Does anyone use Geany as their ide? need a lightweight comfy ide for java

does anyone use Geany as their ide? need a lightweight comfy ide for java

literally no one uses that pile of steaming shit.

o-oh ok.. what else would you recommend ?

Never used it. I hear things about it on occasion, but I just stick with vim.

not the other user, but go with dr. java my dude. lightweight as fuck. geared toward highschoolers and folks in community colleges, but it's not a clusterfuck of unnecessary garbage.

BlueJ. Geany is ok.

ill try dr. java thanks user. i've been using intelliJ but it takes too long to load.
i want to use vim but i have windows. is it still worth it?

Just use IntelliJ.

You can vim on Windows

You can have gvim for windows. If you're stuck with windows, geany seems like it would be fine still. Never heard of Dr. Java.

vs code master race

>visual code
>for java development
go to fucking hell you dumb scrub you obviously have never done anything other than play around with one class at a time

>not using spyder
for i in range(2, largestNum):
prime = true
if i == 2
print i
for x in range(2, (largestNum/2):
if i % x == 0:
prime = false:
if prime = true
print i

inb4 wtf fail, last if statement is right outside of second loop

Use the code tag please

Geany is great, using since 2008, especially for C or PHP

shit senpai my bad, here you go

dr. java is great if all you want is a slimmed down java ide with console and compiler output and all the other basics. i transitioned from comp sci and graduated with a history degree more than 10 years ago, then went to grad school for the same subject, but i still keep dr. java around on windows and linux just for the sentimental feels. ugly as sin (pic related, though you can choose from all the motif and swing themes), but it always got the job done during my first two semesters of undergrad. still works, and is still occasionally updated.


I wouldn't recommend this. It holds your hand way too much and it's ugly as sin.

oh yeah, OP, dr. java is best used standalone, but also available as a plugin for eclipse, which was one of the only two IDEs my java professor endorsed (the other being intelliJ) 10 years ago.

geany is a great text editor, but it's not an ide. use netbeans.

Yes, I use Geany every now and then, when I cant be bothered to oben up Vim and only want to change a few lines or copy&paste a few things.

It's pretty neat. It has no "super powers" (i.e. project management) but for smaller things it's pretty good.

Netbeans and geany are completely different (I also like Netbeans btw).

But technically Geany is an IDE since you can compile or run your code with just one click.

I used it it's just sane.

This desu
Me and a couple other coworkers are in the process of begging for subscriptions instead of having to use eclipse neon...
>actually having to ctrl+s as a reflex
>inferior completion
>no multi-caret mode
>no intelligent selection scope (ctrl+w)
>no find all (project path + libs)
>shitty view navigation (no Alt+(1-9))