You have to agree that GNOME looks cozier and its design is more consistent that KDE

You have to agree that GNOME looks cozier and its design is more consistent that KDE.

>giant icons instead of a compact list
neither of those look cozy user

honestly, might give gnome a shot since kde's been a bit buggy for me (no surprise there)

why does gnome have so much empty space everywhere

GTK looks better in general most of the time. Shame because it sucks in terms. QT and it's special compiler sucks too though.

Just use ncurses and use GNUstep for GUIs.

Gnome can be gorgeous if properly customized, it has lots of space only if you use it on a low resolution screen, it's the perfect trade off of tidiness and usability in anything 1080p or more. And you all must rejoice because Ubuntu decided to quit their horrible Unity DE and switch back to GNOME as a main DE.

Heck, some years ago I was traumatized when I upgraded Ubuntu and found that horrible and heavy (I had a slow PC) DE, now it's like my revenge has come.

their both poop

the same reason text in books doesn't fill the page.

Gnome has been great for me, don't have to worry about screen tearing due to compositing with nvidia. Cinnamon is honestly the best gnome experience desu desu desu

You honestly need to stop, you mentally ill freak. No one cares about your desktop, pedophile.

don't bully her

Don't defend some mentally ill, self centered pedophile on the internet, fucking loser.

idk what you're getting so upset over, she didn't do anything

Here's your last (You)

Both look pretty bad desu.

Also empty space is for faggots.



Are you fucking retarded as well?



nemo is the only good thing about gnome.
If I were running a mobile device, then I would use gnome, but Im on a desktop.

Open your start menu and ask yourself "how is this not meant for a tablet?"

GNOME also covers cinnamon, which has a traditional start menu.

yea but glitches the fuck out every other reboot and goes into some kind of panic mode with large font.

GNOME is definitely more consistent and seems to have a reasonable level of structure to its UI designs. Aidwata goes a bit overboard with whitespace but switching to a different theme fixes this completely.

To me, KDE has always felt like what you'd get if Windows 98 tried to look modern. It's got terrible layout/control arrangement and bizarre whitespace utilization.

I hope the FBI catches you, you fucking freak

cinnamon is literally the only DE that has ever done practical design ideas



kde is aids
gnome is herpes
cinnamon is beef curtains
xfce and mate are pure

having a weeb lolita desktop doesn't break any laws, user

This. Cinnamon is the DE for people who like doing work, rather than just configuring their shit every day

Cinnamon would be great if they just froze feature development for a year or two and focused solely on speed on stability. It's had random crashes and laggy bits for as far back as I can remember.

>not windows
>therefore not practical
I have an entire class of people that have fully fleshed out workflows with their Adobe software in macOS

Press R to try again

I changed my system color to dark in the cinnamon theme
and all my shit turned dark

it was at that moment I realized I'm never using any other DE ever again. Because there's literally no DE that will turn everything dark when you select the dark theme, except cinnamon.

they fixed nemo file transfers so deletes aren't queued etc

only thing really is to make the file picker open nemo or something instead and it'll be on par with other OS's

microsoft and apple products are fucking garbage, try again.

No, GNOME is shit.