Forgive English, I am Afghan

Forgive English, I am Afghan.
I come to Finland last year from refugee. My father dead in bomb. Now I come study clothing and fashion. I am here little time and I am very hard stress from news and raceism. I am gay also and this very difficult for me, I am very religion Muslim. I never act to be gay with other men before. but after I am in Finland is diffrent. I am my friend together Mikko he is gay also. He was show me Marimekko fashion and then we are kiss.

We sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because I am very shame. As I fock this Finnish boy it is very good to me but also I am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Afghanistan. I wake her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Pashtun). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry Finnish girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared anyway.
I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in Finnish ass.

sounds about right


really makes u think

Obviously a Finn pretending to be a retard - I'd bet my left nut for it.

Really makes you think

too long to read for me

>Finnish sexual fantasies


Old pasta.

Anyway, if any group, I would support coloured fags coming to my country as "refugees" because it would make people hate both faggots and coloureds more.

m8, I live in east Ljubljana and I hate coloured more every time I hear them say 'pa KAAAAAAaaaaako si ti, bolan, kako ima?'. They're fucking everywhere around Ljubljana, have been for decades!

No, saj ta spodnjih tudi nihče ne mara. A koga si mislil? Jaz v življenju nisem še videl veliko črnuhov v Sloveniji.

Bosance, Srbe. Zame so isti kot kaki Sirci, Turki, vsaj po kulturi.

I was still in my father's ballsack when I first read this pasta

i dont know why this aklways fucking kills me

Aha, potem sem te prav razumel. Na Gorenjskem imamo pa vedno več šiptarjev, ki so še slabši. Tistih par ta spodnjih, ki so živeli na vasi, pa se je asimiliralo. Ampak kakor rečeno, večina jih živi po mestih in so potem "vełki jebaći".

t. mujo i haso

>le edge

A so vama Albanci pojebali mamo? Težko je živet v Sloveniji s temi Šiptarji za vsakim vogalom, jebemti.

Jej drek. Upam, da ostaneš v Kalifatu.

Evo model, prepričal si me. Zmago Plemeniti bi bil ponosen, opravljaš božje delo.


t. Luka Polmesec