Why is it bad?

Why is it bad?

No java support still

older versions of solutions don't work with newer versions of visual studio unless you change a little line of code in the solution with notepad. the code is just : visual studio version 10. you literally just change the fucking number and it works. wtf is up with that?

It's not bad

Although it always can be better

Why in the fuck would microsoft implement jav support?

it isn't bad

fucking this
literally what the fuck they were thinking

lol what, you cant be serious

Its not bad, I learned in 2013 and it is a good solution for creating windows desktop applications. ID rather use a fucking visual basic windows form program than a electron wrapper Java script 1gig of RAM discord tier shitstain. I hate pajeet

good thing visual uses only 6gb while idle

it's not

they broke the vslinux extension and now my shit won't compile anymore.

it's by far the best IDE in its category, actually

this is troll right? first off i use solutions between vs 2012-2017 without problem, never experienced this, but even if they require you to rewrite 1 number in an sln file created w/ a visual studio 5 iterations ago (vs 2010, vs 2012, vs 2013, vs2015, vs 2017), to be compatible with today's release it's quiet fucking understandable

16GB and 30% CPU when idle text editor.

only if you open giant solutions, it caches all files into memory (if you have enough ram), and it's to make the navigation / searching / refactoring in the sln blazing fast, i believe there's some option you can turn it off

it's not resonable because it's stupid. why should I change it from "visual studio version x" to "visual studio version y"? I think they're just trying to get you to buy the latest version of vs by putting this bs in

Java sucks

>blazing fast

well, i don't know for vs 2010, but vs 2017 has no IDE version identifier in the sln file, so maybe it's also enough if you just delete it from the file created w/ vs 2010? maybe it was a design flaw present in 2010 that they fixed

well it's blazing fast AFTER the caching is done, but VS 2017 now has a 'lightweight solution load' option that will let you start coding before they are are built i believe (if you really want to)

Not to defend electron but the only application that uses 1GB or more is slack. This is mainly due to slack starting new chromium process for every team you have open which is as much of anti-pattern as it can possibly get.

oh and updating 'intellisense and browsing information' only takes aeons for C++ projects, as the language wasn't designed with modern IDEs in mind at all
C# projects load much-much faster

Stop lying.....

because is resource hungry an slow as fuck compared to qtcreator, cl is a joke, half of the standard is not implemented, no sane c++ developer wouldd ever use that shit

But that's a good thing desu

yeah there are no sane developers @ Blizzard
and Chrome is also apparently built by a bunch of script kiddies
or maybe Google is only using VS for its Desktop PC project because they love Microsoft so much, not because it's by far the best IDE for thise applications

I'm not

except chrome is less than 1% of google software, most google software is for linux and they sure as hell dont use vs for it

I haven't used it since I went full lincux a few years ago, and honestly I miss it, especially the graphical debugger because I still haven't used one that beats it.

>except chrome is less than 1% of google software

maybe by LOC, but not by usage. the vast majority use nothing more than Chrome / Web-Search / Android from Google

>30% CPU when idle

Do people just randomly throw shit out their ass?

yeah and web search and android are not made in vs, only chrome, all their online services like gmail, maps store are also not made in vs

only desktop version of chrome is made in visual, android version is made in android studio

yeah but google using VS for one of their prime projects is like if Microsoft used XCode for Windows 10

this is a lie

Only legacy people prefer this trash in 2017.
Visual Studio Code is lovely, fast, configurable.
...and the mouse rending doesn't cost much cpu power.

>tfw I still pay 10$ for resharper every month cause I have to write a webapi in C# once a year

It's okay. Just kind of a blunt-force solution when you're used to elegant Unix development.

it messed up my python code.
had to redo all my tabs in vim.

>jav support

It's bad because it's really bloated and heavy, nothing else.

Yeah it's really not bad for what it does. Just pretty heavy. Lotta Linux people shit on it, but I'm able to appreciate it for what it is, even though Windows is not my preferred development environment.