The End Of Venezuela

Socialism reached its endgame on Venezuela
The third impact is happening
Lets say goodbye

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Venezuelan refugees coming

Tell me then, what is your heart for?

Still better than brazil


Post more Sup Forumsvangelion memes.

Are you high, meth head?


Venezuela is still richer than brazil and your economy sucks too atm

Tři Žába

Three frog?

So, what do you think will happen to Venezuela after destruction?
Will it be any better? Will the people stop living like we lived in 1999?

nothing at all

I am hoping for a war so we can go stick our noses in it, when America does it it looks so fun.

Do you have any claims on their land?

>So, what do you think will happen to Venezuela after destruction?

As in all Latin American countries after their continuous socialist collapse. Will come Spain and will rebuild everything with their companies.

Then another socialist government appears we expropriate all and go to hell again and repeat. That is the life of Latin America, and we help them as mentally retarded.

For example now much of the Colombian banking investment is Spanish and it seems that will have a similar government Venezuela soon.

>Spain invests.
>"Muh español cabrón danos el oro"
>Spain invest.

An endless cycle.

Reunification of all the Spanish, when?

Why do they even want money if there's nothing to buy and, consequently, their inflation is bigger than it mum's arsehole after her bull has finished her? Coca-Cola literally stopped their factories there because there's a shortage of fucking sugar. They can't even import shit because maduro is controlling the entry of money in the country

>Unification with Peru

NEVER. Nobody wants unification, many people want a Hispanic EU, the problem is fucking socialists. How the hell do you make an alliance with countries like Cuba or Venezuela? Spain has the potential to turn Latin America in first world countries (Chile is very close thanks to China and Spain) (, but if you do not stop collapse is not worth it.

Does Venezuela still have that unfinished yet inhabited sky scrapper?

Reminds me of the Kowloon Walled City

We just want to annex Cuba and Puerto Rico, the rest independent.

Sounds like brazil? How much for ps4 in brazil???

it's probably like a 1000$ them and Argentina have some fucked up import tariffs.


9000 burger $?

Yes Slovenia... Yes...

I am sure we can conjure some bullshit about the amazons. Also, Brazil just wants a war in South America for us to come along and stop it and show the world how good we are at keeping the peace over here.
Brazil's whole deal with foreign policy is trying to get a permanent seat at the security council, so war we can stick our noses in and save the day is just great.

Like 2000 reais for a new one or around 650 dollars.

aaaaaaand nothing of value was lost

I know about the bid. But i think India and Japan have a better chance than you.
Are you sure you could win. I don't know much about Brazilian military, but with the whole Olympic preparation fiasco i don't think it would be good publicity.

lies. That's argentinian pesos, equal to 645 burger dollars.

I thought it was capitalism that dehumanizes its members. Why don't socialists overcome and peacefully distribute the few resources they have?

>Comparing the price of imported electronics with a shortage of locally produced basic goods (including toilet paper)
>implying our high tarrifs equals their capital control
Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again


expropriator man

pic related


Menudo payaso.


expropiese cancer

>implying socialism alone could fuck it up that bad
Trade embargos and negroids my friendorino.

it's still expensive af it's 450$ here and it costs 730$ there

stupid brown people

Nobody gives a shit about Olympics here senpai.

Why people think that we're hyped for that?

I think India has a better shot as well, but we sure would beat Japan, unless America really pushes for another quasi puppet on the council.
Our military is actually sort of impressive, we are part of the aircraft carrier club, we have a huge bellic industry as well. We are constantly taking part in peace keeping missions for the UN, I mean, we have been occupying Haiti for 8 years now.
And as I said, this seat is what Brazil has been trying to get since the 50's, even so that when our now removed president went and talked about the political strife in Brazil during the COF 21 signing, pretty much every politician that wasn't her full on ally denounced her as undermining our years of effort with the UN.
We really want the fucking seat.

Not you, the rest of the world.
Every other day on the news there's talk about how Rio is not ready for the Olympic games, talking about the sewers going out into the river etc.
The Olympic games are a big deal.
Why do you think China scrabbled so much for the right to host them again?

name one successful Spanish colony


>Socialism reached its endgame
Explain, I heard democrats have won the last election.


>name one successful Spanish colony
chile,Uruguay and Argentina are better than you , senpai


fair enough

I think Spain is Portugal's colony actually

stop making up countries


Chile, Netherlands, Uruguay, Argentina...

ayyy lmao

Does venezuela even have a chance anymore? How could anyone fix that now?

Don't mind him, but he is right, Brazilians couldn't care less about the Olympics, but the Brazilian goverment knows that the rest of the world is looking at every single detail of this and it is scrambling like crazy to fix it.
But the problem is that when Lula got the olympics, our economy was booming like crazy, but when it was time to actually make it happen, the boom had come and gone and we were dead on the sewer water.

The Netherlands.

Oh yes, Costa Nica. I forgot you sorry.

Chile is better than Poland.

Your an American colony though

only problem in Argentina is inflation but their GDP per capita is better than yours

rather be a colony than literally hell

says a guy who receive tons of euromoney.....

>muh GDP


Brazil is an empire you piece of shit based Pedro the best emperor

A mi me gusta Costa Rica como país, pero debéis construir un muro bien alto cuanto antes.

Why the fuck would anyone want Puerto Rico? High crime rates and debt appeal to you?

brexit soon faggot and you stop moving to UK

not gonna happen ever be realistic

>esc todos en el pais se estan volviendo SJW
>gente ve la palabra "nica" como insultante al punto que se enojan y ni siquiera son nicaraguenses
>gente queriendo meter refugiados al pais
siento que ya es muy tarde, estamos yendonos full cuck

Lo de Costa Rica y España es el sumun del absurdo SJW, hacemos frontera con dos paises que nos consideran el enemigo (Tu con Nicaragua y nosotros con Marruecos) y la gente dice ¡Más mezquitas! ¡Menos ejercito y menos iglesias! y allí ¡Más nicas! En fin, parece que el primer mundo terminara por colapsarse en algún momento, porque los neonazis de Sup Forums tienen algo de razón en Londres por ejemplo ya no se hacen cosas inglesas.


Lo se, esta horrible esto y ahora con lo de venezuela se va a poner peor, ya han sacado varios documentales con el mensaje de que estamos abiertos a que vengan aca
Ya es suficiente con los nicas trayendo crimen y los colombianos trayendo drogas

>¡Más mezquitas y menos iglesias!
nadie dice eso


This spanish delusion

Welcome to the new age faggot when central europe will dominate

You mean Germany will dominate right? You are not seriously implying you will be helping the domination right?

shut up whoreland

That's not true. Socialism will continue. There's no way the next vz gov't can survive without at least some socialist programs.

i spent 1 month in your cunt, good bitches senpai

southern brazil was at one time spanish speaking
and it is now a pure white republic stuck in a monkey country

only good for gringo sex tourism and drug tours
your most famous escort

Man, we were fucked the day Chiabe stepped into office, tbqhwyf

>They still have the internet
Wew lad, when do you guys plan to start a civil war so we can go save you guys and still hold the moral highground?

Video of what I am talking about. Pretty interesting desu

Another video

It is a banking tower, that people just took over after it was abandoned

> economic collapse with huge oil reserves

holy shit

Most of the white Venezuelans have left the country, with many of them landing in the Miami area. Dade County now has a fresh supply of Euro Latin girls with blue/green eyes. Many of the brown Zuelans cannot get jobs in Miami because they do longer speak proper Spanish.


¿Y cuando todo se vaya a la mierda que haréis?

My gf is venezuelan and she tells me a lot of how fucked up it is.

Like water used to be 30 bolivares now it's 150.

So yeah that shit has to collapse ASAP

post nudes.

Suprisingly, yes. And I hope something starts soon , the OEA just admitted some kind of reform democratic cart, or something like that. Honestly, I expect an embargo to happen sooner than a civil war, the general people here lack the balls in my opinion for something like that.

Whole central europe will dominate europe, like in old times
Southern europe are just livibgbfrom memories and denbts

We are future, they are past
So mature

Fun fact: czech streets already expanded to spain last year

el puto yanki con lo de si es blanco o negro , aqui no pensamos como retrogrados...

y si no me entiendes me da igual , retrasado

does she look like this
every time i see a gringo with a south american the girl is a hood rat

no lo estan diciendo, aunque izquierda unida dice muchas gilipolleces

lo unico de lo que se habla, y no demasiado, es de la separacion iglesia-estado

>Whole central europe will dominate europe
I agree, although it seems that you consider part of central europe what is actually eastern europe
actually germany has been dominating for a long time

I can't tell if this is a joke or not.
You are joking right?

Fuck off, Puerto Rico is ours.

You guys just have to start it, not reason to go through with it, we just need an excuse to go in and remove the commies.

tengo esperanza que pase en otro lado primero y que la gente abra los ojos si no, protejer a mi familia lo mejor que pueda y que ojala haya una revolucion
amo a este pais demasiado como para verlo irse a la mierda tan facilmente ;_;

>Implying you could win against the bolivarian army


No, and judging from when I visited, very very few are that pale.

She is beautiful though. Better than what I deserve desu.

We are indeed central europe, in many ways more central than germany
Nope, whole region is booming...

We are richer than portugal, greece etc and we will be richer than spain in tow years

>Implying there is any country in Latin America that could beat us
You are hilarious Spain. How is Gibraltar doing?

Is this you?

Venezuela actually can, their army is the best in South America along with the Brazilian army.

>You are hilarious Spain. How is Gibraltar doing?

Nobody but the goverment cares about that shit and its not even summer not even the gov cares right now