>still no free alternative to Photoshop that isn't complete donkey shit


Other urls found in this thread:


Unironically the GIMP.


Make one yourself. Be the change you want!

Why don't you make one then?

there is literally nothing wrong with using paint

>still being a liberal arts faggot
How is your anti white male blog going?

>Do I fit in yet guys?


why? so you can spend hours making shitty memes?

Literally unusable. Can't even crop without jumping through a bunch of hoops.
I'll stick to ms pain tyvm.


>still not pirating Photoshop CC


Pixlr is a decent browser photoshop

Pixelmator is just 20 bucks and it's very good.


Gimp is fine for me since all I use it for is occasional meme editing.

This is why liberals dominate pop culture and conservatism will never be "cool". Stop demonizing the arts, even George Bush enjoys painting :^)


Free as in freedom?

>Can't even crop without jumping through a bunch of hoops.

>implying they will dominate something when the RWDS start to roll over them.

2 hours of work if you're minimum wage

Just like that Day of the Rope™ that has been around the corner for a hundred years?


>pop culture
current pop culture is cancer though.

It's not literally mspaint, I hate change.


I just started using krita and I fucking love it

Without knowing a fucking thing about the program I was able to do everything I wanted just by looking around and guessing.

GIMP by comparison has me pulling out my hair and googling non-stop to figure out the most basic shit.

If I were a dev who was going to invest time in improving one of these two programs, it would be krita by a landslide. Fuck gimp


They seem eager to give us a reason.

>paying for software

And this kind of circular reasoning is why conservatives see it as cancer. You are unwilling to go into the arts because it's so liberal, and the arts are so liberal because you're afraid of going into them. Artists realized there's no point in catering to an audience that doesn't care about them anyways.

>being THAT poor

You poor thing, are you upset some people don't care about your sensitive white male fee fees, sweetie?

paint tools sai

It takes me about ~20 mins to earn that and I'm only 25.

The amount of time taken to earn a sum of money doesn't make $20 = $0

no. this post is wasn't even meant for me. i just mentioning that pop culture is garbage in the ''''current year''''. just because something is popular doesnt make it good.

idgaf about liberal arts

>being rich means that you spend $20 when you don't have to

lmao literal nigger detected.

>not using free GNU-endorsed software

>year of our lord 2017
>doesnt pirate photoshop

pure cringe. kill yourself commie nigger lover.

>Unironically the GIMP.
No adjustment layers. INTO THE TRASH...
Also no content-aware filling. This is mostly just useful for speed editing, but even then.


I never said that something being popular makes it good.

Shouldn't you be prepping your bull?

You lost the civil war. There was no day of the rope then. You lost the civil rights movement. There was no day of the rope then. You're losing today. Even Donald Trump loves us blacks.

I am the bull. I'm black.

how did i lose the civil war? my family is native and post ww1 immigrants you dumb fuck.

Then why are you crying like a bitch about some monuments coming down?

>we free buu da evil hwite men keeps us broda down

i dont give a fuck about some moment in the south. i just wanted to call you a commie nigger lover.

nice mental gymnastics. all i was saying you must be extremely poor not to be able to afford 20 dollars, when you HAVE to, and using shit like GIMP because, again, you're fucking poor.

1/64th Native American spotted

>select square tool
>select the area, adjust as needed
>select image tab
>crop to selection

I'm not a communist, I'm a right wing black nationalist. Now get back to prepping me.

>abloo abloo cultural Marxists and Jews is oppressing us innocent white boys!

You mean no alternative to Premiere and Lightroom? At least stuff like Krita exists now which is solid but doesn't have as many features as Photoshop but there will probably never be a good alternative to Lightroom or Premiere.

>Now get back to prepping me.

Crop is the only thing I know how to do.
>Crop tool
>Hit enter

I'd like to see you try you fat LARPing NEET. You let your body with away while watching anime and can't even hoist your body weight high enough to lunch someone.

Personally I'm more excited for the day of the rake™

lol your projection is top notch


Forget photoshop>gimp.
(which by the way is true)

What about lightroom?

>GIMP for photo editing
>Krita for drawing

GIMP isn't hard, you're just used to big daddy Adobe holding your hand

im building a pc and this post is related to my current confusion. Programs such as gimp ps etc, what hardware is most important to put money into for them? the Ram? Gpu?i sell oil paintings but am trying to enter the digital fields as well but know very little about computers

The only thing in projecting is my semen onto your sisters face.

Honestly I'd just be ok with a cross-platform paint.net.

i just reported you pedo commie

This is a thread about free alternatives to photoshop and you suggested something paid. If he's poor, you're legally braindead.

Gimp is not an alternative to Lightroom and will never be

>being young enough to have pre pubescent siblings
Underage get out.

amateur detected

>older people cant have younger siblings


>using pen tool
>set around 100 points
>2 clicks from finishing
>missclick by one pixel while selecting a point
>tool automatically changes to drag tool
>Press Ctrl Z
>lol no have fun redoing it faggot

Fuck GIMP. It even erases your pen tool if you select the fucking magnification tool.

Use torrent

>tfw puredata isn't as friendly or supported as max/msp

dont missclick then.

I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.

Uh yeah, parents don't typically leave huge age gap between children unless like they get divorced and remarried and have kids with someone else.

Paint.net is good enough for my Sup Forums meme makings

Literally any computer will do okay

You'll want RAM and an SSD, 4-core minimum CPU

I'd recommend for something decent:

CPU: R5 1600 or R7 1700 from AMD
Motherboard: B350 from Gigabyte, Asrock, or Asus
RAM: 2400 - 3200mhz from whoever
SSD: Preferably NVME, but SATA if you're on budget. Minimum 250GB, it'll be where all your programs, operating system, work, etc. is kept - whatever you access daily
HDD: 2x 500GB+. Put them in a raid configuration and treat it like an archive / storage for shit you don't want to lose from a drive failure. Keep secondary backups in another location.

Total price for all this will probably be $700 - $1500

Use pcpartpicker to look for stuff, buy from retailer of choice.

>liberal arts
what the fuck
I just want to make dank memes

>not listing tomohawk
is this a real post?

>he isn't a medfag
>actually has to use photoshop
lol, what a loser. I bet you'll end up getting cucked by Mexican sexbots in 10-20 years

You betcha.

You can do that with kolourpaint, gimp, krita, paint.net or opencv.
Piracy doesn't hurt the business so there is no reason to pirate a tool that doesn't work as well on a freedom respecting platform.

>not using Photoshop CC portable

There is. The problem is that you and the other 'professionals' in this thread don't know shit about computer graphics and image processing.
You simply learned how to press buttons on photoshop and like to pretend that is something worth mentioning.