Itt: passwords

how do you chose and store your passwords?
i have a memorized random 20 character password for keepass and generate random passwords for every login with this program (tfw to dumb to shell)
it to paranoid?

With Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random, Ada.Command_Line;
Use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Randpass is
Arg : Integer := Integer'Value (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1));
subtype Random_Range is Integer range 33 .. 126;
package Rand is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Random_Range);
use Rand;
Generator : Rand.Generator;
Num : Random_Range;
Pass : String (1 .. Arg);
Rand.Reset (Generator);
while Arg /= 0 loop
Pass (Arg) := Character'Val (Random (Generator));
Arg := Arg - 1;
end loop;
Put_Line (Pass);
end Randpass;

use like randpass 20

In my brain.

I don't currently have a job in IT at the moment though so it's not as many as it could be.

how does that work out for you?
same password at many places?

My passwords are sentences with a couple symbols and numbers so it's way easier than the typical password format kids in school used to use.
When I get to over 15 passwords I'll use the assistant methods.

I used to use the same password for a couple places while back in school but not anymore.

I use 1Password for generation and management. Easy enough.

- 20+ characters
- At least 4 numbers
- At least 2 special characters

I use a string of characters (numbers, letters, symbols), followed by a phrase that describes what the password is for (unique to each site, so Sup Forums might be "shitposting" or "memes" or something, if it needed an account), followed by another string of characters

So, at the end of the day, many are similar, but each is different. If it gets hacked, then it won't affect any other site, but its easy to remember

I have a couple of different passwords, and then a variation of these passwords in capitalized and non-capitalized letters and/or numbers.
I usually remember the main password and then cycle through the variations of it if I'm not 100% sure.

Master Password for the Master Race.

Unix PM seems decent too.

take a phrase: he will not divide us

use the second letter in each: e i o i s

capitalize a letter: E i o i s

add some numbers: E i o i s 23

put some special characters around it: % E i o i s 23 $


>extract entropy from the random quantum fluctuations in time-space
>generate a 256-character Unicode password
>store it in /dev/mem

>not storing in a dotfile

most retarded shit I've ever seen

Shut up filthy tripfag piece of shit, your opinion is worthless when attached to a name. Kill yourself.

sounds similar to my method

I'm not autistic so I use same password for everything.

>(tfw to dumb to shell)
head -c 20 /dev/random | base64

but anyway there's no need to do that since keepass has a password generator. it allows control over the length, allowed character sets, special requirements, and lets you avoid difficult-to-distinguish characters like o/O/0.

oh i havent notied keepasses password generator

All my passwords are Password123
If you want my IP to hack me let me know.

I have something similar.
Have 2 26-char passwords memorized for decrypting whole system at boot and for pass, my passwordmanager.
Both these passwords as well as all the other ones stored in pass are generated by a program I wrote.
It creates ~5000 random ones from a specified list of characters of length 26 and calculates the entropy for each of them, then spits out the one with highest entropy.

lemme guess, your ip is

*passwords are of length 26, not the list of characters

How did you know,are you hackerman

>Using numbers instead of the range of chargers
You code Ada like a filthy Seppleser


KeePassX: alphanumeric, no lookalikes, and 64 characters long.

Fixed it for you
With Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
with Ada.Command_Line;

procedure Randpass is
Arg : Integer := Integer'Value (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1));
subtype Valid_Characters is Character range '!' .. '~';
package Rand is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Valid_Characters);
use Rand;
Generator : Rand.Generator;
Pass : String (1 .. Arg);
Rand.Reset (Generator);
for I of reverse Pass loop
I := Random (Generator);
end loop;
Put_Line (Pass);
end Randpass;