Is it cool if i whine for advice here?

Is it cool if i whine for advice here?

>went to college for computer engineering, graduated at 22
>enjoy programming in java with app development
>looked for work after graduating
>not many jobs relevant to education in area
>got a job at a call center
>hated it, quit job, turned 23 >moved back to california, live with my dad
>dad tells me to get literally any job to pull my weight
>got a job at starbucks
>feel like major fucking loser
>24 now

At this point i really feel like i did the whole "go to school get a job" thing all wrong.
How do i get my ass doing some programming work? Should i go back to school for a higher degree? Why do i suck so hard at life?

What the fuck were you doing while you were in school? Did you not apply for any internships in your area? Where were you during career fairs? Did you not do any networking?

>looked for work after graduating
>not many jobs relevant to education in area
There's a lot of jobs. They aren't easy to get, but you just keep applying.

I was just trying to keep up with assignments, study for tests and make it to tutoring. I didn't apply for any internships, our last semester had some offerred but my coordinator gave them to other students and i was given a project to write this program with a partner. I dont remember any career fairs being announced, they probably had them but i missed out on them. I haven't done any networking desu ive always been a nervous wreck talking to new people and dont know how to sell myself.

what was your gpa?

Just a 3.0, i had no other computer knowledge prior to taking the program but took it because i wanted to learn.

Why should it matter?
I got a well paying software dev job with no degree easily, and I live in fly over state

First things first, get the fuck out of California but don't come to Washington, dirty commie.

Second, make projects that would impress a hiring manager. Or just fuck it, make projects so that you stay in practice at all. If you make anything decent, host it on Github. Hiring managers love that shit.

Make sure your LinkedIn is up to date and that you have a social media presence but I cannot stress this enough, make your social media private. I want to know that you're not an autist who is "above" social media, but I also don't want to know about how you blacked out after doing blow off of a hookers ass.

Third, get certs and go to conventions. You're in CA there are literally infinite conventions there. Maybe even get with a startup working for peanuts and "exposure."

Good luck.

But seriously don't move to Washington. Our state is being ruined by Commiefornians.

Not this user but getting certs is not a bad idea

You could work at a ma and pa PC repair place or hell work at geeksquad. Its [barely] a step up from Starbucks but at least your resume will be slightly better.

Also remember in large corporation the people who look at your resume are usually people who know nothing about the position your apply for.

Thank you, i actually really needed to read that. I had somewhat of an idea that was the route i needed to take but wasn't sure exactly how i should lay it out.

Like what other anons here said, you need a good portfolio. During the hiring process that got me into my current dev job, I got the whole algorithm wrong in the initial technical challenge used for prescreening candidates. I then messed up in some of the technical problems during the in-person interview. But, I still got hired.

After this semester I have one more and I'm worried that I'll end up in the same boat as OP

What should I start doing right now

Also don't come to Oregon either you fucking faggot commie piece of shit OP

>computer engineering
>not many jobs
>Looking for work in "programming"
You are so full of shit.

Well companies also post a shitload of positions they plan on just filling with H1B guys, so they can say they "tried" to fill the spots with Americans if it winds up in court.

Well then you're retarded and there's no hope. I'd rather have an fool with motivation than a graduate that's at college because daddy made him go.

There really wasn't any i could in the city i went to college, just 2 call centers and a bunch of downtown shops. I was living in canada, part of the reason i moved back to california was i knew there would be programming jobs. I just got here about 5 months ago

There was a time i was a fool with motivation, i just got depressed for a while because i feel like i didnt ask enough questions. And my dad didn't make me go, i went on my own. Ive been feeling better recently and was reluctant to post anything but felt if i dont ask and stay in my shell I'll never make any progress

At least he isn't a tripfag on a chinese drama forum

Well then you're fucked if you can't pretend to be interesting you asocial dweeb.

Also, applying to jobs is a shit show with no better success than random chance, about 7% of every 100 qualified applications. And that's just a call back.

Try harder faggot.

You fucked up dude, you worked in jobs that are completely unrelated to IT for too long, you most likely forgot a lot about uni already and not finding a job in IT makes it look like you tried but failed in tests and interviews for IT positions.

>Should i go back to school for a higher degree?

the world doesnt give a fuck about your degree. no employer was impressed with my bachelor. they all want certs and experience.

i ended up moving into desktop support because noone wants a junior programmer so i dont know wtf im going to do

other than NOT go to uni again, thats for sure. id prefer to keep that 30k this time around.

I have a webdev role and just want to quit and make vidya. Obviously that's retarded so I won't do that. At least you get free frappuccinos OP

You should've gotten a PhD

>wants to be a dev
>went comp eng
what the fuck were you doing?

>they all want certs
what kind of retarded company do you work for?

You can practice at starbucks.


Make eye contact

Speak clearly and confidently

If you are speaking with confidence, your volume should be fine

Apply to GM, they might give you a chance.

You limited your pool of potential employers to your college town? No wonder you couldn't find anything. Why didn't you move? That's what most college graduates do. Very few stay in their college town unless it's somewhere like the Bay Area, NYC or some other huge metro.

So you're a fucking disgrace.

t. 24 S. Engineer making them bucks

posting shit on github

>I want to know that you're not an autist who is "above" social media

Is this a thing on the US?
If an employer brought that shit up in an interview I would tell them to fuck right of and go to the next best offer.

some have demanded email and myspace passwords in the past

>email and myspace passwords

No, fuckoff, they dont need to know about all the sexual shit im into. thats a step too far