/FGLT/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (try to use a search engine that respects your benis such as searx, ixquick or startpage).

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:



Linux is a piece of shit fucking human operating system. Linus is a fucking nigger monkey who brags about his piece of shit operating system having 20 million lines of code. He literally brags about his piece of shit program that nobody wiants to go near because it's a clusterfuck, annd he's a fucking nigger who can't even write a fucking compiler; he sucks Stallman's cock. Fucking nigger.

is it possible to display images/video in ttyl? I heard that with libcaca you can actually play video without x or wayland, I think it was using mpv.

simple command to check if you're using a distro for retards:
grep -rlis 'DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE' /etc


for i in `seq 1 $#`; do
[ "${!i}" = '-F' ] && { fs=0; break; }

feh --thumbnails \
--cache-thumbnails \
--thumb-height 256 \
--thumb-width 256 \
`# change this to your screen width` \
--limit-width 1600 \
--image-bg black \
--scroll-step 150 \
--action1 ';''[Copy file path]''echo -n $(readlink -f %F) | xclip' \
--action2 ';''[Copy file name]'"echo -n \'%N\' | xclip" \
--action3 ';''[Add to list]''! grep -q %F feh.list && echo %F >> feh.list' \
--action4 ';''[Remove from list]'"sed -i '/%n/d' feh.list" \
--action5 ';''[Set wallpaper]'"feh --bg-fill %F" \
--action ';''[Open image]'" \
tmp=%F; \
if [ \${tmp: -4} == \".gif\" ]; then \
index=\$(grep .gif %L | grep -n %F | cut -d : -f 1); \
index=\$((index-1)); \
mpv \$(grep .gif %L) \
--playlist-start=\$index \
--loop \
--loop-file \
--video-unscaled \
\$([ -n \"$fs\" ] && echo -n \"--fullscreen\") \
& \
else \
feh --filelist %L --start-at %F \
--image-bg black \
\$([ -n \"$fs\" ] && echo -n \"--fullscreen\") \
--info ';'\"echo -n \\\"Size: %%wx%%h\\\"\" \
--action1 ';''[Copy file path]''echo -n $(readlink -f %%F) | xclip' \
--action2 ';''[Copy file name]'\"echo -n \'%%N\' | xclip\" \
--action3 ';''[Add to list]''! grep -q %%F feh.list && echo %%F >> feh.list' \
--action4 ';''[Remove from list]'\"sed -i '/%%n/d' feh.list\" \
--action5 ';''[Set wallpaper]''feh --bg-fill %%F' \
& \
fi \
" \
$([ -z "$fs" ] && echo -n "\
--limit-width 1000 \
--thumb-height 200 \
--thumb-width 200 \
`#--bg /home/user/.config/feh/bg.png` \
--title fehwrap-nofs \
") \

- Explanation

In the for loop it is determenened if you've used the -F flag (for fullscreen), so that some flags can be changed depending on that later on, see the 3 places that start with

$([ -z "$fs" ] && echo -n

The first two make it so the child feh and mpv are executed in fullscreen if -F is passed.
The last one changes some flags for non fullscreen mode.

The main feh command is executed in thumbnail mode, with some preset values and actions.
You execute an action by hovering over a thumbnail and pressing the coresponding number.
The action that doesn't have a number is the main one and is executed on click.
When the main action is executed, it checks if the image you clicked on ends with .gif and if so, opens it and all the gifs in the file list in a mpv playlist.
If it's not a gif, it opens it in feh, this time in normal mode, with the same actions defined.
If you've used the thumbnail mode, you'd know that you cannot cycle through images by default, so I had to do this to fix that problem besides adding the actions.

The reason why It's mostly just one long command and why I didn't split it into more functions and variables is because feh actions don't see anything defined in the script.
So I had to embed code into feh actions.
You should be able to easily change or remove any line.
Just make sure to end it with a backslash.
Also pay attention to nested quotes and variables in quotes that need to be escaped in order to be interpreted later.

I highly suggest that you read through the feh man page, especially the part about actions.

When executing it, you can pass all the arguments that you'd normally pass to feh, including flags, files and directories.
You can overwrite a flag that's in the script on the command line.
You can also add more actions on the command line.

For what purpose?


it uses some kind of magic to turn feh into a suckless file picker for images, capable of sorting them etc.

It's a wrapper script for feh meant to make living on the command line without any graphical file managers easier.
>how do I use it
Save it as fehwrap in your ~/bin (make a ~/bin folder and add it to your $PATH if you haven't already)
Also do `chmod +x fehwrap` to make it executable.

Don't forget, you can use it as a file picker, that's what action1 is for.

You need to install xclip if you don't have it already in order to pipe stuff in your clipboard.
If you use GTK3 in your browser's shitty file picker, you can press Ctrl+l to get the pathbar and just press the middle mouse button (or Shift+Insert).

Here's one example of using actions.
Let's say you want to move some of the images you've downloaded into different folders.
You can do this

fehwrap -F --action1 'mv %F ~/images/anime' --action2 'mv %F ~/images/Sup Forums/'

That will override the actions in the script (you don't need them anyway).
Now you can just press 1 or 2 when you hover over a thumbnail to move it wherever you'd like.
Not using ';' as you see in the script makes feh cross out the images that the actions were performed on.

read the feh man page

Thath's dumb.

I forgot to mention to replace the
`# change this to your screen width` \
--limit-width 1600 \

--limit-width $(xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions:/ { print +$2 }') \

Making bloated file managers obsolete

Its not making anything obsolete. This little script lacks a bunch of functionality.I dont think you understand what bloat is kiddo

it's okay

no sound on headphones on new Arch install, wat do

You can press `a` to toggle actions as in pic related.

Also, I have to add, the non fullscreen window will stretch to be as long as the screen height.
Setting geometry in feh will open the tumbnail mode in the middle (you'd need to scroll up to the start).
If you don't like that you need to resize the window with your window manager.
This is what I used to limit the window heigth in i3
for_window [title="(?i)fehwrap-nofs"] floating enable move down 100px
for_window [title="(?i)fehwrap-nofs"] resize shrink height 900px
for_window [title="(?i)fehwrap-nofs"] resize grow height 400px

Mageia, Solus or Ubuntu?

Cut out from the man page about actions for the lazy
-A, --action [flag][[title]]action
Specify a shell command as an action to perform on the image. In slideshow or mul‐
tiwindow mode, the action will be run when the action_0 key is pressed, in list
mode, it will be run for each file. In loadable/unloadable mode, it will be run for
each loadable/unloadable file, respectively. In thumbnail mode, clicking on an
image will cause the action to run instead of opening the image.

If flag is ";", feh will reload the current image instead of switching to the next
one (slideshow mode) or closing the window (multiwindow mode) after executing the
action. If [title] is specified (note the literal "[" and "]"), --draw-actions will
display title instead of action in the action list. Note that title must not start
with a space. If it does, the action is handled as if it did not have a title. This
special case exists for backwards compatibility reasons and makes sure that actions
like "[ -L %F ] && foo" still work.

The action will be executed by /bin/sh. Use format specifiers to refer to image
info, see FORMAT SPECIFIERS for details. Example usage: "feh -A "mv ~/images/%N"

--action1 .. --action9 [flag][[title]]action
Extra actions which can be set and triggered using the appropriate number key.

unmute channel

pacman -Rns pulseaudio

someone has actually read the man page on feh

feh is so more than a wallpaper setter


ok so I only have 1 inbuilt Intel sound card and I unmuted Master, still nothing pic related

did you do this

sry forgot

nvm sound randomly started working ty

it's what happens when you use pulse
it won't be long before it randomly stops working again

They are just memeing you. Pulseaudio is actually much better than using Alsa for a lot of purposes.

What to do about pulse when firefox will drop completely support for it with flags also? ESR should last some more months.

did you read his posts where he said he had no sound?

No, it will drop support for anything that isn't pulse (according to some).
I don't think that's gonna happen.
Maybe it won't have official support, but there are many intelligent people who don't use pulse that are capable of providing their own support.

Uh, yes, that's what I meant, probably I wasn't clear enough. For now I'm sticking with waterfox that also works somewhat better.


does this work with MPV?

mpv can use the framebuffer, this should work
mpv -vo drm [args...]

make sure you're in the video group and actually can write to the framebuffer device

y-you too

sxiv -t *

feh already does the same by invoking just `feh -t`
the script is an extension of functionality
also feh has more powerful command line options

Hey, I'm trying to connect to VPN with OpenVPN. In the terminal, it says "Initialization Sequence Completed", but my IP didn't change. What's going on?

>literal what, kevinnet or noobuntu

Ubuntu LTS

What is the lightest server distro I can put on a dedicated cassandra server?

Apt would be nice but not a huge deal.

>>would it be possible to add support for .webm ?
>When I have more time, I'll try to implement that.
>Maybe I can use ffmpegthumbnailer to generate thumbnails for videos (put them in /tmp or something and add them to the file list) and make the main action open the corresponding file in mpv.
>It shouldn't be that hard, maybe some of you anons can do that?
let's get to it

Source Mage


Source Mage

This seems amazing - do I have to used docker though?


What I need is something tiny with no bullshit, and a package manager.

Essentially I want the bare bones that gentoo offers without having to compile anything.

I'm running a ubuntu server 16.10 with a ubuntu vm running plex.

I'm also running ddclient to connect from the outside. Is there a way I can forward traffic reaching my host on port 32400 onto my VM?

The vm network adapter is set to bridged right now.

Source Mage

Legitimately or what? I feel like I am being trolled by some gentoo2.0 memelord.

Source Mage might be source based, but it's much easier than gentoo.

Alpine comes with grsec, pax and everything you need for a server, however it uses musl. If you want lightweight and glibc, then Void is your choice.

what DE should I use? i like the look and feel of gnome, and with dash to dock and flat plat gtk/shell themes it's basically my ideal DE. unfortunately, it lags horribly when dragging windows and makes my shitty PC get hot when just on the desktop. What's a less bloated and lighter DE that's easy to make look nice? I find that KDE, cinnamon, xfce and lxde all look terrible no matter what I do, unless I copy someone else's config files.

>what DE should I use?
stopped reading there
try them all out and make up your own goddamn mind

I just said, I tried them all and they all have major problems for me. I feel like I might just get a better pc and stick with gnome, because I'm too dumb and lazy to customise anything else.

>What's a less bloated and lighter DE that's easy to make look nice?
the lighter it is, the harder it is to make it look nice, I suppose

don't stay on DE's forever
when you stop being lazy, switch to a window manager

I'm trying to switch to i3wm but it's a little confusing even with a guide. I also don't really now how to make it look good beyond stealing dotfiles... got any cool/useful tips or keybindings? The extent of my customisation has been adding a wallpaper with feh, switching to vim directions, and leaving the ugly black bar on the bottom.

if you're not a ricer, don't
just get kde or gnome mate


don't give up user

kek kill yourself faggot

nice one

what is a "ricer"?

Just read the config file and the online manual?
Here's a protip though: you can greatly simplify your config by setting values.
e.g. set $WS1 1:Web

that's fucking neat, thanks


Give me three reasons to switch from windows to linux.

whys he look so sad?

>Not compiling per hand

You are as Nigger as it gets man

>literal what
You have to be 18 to post here.

Mageia is the successor of mandriva, that is the fusion of mandrake and conectiva.

"Pimp My Ride" the desktop version

Can someone explain to me how the "sleep" button on my keyboard works with GNU/Linux?

When I press it, my computer just suspends or goes to sleep, not sure. Anyways, I'm using GNOME and when I look in the keyboard shortcuts, there's nothing that tells it to sleep yet it just works.

The reason I want to know how it works is because I want to tell it to lock my screen when I press it, because right now when I press sleep anyone could just wake up my computer and use it.

Distro: Arch
Display manager: Lightdm-gtk-greeter


If anyone has physical access to your computer it's not your computer, regardless if it's locked or not.

Regardless, I would like to know how to change its behaviour.

I guess you should find option to lock your pc before sleep.
In 'system settings or something.

Exactly, a literaly what

>le ebin 18 argument
Good, when are you fucking off?

>using a tiling window manager

If you had any knowledge of FOSS history you would know mageia.

>Using anything other than a tiling wm

you could use
gnome-screensaver-command --lock &
systemctl suspend

and make a custom shortcut for it but it should lock the screen by default

Ah yes, I used to have a keybind like this on my last computer. That will have to do until I figure out where to configure the sleep button.

>TFW too intelligent to waste screen space on a tiling window manager
I would rather use something keyboard friendly.

What's more keyboard-friendly than a twm?

You are uninformed.

I can passtrough my gpu to a windows VM to play games with almost same performance?

Its the only thing that stops me of moving permanently to GNU/Linux

Yes. you need 2 gpus though

Will games really run with roughly 50 less FPS? Does it clutter more than Windows or is it smoother?

What are some cool terminal commands?

I have the iGPU and a R9 270x.

So, i can right?

what cpu

Intel i7 7700



Autism increased 10 points

I recommend you try to setup before wiping the windows partition. Just to make sure everything works right.

Updated manjaro kernel to 4.10.12, nvidia+bumblebee broken
kernel message shows:

nvidia: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout

In debian usually dkms fix this, but dkms isn't even installed.
mhwd -r / mhwd -a did nothing

what do

Remind me again on how to fix the file picker meme.

Depending on your iommu grouping you might need the acs override patch.

Why is Stallman in the verge of tears in that pic?

Would using a virtualmachine as my daily driver be a stupid idea?