Anyone ever get redirected to pages like this? It happens every so often for me on mainstream websites (reddit, cnn...

Anyone ever get redirected to pages like this? It happens every so often for me on mainstream websites (reddit, cnn, startpage.lenovo, etc) and it's always from a different address.

Other urls found in this thread:

just download the patch, you need it. its a new firefox update

Fucking this, can't believe you haven't patched yet. What a noob.

This patch contains a critical security update for firefox. Some websites detect outdated browser versions and redirect you to the patch.

Why even worry about it. Windows 10 is immune to malware

Mozilla delivers updates through their CDN so it's a different address every time.

looks like summerfags have taken over, don't even know how to patch Firefox.

Pic related, this is OP.

I use Chromium but I installed the patch on it and it started working faster. You should do the same op

OP, it's malware, don't listen to the trolls here. Install Malwarebytes and run a scan.

>still using SJWfox
Enjoy your viruses.

>literally installing botnet.exe
i am using this add on i use to get popup like that all the time but it fix my problem now
thank you ffor reading :-)

I know it's malware

This. There is a reason why a billion-dollar company preinstalls IE and Edge on Windows.

It's giving you a moment to think about what you're doing, and ponder whether it's really wise to download and run a file named firefox-patch.js from a site called shop happle duffle with a shitload of numbers in the URL.

>proprietary sjw "anti"(pro)-malware software that doesn't respect your freedom and installs shit you didn't ask for

>winblows 10
It's the botnet

Of course it is. It's a security patch, it even has it in the name.

Yes. It truly is a security patch. A patch that will remove all security and allow them to run whatever they like on your machine.

Yeah to kill netscape

>getting redirected
jesus christ, learn how to use a browser

I trust Mozilla to run whatever they want on my machine, I already installed and am running their binary.

Mozilla does not own Gerald Beck does. Do you trust Gerald Beck to run whatever he likes on your machine?

If Gerald Beck is nice enough to host Mozilla's patches to save them bandwidth, I'm ok with getting it from him. Besides, the patch wouldn't work if Firefox didn't support it.

Gerald Beck, consider me a fan

It's funny cause it's a symptom of malware already on your system and yet the malware fucks up so bad it just pushes download links at you instead of actually running them.

>I will ask you now kindly Zur, would you be inzdalling this please?

>This is Paj-John from Microsoft please be to telling me your social security number.

I am sick of these new pronouns.