This should be mandatory reading before you're allowed to post on Sup Forums

This should be mandatory reading before you're allowed to post on Sup Forums.

More like this

That is tougher than C unless you have read C before trying this.

C++ was a mistake

Solve Example 6.3 and post.
Copy paste and your mom dies.

Something like this





Sup Forums


i wish mods would start autobanning anyone who mentions reddit in their post





As a historical novelty, perhaps.

As a serious introduction to the C language, you must be out of your mind.


That's actually interesting.
Will try it out.

Name a better book.

Every broken tutorial your EE university shits out.

This too.


This is exactly what's wrong with C.

The book that describes how to program C in the way it was intended to be programmed in is a "historical novelty" and teaches "bad practices."

"Good C" that's sane, maintainable, and bug-free isn't C, it's C and fucktons of conventions, boilerplates, and other meta shit you're just expected to somehow know.

learning from literal books is pleb tier

Let me guess, you're "fluent" in LISP or Python?

>code monkeys think they're so superior that they should be the only ones allowed to post here

Not really.

I have a much better time reading a programming book than accessing a PDF document.

Hell, I'll put shit on my 50 buck kindle to read it instead of using my monitor, at least I can move the page around with my fingers(sort of).

It would be 100* better than the endless consumer electronics and Sup Forums tech support threads this board is plagued with.

Nah. Lisp is really cool, but impractical (with the exception of Clojure).

I'm an Erlang/Elixir guy. >:)

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who couldn't answer what the Fermi yields were
>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who couldn't state what Fermi cards were made of
>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who have no idea why Fermi was so deadly

fuck, why is it impossible to leave this increasingly shitty place?

Not really. The endless whining about Pajeet stealing your job and your gf gets old after a while too.

Those aren't actual programmers. Those are just idiots repeating memes for (You)s. I guarantee 99% of pajeetposters have never written a line of code in their life.

>wow i know about pointless shit

Please leave this board now. No one gives a shit about your old video cards.

Give him a break and be nice. Autistic people can't understand why other people don't care about what they care about in completely irrelevant contexts.

Let's say the average age on Sup Forums is 22. That would make the average 4channer 15 when Fermi came out. Given that most 15 year olds don't typically have the income to build PCs with $500 GTX 480s, it's not hard to see why most people here don't care about Fermi.


Over the past week and a half, I have written around a 1000 lines of C89 to process a network protocol. This code that I have written is intended to eventually be running in the Windows kernel, and as such, I have designed it to not need to do any memory allocation or network communications on its own. Instead, it uses a single interface to read a TCP payload from some input buffer, and output a TCP payload to be written to some output buffer. Indeed, because of the way this program is structured, I am able to make this module only dependent on one C header -- stddef.h, and let some other module handle all of the memory allocation and network communication. As such, I can test the protocol processing code outside of the context of a kernel, and then drop it in later with no changes to the code.

I think it should be safe to conclude that I know how to write programs in C. Despite this, I have never actually read K&R C.

>I have written around a 1000 lines of C89 to process a network protocol.
literally, why?

my point exactly

Security research involving decoy Windows drivers. Pretty much any KMDF stuff is required to be in C89, since Microsoft hasn't even fully implemented C99 in MSVC.

1.7, woodscrews, housefires? That shit was memed to death.