/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

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>How to break out of the botnet?

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fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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>top taskbar
>hide maximized windows' titlebar
>enjoy the vertical space gains

stop trying to make /fglt/ look like a commie party, fuck off

oh no, some faggot told me to "go outa g"! or, you can "go sucka dick"

Stop trying to sterilize free software from its political nature and labeling everything you don't like "gommunism XD".

Sup Forumsuys, is running shit as aonother user good sandbox? or should i use VM/Jailbreak/etc?
(umask o=)

it was me, rly KYS

OPs pic has property is theft in it, how the fuck is that not communism?

There is a plugin to make the title bar appear on the xfce bar, somewhat like unity. But I never used it.

Communists are not against private property, anarchists are.
Before I get attacked, I'm not communist or anarchist.

>Communists are not against private property

>getty images

stop shilling this ancom bullshit here

oh dear, another impotent beta acting like anyone will take his posts seriously. This may shock you, but i don't plan on it just because you said so.


Doesn't the state own all property in communist systems?

They are not. They are against the private property of the means of production(think industrial machines and stuff). Under communist theory there is nothing that impedes a person from owning a house or a car.

In fact, there is no problem is owning means of production as long as you don't profit from what they call surplus-value.

how's that beta rage working out for you? What's it like to think you have power then realise nothing you say will change anything?

thats like the 5th thread with propertry is threft OP picture
seems some shills try to push the community to a political corner

>communism (countable and uncountable, plural communisms)
>1. Any political philosophy or ideology advocating holding the production of resources collectively.
>2. Any political social system that implements a communist political philosophy.
>3. The international socialist society where classes and the state no longer exist.

>I have no idea what free software is all about: The Post

(((Linux))) and (((free software))) have no place in a white world.


They did the same shit with gnu.This is Friendly Linux Thread - FLT -
Anything else is SJW cancer

Why Sup Forums dont like KDE?

so if average Josuf Blogczynski owns an assembly line that he paid for, operates, maintains and what have you, he can only ever break even

What a glorious existence

Linux was created by a Finnish.

Sounds good, next OP is /flt/ then?

>I have no idea what free software is all about
Suddenly Sup Forums is full of newfags who just want a free (as in beer) ride and are not politically engaged in the free software struggle. They're just interested in getting some cool software for free.

I want this stupid reactionary meme to end.

(((((((((((((((((((Words)))))))))))))))))))) and (((((((((((((((((((Logic)))))))))))))))))))) have no place in a white world.

And yet every form of communism tried has had a state and has had a defacto class structure(plebs, proletariat)

This thread is not about kernel talk.

It's pozzed by (((communism))) and (((gpl). (((Linus))) is also proud of his (((feminist))) daughter.


ITT: payed shills trying to split us again

We let them change flt to fglt, that was just the first step in their SJW slippery slope to occupy spaces. We shouldn't have let them.


Under communist argumentation that production line is crystallized work. It can't generate more value than was used to create it because communist theories use the labor value theory. So the profit to not break even has to come from the surplus value(work stolen from the proletarian).

Under communist theory the only solution would be if the proletarian controlled the means of production through the means of the state.



zabij się


Nah buddy, it's just 15 year olds trying to be funny.

So now you understand why we say communism has never been tried, I hope.

If only I was autistic enough to decipher this

czasami kłuje w oczy. ale mam doRzeczy i ziemkiewicza jeszcze, więc bez sapów prosze.

Why not a name that's neither /flt/ or /fglt/? So d&c shills will fuck off.

i wish people would pay me to be autistic.

Model: asus f555ya-xo047t All stock and standard but I know it fucking destroys Intel's HEDT processors for up to 1/3rd of the price. This comes from diverse requirements from the ISP market, but puts a stranglehold on a g4650? I am typing those commands into a full OS as defined by POSIX.

As in the State that communism is meant to do away with? at least according to

Doesn't matter, as long as the word "Linux" is in the name, Stalmann shills will eventually attempt to change it to "GNU/Linux". Shills won't just fuck off. We must fight this stupid "it's not Linux, it's GNU/Linux" meme.

Well tbf I do understand the argument with regards to the definition of communism. What Im thinking now is can communism ever be done, let alone be successful, if implemented according to the definition



30 rupees have been deposited in your accounts, Microsoft shills.

People who changed GNU into "Linux" shouldn't have done so in the first place.

czekaj kurwa chodzi ci o radio party czy rzeczpospolitą? XD

I see what you're driving at, a very balanced and well thought out statement you've crafted there. My rebuttal may come across as rudimentary, uncouth even, but try this out and let me know what you think.


that movie triggered Sup Forums

The biggest argument against net neutrality reversal coming up? By removing net neutrality, we give a shit about televisions.

We'd have to try it in order to know, but capitalist shills keep stopping it from being tried or sabotaging every attempt. We do know that capitalism doesn't work, as it has already been tried, so I don't see why not trying communism. But sadly people fall easily to political rhetoric and end up believing corporate shills and going against their own best interests.

(((Communism))) has always seen capitalism useful to eventually descend into (((communism))). Tolerating (((GNU))) and (((Richard Stallman))) will lead to accepting (((cultural marxism))).


>Tfw when fell for the KDE is shit and bloated meme
>Finally install it after frustrated with gnome and xfce
>Works exactly how I wanted Linux to work for me
>Uses no more ram than anything else

I'm comfy with Manjaro right now.

how to filter (((put cancer here))) posts?

Anti-communist shills:
>Stallman is a gommie, just read his blog!
Also anti-communist shills:
>stop associating free software and communism, they're totally unrelated!

How do you cope with the cognitive disonance?

I wonder (((who))) is behind this post.

Free software is not communism. Very interestlying free software, being as political as it is, would adequate perfectly to either, capitalist, communist or anarchist theory.

The greater misconception in this thread seems to be in the case of capitalism.
Capitalism means there is private ownership of the means of production.
Capitalism organizes the means of production by means of free market.
Proprietary software would lead to a contradiction in which a certain group of people would exclusively own the means of production.
This contradiction is more widely known as monopoly, and is saw as harmful in every capitalistic theory branch.

>As in the State that communism is meant to do away with?
Are you asking about the utopian state supposedly communism leads to, in which there is no private property?
The same argument used by communists would hold for capitalism.
It's basically a developmental state in which means of production are so efficient and decentralized and everything is so abundant that there is no need for private property.

Think magical 3d printers that can do anyhting.

Someone who cares about mental hygiene.

Well there is that, but also what would "pure" communism do to humans from a motivational standpoint? How can you truly have a diverse workforce, covering a multitude of services that require anything from just turning up and lifting some shit from this place to that. through to years of education and specialised training, when there is no real incentive other than we need someone to be a doctor(for example)?

Not standing up for capitalism, just wondering. Humans are inherently geared for risk/reward, we need a balance of carrot and stick to get the most out of ourselves, how could that balance be struck in a system where everyone gets an equal slice regardless?

The first link ties in perfectly with OPs pic: it attacks the concept of property.

The second link is completely irrelevant, as nobody said anything about sales.

Stay mad.

Who the fuck even brought free software into this? The thread name is "friendly gnu/linux thread", not "Free gnu/linux thread"
I'm going to toss all of you fucking communists out of a helicopter

but KDE allow u to add scripts to clipboard its awsum.
And every thing is widget, that gives huge customization.

Libreoffice wizards, pls help

Probably visit a site that doesn't promote free speech. Cone to think if it, reddit would be perfect for you.

(((GNU))) and (((GPL))) must be destroyed if whites are to have a future.


This site does not promote free speech.Read the rules again.
Mods can delete anything they see fit, even if its an opinion different from theirs.They ban just the same

>Under communist theory the only solution would be if the proletarian controlled the means of production through the means of the state.

So was this post referring to the utopian state with regards to the assembly line example?

pic fits better to the current thread


Do it then. I'll wait on the roof for you and your helicopter. Oh wait, I almost forgot, You're just some triggered faggot with no outlet for his impotent rage outside of an anonymous Siberian Rope Stretching site

this bred looks like Sup Forums

>posts 3 seconds apart
didn't think that one through did you?

When you install (((GNU))) you're installing (((jewish))) software. (((GCC))) has cucked linux by making use of (((GCC))) mandatory.


I don't think I'm understanding what you mean.

The State owned production line is not the utopian-state(as in scheme of things, not nation).
The State owned production line would be the correct way to organize the means of production while there is not enough abundance to make private property senseless.

communism → utopia
but by the same argument
capitalism → utopia
would also hold.

>OP right now

I'm reading through the shitstorm here and the majority consensus seems to be that we're going back to /flt/, and also that communism is bad.

I support both of these decisions

h a h

>3 seconds
>60 second wait between posts

Just turn the pc off, it's getting awkward watching you troll yourself

stop samefagging



/flt/ can never happen till the (((GCC))) dependency is taken care of. Once linux is free of all (((GNU))) whites will finally be free.

Ah yeah, that was what I meant just couldn't figure out how to phrase it correctly, lack of knowledge on communism in general was holding me back. Communism bashing aside this has been very informative

I literally have two posts in the entire thread.

Well, three now.


nice nonfree software shilling

Looks like someones live in helper is getting pelted with shit this evening

>when dev tools exist in every modern browser

Nice (((free software))) (((shilling))) (((user)))

Believe me, you're that retarded that you don't need my help to make a cunt out of yourself

Whenever I'm streaming video I get this, like, short line on screen. Sometimes it's horizontal sometimes diagonal, where like the video glitches. Especially if there's a lot of movement in the video. I don't know how to explain it. What is this? I'm on xubuntu.