Name a more biodiverse country

name a more biodiverse country.





This Hueland is king in this area

sorry, checked the list.
we're number two after brazil.

yup, we're number 2

Brazil is top for megadiverse countries



there are a lot of types of animals in china

China is a barren desert in the western parts, cold and freezing in the north, warm and tropical near the south etc
India is similar, but less cold and more tropical

Hi, how's it going?

I though they were overpopulated shitholes filled with industrial waste.

"There are more species in one squared kilometre of the Amazon forest than there are atoms in the universe"

t. Antonio Rafael Gabriel Ramirez

that's just your imagination

most of china is sparsely populated


What was hour point on doing thid thread? What an embarassment you are

I'm watching the colombia diverse documentary, just wanted to talk about it.

Half of China is empty space actually

Basically the entire Chinese population lives in the east

don't china has some pollution problems?

That population density
How the fuck is that possible?


What do you think of this little beetle from Brazil?


Yes, but in the east where everyone lives

27 años de soledad jajajajajlajaksjak

I've been to both Colombia and India. In regards to natural diversity, India easily takes the cake. From Delhi, an overnight bus can bring you into the Himalayas, desert, plains, ghats, or rainforest.

imagine living among those fuckers.


They are even called Africa in miniature.

Congo is more diverse

I have phobia to insects
This pic makes me uncomfortable

western china like tibet and xinjiang and northern china like inner mongolia is relatively clean

They don't have desert in Congo

Imagine it flying in your face now.


>tHiS pIC maKeS mE unNCoNfOrtAbLe



well, who cares rofl

It's strange to be no.1 on biodiversity but most species live in the Amazon that is like half a continent away

>imagine living among those fuckers.
>black and small creature
Why don't you tell us?