I love korea

i love korea
post warmhurt comments but not butthurt on this flag

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Japan is korean colony with stolen chinese culture

I liked Korea before this Kpop craze, I was really into manhwa and shit

but now everyone thinks I'm just a basic bitch

koreans are pretty average @ starcraft


Koreans are some of the best Asians immigrants here. Miles better than chinks

>I was really into manhwa and shit
>I'm just a basic bitch
accurate desu

I know I am one but I don't want people to think I am one for the wrong reasons


Koreans BTFO the nigs in the 90s

Most of japanese are mentally ill
including you saying i love korea.

> a you newfag doesn't know about zainichi
> A korean say mentally ill to own kinds
> 10/10 Korean


your post just explains your own schizophrenia.

>See zainichis react never change



I want a Korean friend

>Most of japanese are mentally ill

>people to think I am one for the wrong reasons

>Most of japanese are mentally ill


I wish more animation grunt work jobs were here and not Korea

Do you really think that OP is zainichi or korean? If you think so, you must be idiot.

I fucked a Korean once. She kept saying "itai", but my dick isn't even big.


Thank you, Brazil. I can always count on you.

nice spicy cuisine

learn english asshole
wtf are you talking about


I love Kimchi Tacos in Mexico

That made me laugh

Chill dude, dont be ashamed by what you are

Used to not have any interest in Korea, but my wife loves K-Drama and I wanted to learn another language, so I picked it up. Love the language, the alphabet, the food, and the people are okay too.


Your WiFe does love K-drama?????

What kind of K drama do you mean?

maybe story containing shouting and frowning and fighting between family?
or a handsome rich guy begging love so desperately to a destitute humble bitch?

K drama is fucking worst, man. i feel disgust every moments turnning channel holding rimocontrol.