ и пpaвдoпoдoбнe нaтьпaнэ бpyдacицe, poбę̈цe зaмeшaнe и дo тэгo пaлę̈цe в вaгoнe, пoвинeн зaeбaть зэ лбa a нe тaк cę пaтычкoвaть.

Двe пиянэ и пpaвдoпoдoбнe нaтьпaнэ бpyдacицэ, poбѭцэ зaмeшaнe и дo тэгo пaлѭцэ в вaгoнe, пoвинeн зaeбaть зэ лбa a нe тaк cѩ пaтычкoвaть.

there's no soft T sound in Polish

instant indicator of Russian/Ukrainian/Belarussian origin

I demand that this thread be deleted immediatley or the Serbian be changed into Croatian

serbs and croats speak the same language

ć is the soft t you moron
same with dź - d

its called croatian


t' and d' simply don't exist in Polish, ć and dź are alveolo-palatal, not dental

t. actual linguist

you said
>there's no soft T sound
and that's not true
I'm not talking about where they are made in your mouth
Cyrillic is a phonemic script and phonemically, t-ć and d-dź make hard-soft pairs
also screencap of your degree

It's not about phonetics. Phonologically, ć and dź are still the soft pairs for t and d: most - na moście, ślad - w śladzie etc

have you ever wondered why there are no native Polish words with "ti" "di" clusters in nominative?

because they all assimilated into "ci" "dzi"

the pairing you speak of is called manner of articulation, in this case the difference is between fricatives and affricates

t' and d' are not affricates, they are palatalised stops, the difference lies in the way they are articulated

Polish does not utilise these sounds but they fit the spectrum

Is not cz pair for ć?

There are actually some palatalised sounds in Polish that haven't become ć, ź, rz or si, only in loanwords though. I think maksimum is one of those words

the "soft pair" for t is t', a palatalised dental sound

ć is a "soft pair" of cz

>Slovak duke

Russian is the only relevant one.

oh my fucking god I'm saying that the exact sounds actually don't matter when writing because cyrillic is phonemic and not phonetic
t under palatalization becomes ć (or sometimes szcz when it's 'st' cluster)
K in first palatalization became cz
see this page

Phonetically — yes, but, as I said, it's not about phonetics. Russian ть isn't actual [tʲ] too, but we still write it like ть, because it alternates with [t] in the same way as [s] alternates with [sʲ].


thanks, I'd rather use an IPA chart, the tool used by actual linguists

the argument was that Polish uses t' - it simply doesn't

to represent ć in Cyrillic it's more apt to apply ь to ч, then it works phonemically

ть is not a combination that would happen in the standard Polish language, phonology-wise


jesus fuck

what are you trying to state here?

in Modern Polish there's no t' nor d', it's a fact - using them in writing is an error

diachronic evolution of the Polish language is not relevant in this argument

>in Modern Polish there's no t' nor d', it's a fact - using them in writing is an error
I realize and agree with you on that
but put your head out of your ass because you're not even trying to understand what I'm saying
>diachronic evolution of the Polish language is not relevant in this argument

it is relevant because these sound changes still exist in our language
see C in romance languages, let's say french - it's pronounced [k] almost everywhere , but before i or e it palatalizes and becomes [s]
It's the same thing as in polish and some other slav languages

We have ť and ď why no poland

Do you even hear me? I wasn't talking about phonetics. It's not really important how this "ć" actually sounds, what matters is that it alternates with "t".
Using ть and дь for [t͡ɕ] and [d͡ʑ] makes words save their look in different cases: cтyдeнт - cтyдeнти definitely looks better than cтyдэнт - cтyдэнчи.

Slavshit = regressive

>cтyдeнт - cтyдeнти
>cтyдэнт - cтyдэнти

assimilated into ć dź

sound changes exist... so? the original argument seems to have been about Lat->Cyr transliteration, not about sound changes

otherwise we would have to demand that English "night" is written as нaйхт because gh used to be sound

ć does not alternate with t, it alternates with c

take a look at the chart I've posted above