What does Sup Forums think of computerphile

what does Sup Forums think of computerphile

one of the best youtube channels out there IMO

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When they get political or philosophical it is utter shit

it's good when either that fat younger guy or that ai younger guy are on

shit otherwise

what did you mean by this

i dont remember them getting political

they have a few kind of weird philosophical ones but i thought it was a nice change of pace

>not appreciating the delightful old gentleman rambling on about the computers and software of decades gone by

at least it's not as bad as numberphile

What fat younger guy? Also Brailsford is great.

i think he means bagley, the guy with the huge gap between his front teeth

i like them all but the younger neural net / deep learning guy is my favourite, probably because he's more relatable in what he does (more relevant recent concepts and less nostalgia)


>i dont remember them getting political
they say things like
>code should be inclusive
>we should re-write python to include ebonics
they also rag on about universal healthcare

yeah that was a pretty dumb series of episodes, but otherwise I think the channel is very good.

What the fuck have you been watching?

computerphile. dig into their older vids

>>we should re-write python to include ebonics

what fucking video are you even talking about?

you've been reading too much Sup Forums and it's rotting your brain

It's nothing compared to Primitive Technology channel

which linux distro do you think he will install when he finally builds a computer

>implying he won't re write the kernel himself

probably gentoo with his own compiler.

Primitive Technology: C Compiler

holy fk

I especially cringed when they spent 4 videos extolling the virtues of Ada Lovelace.

They even had to badmouth Charles Babbage and paint him as some kind of cartoon villain, completely diminishing his contributions.

Those videos were in connection to an Ada Lovelace-related event, spoke about her no more than was needed and didn't tell a word of a lie about Babbage.

Do you get triggered when someone calls Ada Lovelace the first programmer?

Pause at 2:06 and look at the bookshelf
>one of us
>one of us

> no more than was needed and didn't tell a word of a lie about Babbage.


At 1:00 listen to him talk about this comic:

> She envisages as you see here Lovelace as this impossible, detached heroine, that fearfully obliges, Babbage's faithful assistant here's Charles Babbage, short tempered, thin skinned, exactly like the real Babbage

The only reason Ada Lovelace is known is because Turing researched her notes. She didn't really do anything except for write a little bit about what Babbage already did. She was basically a technical writer while Babbage was the engineer.

Yet these cucks make video after video about her on multiple channels and she's a feminist icon. The next video about her is called "Poetry to Programming: Ada Lovelace".

Next time you see a bridge, jump off of it.

All I see is a bunch of comp sci textbooks.

Ten seconds out of a thirteen minute video is hardly excessive.
>here's Charles Babbage, short tempered, thin skinned, exactly like the real Babbage
Like I said, no word of a lie. Babbage was a right cunt, regardless of anything he accomplished or created.
>The only reason Ada Lovelace is known is because Turing researched her notes
Why does that matter? There have been many things written that only got noticed and took on significance a long time after their writing.
>She didn't really do anything except for write a little bit about what Babbage already did
You mean in the same kind of way that programmers only ever do write-ups whereas the folks at Intel are the real heroes and visionaries?
>a feminist icon
At least there's one thing we can agree on being stupid.

>The manga guide to databases.

>Why does that matter? There have been many things written that only got noticed and took on significance a long time after their writing.

Of course it matters. This is why everybody knows about Ada Lovelace; because Turing happened to have read what Ada Lovelace had written, not because she had actually done anything worthwhile on her own.

> You mean in the same kind of way that programmers only ever do write-ups whereas the folks at Intel are the real heroes and visionaries?

Do you mean that people who do write-ups like Ada Lovelace are the geniuses and people who make the things they are writing about aren't as important?

> Like I said, no word of a lie. Babbage was a right cunt, regardless of anything he accomplished or created.

You can't really tell what Charles Babbage was like from whatever examples of his writing that we have left. He goes out on a limb to suggest that he was such a dick.

Some people obviously liked him because he was a successful academic and was able to get funding for his research time after time.

Reading any Sup Forums is reading too much Sup Forums desu

Those books are pretty good, I read one about Special Relativity, it was a fun ride