I know there's a lot of guys here that know c++ very well. I think I'm asking a simple question...

I know there's a lot of guys here that know c++ very well. I think I'm asking a simple question, but I can't get this done. How do I writte a constructor with "initializer_list" in my LinkedStack class? I just want to "push()" each element and point the "front" pointer to the first element.
Thank you in advance!

First pic is the method: I think I should iterate and add each element, also point to the first one.
This second pic is how the function should be called from the main()

please help, I know this must be very simple but I've never used this "initializer_list" thing ever

pls halp

pls guys


Try writing
LinkedStack stack {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};


Also paste your code in here, IN FULL using

[ code ] (remove spaces)

Or fuck off. I know how to fix it but I won't tell you until you do so.

I've tried that. The problem is the code in the function, I don't know what to write (that "for" is not correct at all I'm sure).
Ok, I will do that now

[#ifndef NODE_H
#define NODE_H

using namespace std;

class Node {
//constructor sense parametres, l'element sera l'enter 0
//element= NULL; // NULL?????????????????????
//constructor amb parametre
Node(T elem) {
next= nullptr;
//retorna l'element que hi ha guardat al node
const T& getElement() const{
return element;
//retorna un punter al següent node o si no hi ha retorna nullpointer
Node *getNext() const{
return next;
//modifica l'adreça de next per la del paràmetre
void setNext(Node *nod){
next = nod;
T element;
Node *next;

#endif /* NODE_H */]

class LinkedStack {
//constructor sense parametres
LinkedStack() {
numElem = 0;
front = nullptr;
LinkedStack(std::initializer_list elements){
front = nullptr;
numElem = elements.size();
for(int i=0; i

Please help. I just need to know how to make that constructor with "initializer_list"

Please man, I did what you said

I implore you


I hope you get fired and sent back to your designated shitting streets.

I'm a student, and not indian.
Please man, help me out. It's just that initializer_list thing

If you don't know the material, you don't deserve to pass your final.

Better luck next semester.

I know very well all that pointer stuff and every class. My problem is the initializer_list, no one has explained that to me, and the online examples I've found are unreadable

Do you really need to use initializer_list? Seems like yet another completely unnecessary feature. Use it somewhere and the next guy will be scratching his head for a day thinking what is going on here.


Yes, I have to for this asignment..
Do you know how it's used? Or at least where should I look to learn how to use it?
I'm lost af and I haven't found any usefull website

ok here's a hint

the bug is between 12 and 14

come on man, I'm just trying to learn, be good to me

What country?


I know that's wrong. How should it be done?


You don't really know it seems. What you want is push every element of the initializer list into your stack, so you have to use i as an index, that's the variable you increase every turn of the loop.

Using 1 just picks the second item of the list repeatedly, and crashes if there are none.
