Does skin color have to do with the country's temperature?

Just think about it, Africa is hot as fuck, and the people living in it are either black or brown, black in the south cause it's the hottest and as you go to the north they brighten up, even Portugal and Spain and Italy are not clear white, it's like they're tanned, because they're close to Africa, and South Americans are brown too, All the red Indians that lived in South America in the past were all brown too. It's like the sun along hundred or thousand of years burn their skin and their brain and changes their whole body structure. I think it's evolution, just like animals the human body changes over the years because of the environment.
And let's not forget the Middle East sandnigs and how they're brown or dark brown because they live in the hot desert even if they're in Asia and not in Africa.
As for Indians I don't know, my theory is not a 100% complete and confirmed, I'm still working on it and thinking about it.
And as for albino black Africans or Albino anything don't come bothering with that bullshit, Albinism is extremely rare and exists literally in every species and everywhere no matter the circumstances, it just doesn't count, We're talking about the general population here, not the 1 in I don't know how many tens of thousands of people.

I hope this is bait.

>American education


Skin colour does not depend directly on temperature, it depends on solar radiation.

The more solar exposure a country gets, the darker the population gets.

But of course, with solar radiation the temperature also rises, thus temperature and skin colour do not depend on one another, but they both depend on the sunlight.


YES, Thank you! I knew my theory didn't sound very crazy and didn't sound too far from the reality, thank you for confirming and correcting and rectifying my theory Portuguese lad.
Eat shit, you just got rekt.
Sorry I don't understand Finnish ;_;

>got rekt

The effects vary based on how dependent on the natural circumstances people are.

>American education

I thought this was common sense

And it is...
But he is American.

How old are you?

Certain climates select certain skin colors.
Black skin is adapted to places with a lot of UV ray radiation. White skin is good for absorbing more radiation, we need it for Vitamin D synthesis and white skin probably came around during an ice age or some shit. Also, Africans can have Vitamin D deficiencies more frequently in places with less sunlight.

People who tan easily where probably a result of adaptation to places where winters and summers are well defined, so you need more adaptive skin.

And then comes mixing and migration too. Just because white people migrated to south africa doesn't mean they will become black from exposure to the sun. The fact that everyone can survive today has pretty much stopped selective pressure that ends in adaptations like this.

>The human body adapts to its environment
Thanks again, captain obvious

thank you for further explaining bros, I don't know why I just thought of this, it's true that it should be common sense but for some reason it just kept flying past my head, but hey late is better than never

Guys I have a theory that I just came up with. I haven't bothered googling this because it is so ingenious that I MUST have been the first person to come up with it.
What if the Earth revolves around the sun?

If whites got sunburned for millions years, they would become black.

You have misunderstood the concept of evolution.

You too.

But yes, there is a connection.

I think both of you posted the other's answer.

being trolled by americans doesn't count

>human body changes over the years because of the environment
That's not how evolution works. The genetic mutations that drive evolution are completely random and are technically a result of biochemical mistakes. But on the off chance that the new mutation ends up being beneficial in a certain environment it will increase the individual's chances of survival and having a lot of offspring.

But the conditions themselves don't force new traits into developing. Theoretically, you could have a blacks living in Norway for 3000 years without turning white.