Microsoft has the capital to force a gaming monopoly on windows

>microsoft has the capital to force a gaming monopoly on windows
>gnu/linux holds an extremely small portion of the market
>within a decade gnu/linux will be completely obsolete for gaming
>all game purchases will be done through windows store/steam

> caring about bideo bames

sure it's fun being a child

I was born in 1999.

you have to go back

I'm not sure what you are trying to say, are you saying that:
> u are still a child because of your age
> you are no longer a child, just a manchild like i was implying

>gay men
Nice try

Seems like you haven't taken the rice pill yet user.


Consoles are for gaming
You use a PC for work

seems pretty arbitrary

Ah yes I can play my games at a silky smooth 20 fps and downscaled resolution along with a heavy dosage of bad aim and motion blur

>Ah yes I can play my games at a silky smooth 20 fps and downscaled resolution along with a heavy dosage of bad aim and motion blur

Steam is fucking amazing. It's the best thing to ever happen to video games

>You use a PC for work
Sup Forums? Work?
Oh, it's a joke?

>windows store
Last I checked steam went the linux way
>what is steamOS
>what is OSVR
Either way steam and windows store a shit.
VR is for porn not gaymes.
>not playing your VR porn on linux that doesn't spy on your ass
>playing all your porn on windows while helping them build your metadata
Enjoy your Google Hire (and photodna).

>playing FPS (aka military simulator)
Yep. You're dead.

Why would you post b/v bait on Sup Forums? We aren't poor and don't have to resort to consoles here.

>windows goes full retard 10 S only mode
>windows doesn't allow steam installs
>steam pushes harder for limix support in gaming
>windows retains normie market
>linux consumes the market who have been on the fence for years
>implying microshit going full retard isn't in the best interest of the linux community

Windows is dead with this retarded Windows 10 S shit. Next chance I get I'm Switching to linux.

You are in Sup Forums you dumb fuck!

> bait
it's not bait, consoles are for games, they are made so u play with friends. computers are for work. unless you are turbo autistic with no irl friends


Modding is the only fun thing about vidya.

Don't more people use Windows 7 than even the "free" (free as in botnet) Windows 10. It is the new XP.

me2, what month?

>I was born in 1999.
woah you're a big boy now