Through some heretofore unknown magic, you have just SSHed into your own brain

Through some heretofore unknown magic, you have just SSHed into your own brain.

What commands do you run?

Other urls found in this thread:


rm -rf / --no-preserve-root


>root access on the ultimate computer
>doesn't even poke around

Fags, the lot of you.

At least is accomplishing something of value.

sudo poweroff and go read a book

Wait, wait. Wouldn't that put me to sleep or some other shit?

:(){ :|: & };:

To clean my registry and user cache

It would kill you

Depends on what ACPI poweroff does on this hardware. I wouldn't chance it though.

>not using pol-kit in order to issue power commands as a user. S m h

systemctl suspend if you installed systemd for some idiotic fucking reason

>doesn't even poke around
>implying cd ls uname htop is any different than on your machine
Come back to earth you fuckface and delete your shitty thread

sudo apt update && apt upgrade

It's time for the next step in human evolution

history -c

>he runs apt on his brain

not if you forget that second sudo

pacman -Syy

echo "I love you honey"

shutdown /r /f /t 00


ps aux
kill -9 1

rm -rf


Oh please, I'm a fucking pleb. If anything I should have probably gone with Chocolatey.

See, told you I'm a fucking pleb.

>turns out my brain has systemd installed
>now I understand why I'm retarded

# echo "goodbye. it's been fun." > /opt/note.txt
# shutdown -h now

>kill -9 1
does nothing

>rm -rf
does nothing


'kill -9 1' would end the init process and all processes forked from it (which is basically every process).

no, like I said, it would do absolutely nothing. On all unix systems I know of, init ignores SIGKILL

echo nigger


Oh wow, I didn't know this. Thanks for teaching me something today, Sup Forums.

(I could still use 'kill -30 1' though)

dd if=/ of=/media/backup
just to be safe

so that's how poop works

On OS X you can absolutely SIGKILL/SIGTERM launchd assuming you're already root. The machine will immediately reboot. Whether or not OS X is a UNIX is left as an exercise for the reader.

SIGABRT should force a kernel panic on any Linux init system that's not a piece of human excrement. (Lennart need not apply.)

rm -r /Users/daniel


where are ex gf whore pieces of shit files located?

rm $(find -type f -newermt 2013-12-25)

ln -sf /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab
merge --ask --unmerge sys-kernel/genkernel
emerge --ask sys-kernel/dracut
emerge --ask sys-kernel/genkernel-next
genkernel --install all
eselect profile list
emerge -avDN @world
emerge --deselect sys-fs/udev
cat > /boot/grub/grub.conf

>SIGABRT should force a kernel panic on any Linux init system that's not a piece of human excrement. (Lennart need not apply.)

Quoth man 2 kill:
>The only signals that can be sent to process ID 1, the init process, are those for which init has explicitly installed signal handlers. This is done to assure the system is not brought down accidentally.

msfconsole -h

Since I can't directly use the terminal...

mpc ls | mpc add
mpc shuffle
mpc play

screenfetch because I want to brag on Sup Forums

cd code
cd .

It's my brain, so telnet via rs232.
I keep smashing the return key on my keyboard without any response.

apt search qt 3.14 trap bf

rm -rf /memories

Karlie? is that you?

echo $GENDER

export GENDER=female

crontab -e

30 23 * * * wall -n "sleepy time" && sleep 28800

find / -iname sexy

export RACE=black

sudo service erection start

A bad vision update breaks your system. You'll be blind until you can fix it.

crontab -e
30 23 * * * date -s %Y 2012

Forever young...

aptitude moo

the feels in this



I'd convert it to btrfs or zfs, because the storage seems to have suffered from quite a lot of bitrot

>shutdown now

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda

Format c: /autotest

df -h
apt-get install programming-skills && social-skills && mechanical-skills && finance-skills

dpkg -i suicide-linux_1.1-i386.deb
k bye

there are no such packages.

Also this joke is unfunny and unoriginal.

sudo apt-get purge autism

what the fuck? i'm already in my own brain you retard

thanks for referring me to this program
it may make my life easier than grepping ~/.bash_history if only because its easier to type

seq 100 | awk '$0=NR%15?NR%5?NR%3?$0:"Fizz":"Buzz":"FizzBuzz"'


>ultimate computer
Fuck off.


>dpkg -i suicide-linux_1.1-i386.deb
>suicide_linux depends on willpower, but it is not going to be installed
>fucking debian

sleep 8h

man life

sleep 12h

>not using info

life --help

>suicide_linux depends on willpower, but it is not going to be installed
suicide_linux is an unofficial binary-blob which uses non-free libraries.
thus it's not compliant with points 2, 3 & 7 in Debian Free Software Guidelines (still referred as "DFSG")


sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP



read logs to find out what was the song I had in my head yesterday. ~18h

Turns out you lack internet access and the packages fail to download

sudo dd if=/dev/sda | ssh me@server dd of=backup.connectome


cat /proc/cpuinfo

>>it returns and says your IQ is 20

apt-get install trapmode

>sudo pacman -S wget kiwix

you run out of storage space and cannot remember new things. So effectively you are an idiot savant with alzheimers.

srm -rf / && sfill /

Mount /dick /mouth;
Service blowjob start;

Human brain's memory is estimated from 1 terabyte to 2,5 petabytes.
In worst case it's like 5% of your storage.
Also if I used nopics I could get Wikipedia, Wikisource, Wiktionary and lots more for 7GB.


locate key

man man

what if you find other users on your brain tho

i would create a ramdrive and load as much information on cqc training hacking parkour stealth survival combat training firearms handling and medical training then go fuck isis up with my magic skills.

or just try to compile something, fuck up, and break my install.