Does your national flag have a name or nickname?

Does your national flag have a name or nickname?

Japanese flag's name is 日章旗(nishoki). And nickname is 日の丸(hinomaru).

shut up netouyo

Shut up payoku.

ours is 'al sancak'' meaning is red flag .KEK

"Le drapeau tricolore"

stars n' stripes

why would a nickname be longer than a name

* mistyped nisshoki


Siniristilippu = Blue cross flag

My flag is called «Le Fleurdelisé». It is a very beautiful flag.

Albi celeste


The Union Flag

"Old Glory"

ooh, nips are fighting! This is a rare sight! :D

Lone Star

Texas copied us.

Siniristilippu :DDD

Nickname: Banterstamp

il Tricolore

We called ours like that first

i dunno
Probably Pearl of the Orient

The Dipper

Unifolié and The Maple Leaf Flag

The albiceleste, literally the white-lightblue


La Tricolor

тpибaгpeник - which means three colored.
Same people say tricoleur.

>Shut up payoku.
>Shut up netouyo
Can someone elaborate that?

Pacifics triple star, I think refers to the flag, which is retarded as it has four

50 Somalian flags, 12 Polish flags, and 1 Indonesian flag

we call it
>A fucking leaf

Nice flag 2bh, love you Kanada

"Butthurt inducer"

Really? Its kinda general for all tri colors I tought that it was just called "Flag"

nickname? that's exactly "war criminal flag" according to Koreans.

I can see that lone star from a thousand miles away
Calling me back home though I've ventured far astray
When I see that beacon shining for me all alone
It calls me back to CHILE and to home


We also have "the Star Spangled Banner" even though only 25% of it is star spangled.

>all of the tricolor nicknames
Shit flag = shit nicknames
Ours included

sup fellow alaskan

Nah man that's the nickname of our country not the flag. Although iirc there is actually a name for our flag